activate(remote_dir, pid; [instantiate=false])

Activate the Julia environment at remote_dir at worker pid. Optionally, instantiate the environment afterwards.

send_dir(local::String, pid::Int; include::Vector{String})
send_dir(local => remote, pid::Int; include::Vector{String})

Send the directory local from the current machine to the pid worker, saving as the remote path.

If the remote path isn't specified, creates a temporary directory at the target worker. Returns the full path to the created directory.

include is a list of file patterns to send, as accepted by Glob.jl.

send_env_activate([local_dir], pid; [instantiate=true], include)

Send the local Julia environment to the worker pid, activate and optionally instantiate it.

Uses the current active project environment dirname(Base.active_project()) if local_dir is omitted.

include is a list of file patterns to send, as accepted by Glob.jl.

send_env_activate_everywhere([local_dir]; include)

Send the local Julia environment to all available workers, activate and instantiate it there.

Instantiates the environment using a single worker at each host, other workers just activate the created env.

Uses the current active project environment dirname(Base.active_project()) if local_dir is omitted.

include is a list of file patterns to send, as accepted by Glob.jl.


Send the current Julia environment, including source code in src, developed packages (in ./dev), scripts (in ./scripts), and CSV files (in ./data):

    "*.toml", "src/*.jl", "scripts/*.jl",
    "dev/*/*.toml", "dev/*/src/*.jl", "dev/*/src/*/*.jl",
send_file(local::String, pid::Int)
send_file(local => remote, pid::Int)

Send the file local from the current machine to the pid worker, saving as the remote path. The parent directory of remote should already exist.

If the remote path isn't specified, creates a temporary file at the target worker with the same basename as local. Returns the full path to the created file.