

APIAn object passed to include callback of table.
findList APIs in module.
listShow the list of APIs.
list_mdA shorthand for Markdown.MD(DocumentationOverview.list(args...; options...)).
tableShow the table of APIs.
table_mdA shorthand for Markdown.MD(DocumentationOverview.table(args...; options...)).

The above table is generated using

using DocumentationOverview
    signature = :name,
    apicolumn = "Name",

For more examples, see Gallery.


DocumentationOverview.table(module::Module; ...) -> table
DocumentationOverview.table(fullnames::Expr; ...) -> table
DocumentationOverview.table(apis; ...) -> table

Show the table of APIs.

The table object returned from this function supports show method with text/plain, text/markdown, and text/html MIME types.

To preprocess the list of APIs, get a vector of APIs from find, process it, and pass it to DocumentationOverview.table as an iterable of APIs. See also list.

See the Gallery for example outputs.

Extended help


The first argument specifies the list of APIs to be shown:

  • module::Module: APIs discovered with find(module::Module; ...)
  • fullnames::Expr: APIs are specified by the list of expression of form :[a.b.c, d.e.f, ...]
  • apis: an iterable that produces APIs

Keyword Arguments

  • apicolumn::AbstractString = "**API**": The title for the API column.
  • signature: following values are supported:
    • nothing (default): use the default signature.
    • :name: use; i.e., A.B.C.f(x, y) becomes f.
    • :strip_namespace: strip the namespace part; i.e., A.B.C.f(x, y) becomes f(x, y).
    • a callabel object: it must map an API to a String which is used as a signature.

Keyword arguments for find can also be passed with the method that takes module::Module .


julia> using DocumentationOverview

julia> DocumentationOverview.table(DocumentationOverview)
... a table of API printed ...

DocumentationOverview.table also takes an expression (notice : before [) to manually list the APIs:

julia> using DocumentationOverview

julia> table = DocumentationOverview.table(:[  # ⇐ notice the `:` here

The list of APIs retrieved using PublicAPI.jl API can also be used with DocumentationOverview.table:

julia> using PublicAPI

julia> table = DocumentationOverview.table(PublicAPI.of(DocumentationOverview));
DocumentationOverview.list(module::Module; ...) -> list
DocumentationOverview.list(fullnames::Expr; ...) -> list
DocumentationOverview.list(apis; ...) -> list

Show the list of APIs.

The list object returned from this function supports show method with text/plain, text/markdown, and text/html MIME types.

To preprocess the list of APIs, get a vector of APIs from find, process it, and pass it to DocumentationOverview.list as an iterable of APIs. See also table.

See the Gallery for example outputs.

Extended help


The first argument specifies the list of APIs to be shown:

  • module::Module: APIs discovered with find(module::Module; ...)
  • fullnames::Expr: APIs are specified by the list of expression of form :[a.b.c, d.e.f, ...]
  • apis: an iterable that produces APIs

Keyword Arguments

  • signature: following values are supported:
    • nothing (default): use the default signature.
    • :name: use; i.e., A.B.C.f(x, y) becomes f.
    • :strip_namespace: strip the namespace part; i.e., A.B.C.f(x, y) becomes f(x, y).
    • a callabel object: it must map an API to a String which is used as a signature.

Keyword arguments for find can also be passed with the method that takes module::Module .


julia> using DocumentationOverview

julia> DocumentationOverview.list(DocumentationOverview)
... a list of API printed ...

DocumentationOverview.list also takes an expression (notice : before [) to manually list the APIs:

julia> using DocumentationOverview

julia> list = DocumentationOverview.list(:[  # ⇐ notice the `:` here

The list of APIs retrieved using PublicAPI.jl API can also be used with DocumentationOverview.list:

julia> using PublicAPI

julia> list = DocumentationOverview.list(PublicAPI.of(DocumentationOverview));
DocumentationOverview.table_md(args...; options...) -> md::Markdown.MD

A shorthand for Markdown.MD(DocumentationOverview.table(args...; options...)).

DocumentationOverview.list_md(args...; options...) -> md::Markdown.MD

A shorthand for Markdown.MD(DocumentationOverview.list(args...; options...)).

DocumentationOverview.find(module::Module; [include]) -> apis::Vector{<:API}

List APIs in module.

Extended help

Keyword Arguments

  • include: a callable of form include(api::API) -> should_include::Bool. The apis are included in the output if and only if this function returns true. The default function is equivalent to api -> api.hasdoc.


julia> using DocumentationOverview

julia> for api in DocumentationOverview.find(DocumentationOverview)
       end = :API = :find = :table

An object passed to include callback of table.

API has the following properties settable using Accessors.@set:

  • module::Module: the module in which the API is discovered.
  • name::Symbol: the name of the API.
  • exported::Bool: true iff the API is exported from api.module.
  • signature::String: "signature" of the API; if api.hasdoc (see below), it defaults to the first line of the docstring; otherwise, it defaults to the fully qualified name of the API.

It also has the following derived properties that are not settable with Accessors.@set:

  • hasdoc::Bool: indicate if the API has a docstring.
  • doc::Union{Markdown.MD,Nothing}: docstring of the API.
  • api.value: equivalent to getproperty(api.module, api.value); may throw.
  • api.maybevalue: evaluates to Some(api.value) if it does not throw or nothing otherwise