Getting Started

DynamicNLPModels.jl takes user defined data to construct a linear MPC problem of the form

\[\begin{aligned} \min_{s, u, v} &\; s_N^\top Q_f s_N + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i = 0}^{N-1} \left[ \begin{array}{c} s_i \\ u_i \end{array} \right]^\top \left[ \begin{array}{cc} Q & S \\ S^\top & R \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} s_i \\ u_i \end{array} \right]\\ \textrm{s.t.} &\;s_{i+1} = As_i + Bu_i + w_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1 \\ &\; u_i = Ks_i + v_i \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1 \\ &\; g^l \le E s_i + F u_i \le g^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1\\ &\; s^l \le s_i \le s^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N \\ &\; u^l \le u_i \le u^u \quad \forall i = 0, 1, \cdots, N - 1\\ &\; s_0 = \bar{s}. \end{aligned}\]

This data is stored within the struct LQDynamicData, which can be created by passing the data s0, A, B, Q, R and N to the constructor as in the example below.

using DynamicNLPModels, Random, LinearAlgebra

Q  = 1.5 * Matrix(I, (3, 3))
R  = 2.0 * Matrix(I, (2, 2))
A  = rand(3, 3)
B  = rand(3, 2)
N  = 5
s0 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

lqdd = LQDynamicData(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; **kwargs)

LQDynamicData contains the following fields. All fields after R are keyword arguments:

  • ns: number of states (determined from size of Q)
  • nu: number of inputs (determined from size of R)
  • N : number of time steps
  • s0: a vector of initial states
  • A : matrix that is multiplied by the states that corresponds to the dynamics of the problem. Number of columns is equal to ns
  • B : matrix that is multiplied by the inputs that corresonds to the dynamics of the problem. Number of columns is equal to nu
  • Q : objective function matrix for system states from $0, 1, \cdots, (N - 1)$
  • R : objective function matrix for system inputs from $0, 1, \cdots, (N - 1)$
  • Qf: objective function matrix for system states at time $N$
  • S : objective function matrix for system states and inputs
  • E : constraint matrix multiplied by system states. Number of columns is equal to ns
  • F : constraint matrix multiplied by system inputs. Number of columns is equal to nu
  • K : feedback gain matrix. Used to ensure numerical stability of the condensed problem. Not necessary within the sparse problem
  • w : constant term within dynamic constraints. At this time, this is the only data that is time varying. This vector must be length ns * N, where each set of ns entries corresponds to that time (i.e., entries 1:ns correspond to time $0$, entries (ns + 1):(2 * ns) corresond to time $1$, etc.)
  • sl : lower bounds on state variables
  • su : upper bounds on state variables
  • ul : lower bounds on ipnut variables
  • uu : upper bounds on input variables
  • gl : lower bounds on the constraints $Es_i + Fu_i$
  • gu : upper bounds on the constraints $Es_i + Fu_i$


A SparseLQDynamicModel can be created by either passing LQDynamicData to the constructor or passing the data itself, where the same keyword options exist which can be used for LQDynamicData.

sparse_lqdm = SparseLQDynamicModel(lqdd)

# or 

sparse_lqdm = SparseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; **kwargs)

The SparseLQDynamicModel contains four fields:

  • dynamic_data which contains the LQDynamicData
  • data which is the QPData from QuadraticModels.jl. This object also contains the following data:
    • H which is the Hessian of the linear MPC problem
    • A which is the Jacobian of the linear MPC problem such that $\textrm{lcon} \le A z \le \textrm{ucon}$
    • c which is the linear term of a quadratic objective function
    • c0 which is the constant term of a quadratic objective function
  • meta which contains the NLPModelMeta for the problem from NLPModels.jl
  • counters which is the Counters object from NLPModels.jl

The SparseLQDynamicModel requires that all matrices in the LQDynamicData be the same type. It is recommended that the user be aware of how to most efficiently store their data in the Q, R, A, and B matrices as this impacts how efficiently the SparseLQDynamicModel is constructed. When Q, R, A, and B are sparse, building the SparseLQDynamicModel is much faster when these are passed as sparse rather than dense matrices.


The DenseLQDynamicModel eliminates the states within the linear MPC problem to build an equivalent optimization problem that is only a function of the inputs. This can be particularly useful when the number of states is large compared to the number of inputs.

A DenseLQDynamicModel can be created by either passing LQDynamicData to the constructor or passing the data itself, where the same keyword options exist which can be used for LQDynamicData.

dense_lqdm = DenseLQDynamicModel(lqdd)

# or 

dense_lqdm = DenseLQDynamicModel(s0, A, B, Q, R, N; **kwargs)

The DenseLQDynamicModel contains five fields:

  • dynamic_data which contains the LQDynamicData
  • data which is the QPData from QuadraticModels.jl. This object also contains the following data:
    • H which is the Hessian of the condensed linear MPC problem
    • A which is the Jacobian of the condensed linear MPC problem such that $\textrm{lcon} \le A z \le \textrm{ucon}$
    • c which is the linear term of the condensed linear MPC problem
    • c0 which is the constant term of the condensed linear MPC problem
  • meta which contains the NLPModelMeta for the problem from NLPModels.jl
  • counters which is the Counters object from NLPModels.jl
  • blocks which contains the data needed to condense the model and then to update the condensed model when s0 is reset.

The DenseLQDynamicModel is formed from dense matrices, and this dense system can be solved on a GPU using MadNLP.jl and MadNLPGPU.jl For an example script for performing this, please see the the examples directory of the main repository.

API functions

An API has been created for working with LQDynamicData and the sparse and dense models. All functions can be seen in the API Manual section. However, we give a short overview of these functions here.

  • reset_s0!(LQDynamicModel, new_s0): resets the model in place with a new s0 value. This could be called after each sampling period in MPC to reset the model with a new measured value
  • get_s(solver_ref, LQDynamicModel): returns the optimal solution for the states from a given solver reference
  • get_u(solver_ref, LQDynamicModel): returns the optimal solution for the inputs from a given solver reference; when K is defined, the solver reference contains the optimal $v$ values rather than optimal $u$ values, adn this function converts $v$ to $u$ and returns the $u$ values
  • get_*: returns the data of * where * is an object within LQDynamicData
  • set_*!: sets the value within the data of * for a given entry to a user defined value