Collar(table; [holeid], [x], [y], [z])

The collar table stores the x, y, z coordinates (usually in meters) of the head of the drill holes with specified holeid.

Common column names are searched in the table when keyword arguments are ommitted.


Collar(table, holeid="BHID", x="EASTING", y="NORTHING")
Collar(table, x="XCOLLAR", y="YCOLLAR", z="ZCOLLAR")

See also Survey, Interval.

Interval(table; [holeid], [from], [to])

The interval table stores the interval from a given depth to another greater depth (usually in meters), along drill holes with specified holeid. Besides the intervals, the table stores measurements of variables such as grades, mineralization domains, geological interpretations, etc.

Common column names are searched in the table when keyword arguments are ommitted.


Interval(table, holeid="BHID", from="START", to="FINISH")
Interval(table, from="BEGIN", to="END")

See also Collar, Survey.

Survey(table; [holeid], [at], [azm], [dip])

The survey table stores the azm and dip angles (usually in degrees) at each depth (usually in meters) along drill holes with specified holeid.

Common column names are searched in the table when keyword arguments are ommitted.


Survey(table, holeid="BHID", at="DEPTH")
Survey(table, azm="AZIMUTH")

See also Collar, Interval.

desurvey(collar, survey, intervals;
         step=:arc, indip=:auto, outdip=:down,
         inunit=u"m", outunit=inunit, len=nothing,
         geom=:point, radius=1.0u"m")

Desurvey drill holes based on collar, survey and intervals tables. Optionally, specify a step method, an input dip angle convention indip, an output dip angle convention outdip, an input unit inunit and an output unit in length units.

The option len can be used to composite samples to a given length, and the option geom can be used to specify the geometry of each sample.

In the case of :cylinder geometry, the option radius can be used to specify the radius of each cylinder.

Step methods

  • :arc - spherical arc step
  • :tan - simple tanget step

See https://help.seequent.com/Geo/2.1/en-GB/Content/drillholes/desurveying.htm

Dip conventions

Input dip angle

  • :auto - most frequent dip sign points downwards
  • :down - positive dip points downwards
  • :up - positive dip points upwards

Output dip angle

  • :down - positive dip points downwards
  • :up - positive dip points upwards

Output geometries

  • :cylinder - geospatial data with cylinders
  • :point - geospatial data with points
  • :none - data frame with usual columns

Return the subtable of mining table with required columns.