@enum Checks

Enum used to represent status of checks on user options to the solver in the Report type.


  • INPUT_CHECKS_SUCCESSFUL: All checks on user options passed.
  • MAX_ALLOWED_STEPS_NEGATIVE: The maximum allowed steps value is negative.
  • UNSUPPORTED_UROUND: The uround value is either too small (<= 1e-35) or too large (>= 1.0).
  • CURIOUS_BETA: The Beta value for stabilized step control is greater than 0.2.
  • CURIOUS_SAFETY_FACTOR: The safety factor is either too large (>= 1.0) or too small (<= 1e-4).
struct DP5Solver

A 5th Order Dormand-Prince solver object that contains:

  • the ODE problem of interest
  • The solution to the ODE at the last integrated-to time point
  • intermediate arrays used in the Runge-Kutta method
  • constants and variables used by the solver
  • user-provided options for the solver

The storage of such intermediate information allows for efficient integration from a previously integrated-to time point and a future time point.

DP5Solver(f, x, y; kw...)

Create a 5th Order Dormand-Prince solver object to solve the ODE problem y' = f(x, y).


julia> fcn(x, y, f)
            f[1] = 0.85y[1]

julia> solver = DP5Solver(fcn, 0.0, [19.0]; atol = 1e-10, rtol = 1e-10)


  • f: The function representing the ODE, should be in the form f(x, y, f).
  • x: The starting time point of the ODE problem.
  • y: The initial value of the ODE in vector form

Keyword Arguments

  • atol: Absolute Tolerance. Default is 1e-10
  • rtol: Relative Tolerance. Default is 1e-10
  • uround: Rounding unit, default is eps(T) where T <: Real.
  • safety_factor: Safety factor in step size prediction, default is 0.9.
  • Step Size Selection parameters, with the new step size being subject to the constraint: step_size_selection_one <= new_step/old_step <= step_size_selection_two
    • step_size_selection_one: Defaut is 0.2
    • step_size_selection_two: Default is 10.0
  • beta: Beta for stabilized step size control. Large values of beta (<= 0.1) make step size control more stable.
  • maximal_step_size: The largest the step size can be. Default is 0.0, which internally translates to xend - x.
  • initial_step_size: Initial step size, default is 0.0. An initial guess is computed internally.
  • maximum_allowed_steps: Maximum number of allowed steps, default is 100000.
  • print_error_messages: Whether to print error messages, default is true.
  • stiffness_test_activation_step: After integer multiples of this number of steps, perform stiffness detection. Default is 1000.
struct DP8Solver

An 8th Order Dormand-Prince solver object that contains:

  • the ODE problem of interest
  • The solution to the ODE at the last integrated-to time point
  • intermediate arrays used in the Runge-Kutta method
  • constants and variables used by the solver
  • user-provided options for the solver

The storage of such intermediate information allows for efficient integration from a previously integrated-to time point and a future time point.

DP8Solver(f, x, y; kw...)

Create an 8th Order Dormand-Prince solver object to solve the ODE problem y' = f(x, y).


julia> fcn(x, y, f)
            f[1] = 0.85y[1]

julia> solver = DP8Solver(fcn, 0.0, [19.0]; atol = 1e-10, rtol = 1e-10)


  • f: The function representing the ODE, should be in the form f(x, y, f).
  • x: The starting time point of the ODE problem.
  • y: The initial value of the ODE in vector form

Keyword Arguments

  • atol: Absolute Tolerance. Default is 1e-10
  • rtol: Relative Tolerance. Default is 1e-10
  • uround: Rounding unit, default is eps(T) where T <: Real.
  • safety_factor: Safety factor in step size prediction, default is 0.9.
  • Step Size Selection parameters, with the new step size being subject to the constraint: step_size_selection_one <= new_step/old_step <= step_size_selection_two
    • step_size_selection_one: Defaut is 0.2
    • step_size_selection_two: Default is 10.0
  • beta: Beta for stabilized step size control. Large values of beta (<= 0.1) make step size control more stable.
  • maximal_step_size: The largest the step size can be. Default is 0.0, which internally translates to xend - x.
  • initial_step_size: Initial step size, default is 0.0. An initial guess is computed internally.
  • maximum_allowed_steps: Maximum number of allowed steps, default is 100000.
  • print_error_messages: Whether to print error messages, default is true.
  • stiffness_test_activation_step: After integer multiples of this number of steps, perform stiffness detection. Default is 1000.
@enum Idid

Enum used to represent status of the integration process in the Report type.


