struct EmptyInput

A kind of placeholder array generating an artificial input in the DAG graph, which only gets filled during the computation. Mainly used to reserve an input buffer.


Struct specifying the windows of a participating array along each dimension as well as the loop axes where this array participates in the loop


Compute how often a buffer needs to be passed to the computation before it can be flushed to the output array


If one of the outputs is a reduction it is important not to have overlapping loop ranges for a reduction group. This will try to correct loopranges to avoid the problems mentioned above.

interpolate_diskarray(a, conv)

Function to interpolate a diskarray along one or more dimensions. The interpolation is specifed by the list conv consisting of pairs of dim_index => (source_axis,dest_axis) values. For example, to interpolate an input array with dimensions (x,y,t) to new coordinates (x2,y2,t2) you can do

````julia #Old coordinates a = [i+j+k for i in 1:4, j in 1:5, k in 1:6] #source coordinates x = 5.0:5.0:20.0 y = 2.0:3.0:14.0 #target coordinates x2 = 5.0:0.5:20.0 y2 = 1.5:1.0:14.5 r = interpolate_diskarray(a,(1=>(x,x2),2=>(y,y2)))