
Documentation for DrillMudsThermalProps.


Type defined for dispatch to general polynomial fit expression for Cp. This expression is both pressure and temperature dependant.


Type define for dispacth to general expression of Cp with dependances in both presusre and temperature.

Fluid <: Material

Abstract type which serves as a common type for every pure fluid defined in the package.


General function for every subtype of fluid. This function calls every property calculation for the appropriate type at the point of P [Pa] and T [K].


  • P: Pressure [Pa].
  • T: Temperature [K].


  • output::NamedTuple: Named tuple with all the properties calculated.
    ρ=density [kg/m³],
    κ=compressibility [1/Pa],
    β=expansivity [1/K],
    C=specific heat [J/kg K],
    k=thermal conductivity [W/m K],
    μ=dynamic viscosity [Pa s]
Solid <: Material

Abstract type which serves as a common type for every inert solid defined in the package.

TestFluid <: Fluid

Type defined as a template fluid with all the minimum parameters required to define new fluids in the package. For all properties, the function call with this fluid should trhow an error for not implemented property.


  • name::Symbol: Name of the Fluid. Default value: :TestFluid.
  • ρ::Float64: Density of the Fluid in the std condition in [kg/m³]. Default value: 1000.0.
  • cₚ::Float64: Specific Heat of the Fluid in the std condition in [J/kg K]. Default value: 4000.0.
  • μ::Flaot64: Dynamic viscosity of the Fluid in the std condition i [Pa s]. Default value: 1.002E-3.
  • k::Float64: Thermal conductivity of the Fluid in the std condition in [W/m K]. Default value: 0.58.
TestSolid <: Solid

Type defined as a template solid with all the minimum parameters required to define new solids in the package. For all properties, the function call with this solid should trhow an error for not implemented property.


  • name::Symbol: Name of the Solid. Default value: :TestSolid.
  • ρ::Float64: Density of the Solid in the std condition in [kg/m³]. Default value: 1000.0.
  • cₚ::Float64: Specific Heat of the Solid in the std condition in [J/kg K]. Default value: 4000.0.
  • k::Float64: Thermal conductivity of the Solid in the std condition in [W/m K]. Default value: 0.58.

Type defined for dispatch thermal conductivity using general expression from Yaws (). TODO: finish.