  • COMPUTATION_SUCCESSFUL: Integration completed successfully.
  • INPUT_NOT_CONSISTENT: The options given to the solver violate acceptable ranges (see the

checks field of the Report type for more information).

  • LARGER_NMAX_NEEDED: The maximum number of allowed steps is too small.
  • STEP_SIZE_BECOMES_TOO_SMALL: The step size becomes too small.
  • STEP_SIZE_BECOMES_NAN: The step size becomes NaN.
struct Options{T <: Real}

Holds the options used in the integration process by a solver object.


  • atol: Absolute Tolerance. Default is 1e-10
  • rtol: Relative Tolerance. Default is 1e-10
  • uround: Rounding unit, default is eps(T) where T <: Real.
  • safety_factor: Safety factor in step size prediction, default is 0.9.
  • Step Size Selection parameters, with the new step size being subject to the constraint: step_size_selection_one <= new_step/old_step <= step_size_selection_two
    • step_size_selection_one: Defaut is 0.2
    • step_size_selection_two: Default is 10.0
  • beta: Beta for stabilized step size control. Large values of beta (<= 0.1) make step size control more stable.
  • maximal_step_size: The largest the step size can be. Default is 0.0, which internally translates to xend - x.
  • initial_step_size: Initial step size, default is 0.0. An initial guess is computed internally.
  • maximum_allowed_steps: Maximum number of allowed steps, default is 100000.
  • print_error_messages: Whether to print error messages, default is true.
  • stiffness_test_activation_step: After integer multiples of this number of steps, perform stiffness detection. Default is 1000.
struct Report{T <: Real}

Contains data on the integration process including after integration has completed and if an error was detected within options provided for integration.


  • x_final: The final time point integration reached. Should be equal to the time point provided by the user with successful usage.
  • checks: Status of checks performed on the options provided by the user, represented by a Checks element. Should be INPUT_CHECKS_SUCCESSFUL with successful usage.
  • idid: Status of the integration process, represented by an Idid element. Should be COMPUTATION_SUCCESSFUL with successful usage.
  • num_func_evals: Number of function evaluations performed during integration.
  • num_computed_steps: Number of computed steps during integration.
  • num_accpeted_steps: Number of accepted steps during integration.
  • num_rejected_steps: Number of rejected steps during integration.
struct SolverIterator{T <: Real}
SolverIterator(solver, times)

Given a solver and a vector of times, this iterator will return the state of the solver at each time.

The solver will be mutated to hold the solution from the last time given.


julia> solver = DP5Solver(fcn, 0.0, [0.0])

julia> times = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

julia> intermediate_vals = []

julia> for (time, value) in SolverIterator(solver, times)
            push!(intermediate_values, value[])
integrate!(solver, time)

Integrate the ODE problem that is part of solver to the end time time. solver can be a DP5Solver or a DP8Solver type.

The solver is mutated to hold the solution and solver state at the time time, allowing for efficient integration to future end times of interest through subsequent calls to integrate! with later times.


julia> function fcn(x, y, f)
            f[1] = 0.85y[1]

julia> solver = DP5Solver(fcn, 0.0, [19.0])

# Integrate from initial time of 0.0 to 1.0
julia> integrate!(solver, 1.0)

# integrate from the last time of 1.0 to 2.0
julia> integrate!(solver, 2.0)

# Solver object now holds solution and state at 2.0
julia> get_current_state(solver)
integrate!(callback, solver, times)

Integrate the ODE problem that is part of solver to the end times times and apply the callback on the time and solution at each time. solver can be a DP5Solver or a DP8Solver type.

At the end of all the times the solver holds the solution and solver state at the last time in times.


julia> function fcn(x, y, f)
            f[1] = 0.85y[1]

julia> times = [1.0, 1.1, 1.9, 2.4]

julia> solver = DP5Solver(fcn, 0.0, [19.0])

julia> intermediate_values = []

julia> integrate!(solver, times) do time, val
            push!(intermediate_values, val[])