DynamicQuantities defines a simple statically-typed Quantity
type for Julia.
Physical dimensions are stored as a value, as opposed to a parametric type, as in Unitful.jl.
This can greatly improve both runtime performance, by avoiding type instabilities, and startup time, as it avoids overspecializing methods.
DynamicQuantities can greatly outperform Unitful when the compiler cannot infer dimensions in a function:
julia> using BenchmarkTools, DynamicQuantities; import Unitful
julia> dyn_uni = 0.2u"m/s"
0.2 m s⁻¹
julia> unitful = convert(Unitful.Quantity, dyn_uni)
0.2 m s⁻¹
julia> f(x, i) = x ^ i * 0.3;
julia> @btime f($dyn_uni, 1);
2.708 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime f($unitful, 1);
2.597 μs (30 allocations: 1.33 KiB)
Note the μ and n: this is a 1000x speedup! Here, the DynamicQuantities quantity object allows the compiler to build a function that is type stable, while the Unitful quantity object, which stores its dimensions in the type, requires type inference at runtime.
However, if the dimensions in your function can be inferred by the compiler, then you can get better speeds with Unitful:
julia> g(x) = x ^ 2 * 0.3;
julia> @btime g($dyn_uni);
1.791 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime g($unitful);
1.500 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
While both of these are type stable, because Unitful parametrizes the type on the dimensions, functions can specialize to units and the compiler can optimize away units from the code.
You can create a Quantity
by using the convenience macro u"..."
julia> x = 0.3u"km/s"
300.0 m s⁻¹
julia> y = 42 * u"kg"
42.0 kg
or by importing explicitly:
julia> using DynamicQuantities: kPa
julia> room_temp = 100kPa
100000.0 m⁻¹ kg s⁻²
Note that Units
is an exported submodule, so you can
also access this as Units.kPa
. You may like to define
julia> const U = Units
so that you can simply write, say, U.kPa
or C.m_e
This supports a wide range of SI base and derived units, with common prefixes.
You can also construct values explicitly with the Quantity
with a value and keyword arguments for the powers of the physical dimensions
, length
, time
, current
, temperature
, luminosity
, amount
julia> x = Quantity(300.0, length=1, time=-1)
300.0 m s⁻¹
Elementary calculations with +, -, *, /, ^, sqrt, cbrt, abs
are supported:
julia> x * y
12600.0 m kg s⁻¹
julia> x / y
7.142857142857143 m kg⁻¹ s⁻¹
julia> x ^ 3
2.7e7 m³ s⁻³
julia> x ^ -1
0.0033333333333333335 m⁻¹ s
julia> sqrt(x)
17.320508075688775 m¹ᐟ² s⁻¹ᐟ²
julia> x ^ 1.5
5196.152422706632 m³ᐟ² s⁻³ᐟ²
Each of these values has the same type, which means we don't need to perform type inference at runtime.
Furthermore, we can do dimensional analysis by detecting DimensionError
julia> x + 3 * x
1.2 m¹ᐟ² kg
julia> x + y
ERROR: DimensionError: 0.3 m¹ᐟ² kg and 10.2 kg² s⁻² have incompatible dimensions
The dimensions of a Quantity
can be accessed either with dimension(quantity)
for the entire Dimensions
julia> dimension(x)
m¹ᐟ² kg
or with umass
, ulength
, etc., for the various dimensions:
julia> umass(x)
julia> ulength(x)
Finally, you can strip units with ustrip
julia> ustrip(x)
There are a variety of physical constants accessible
via the Constants
julia> Constants.c
2.99792458e8 m s⁻¹
which you may like to define as
julia> const C = Constants
These can also be used inside the u"..."
julia> u"Constants.c * Hz"
2.99792458e8 m s⁻²
Similarly, you can just import each individual constant:
julia> using DynamicQuantities.Constants: h
For the full list, see the docs.
Symbolic Units
You can also choose to not eagerly convert to SI base units, instead leaving the units as the user had written them. For example:
julia> q = 100us"cm * kPa"
100.0 cm kPa
julia> q^2
10000.0 cm² kPa²
You can convert to regular SI base units with
julia> uexpand(q^2)
1.0e6 kg² s⁻⁴
This also works with constants:
julia> x = us"Constants.c * Hz"
1.0 Hz c
julia> x^2
1.0 Hz² c²
julia> uexpand(x^2)
8.987551787368176e16 m² s⁻⁴
You can also convert a quantity in regular base SI units to symbolic units with the |>
infix operator
julia> 5e-9u"m" |> us"nm"
5.0 nm
You can also convert between different symbolic units.
(Note that you can write this more explicitly
with uconvert(us"nm", 5e-9u"m")
Finally, you can also import these directly:
julia> using DynamicQuantities.SymbolicUnits: cm
or constants:
julia> using DynamicQuantities.SymbolicConstants: h
Note that SymbolicUnits
and SymbolicConstants
are exported,
so you can simply access these as SymbolicUnits.cm
and SymbolicConstants.h
Custom Units
You can create custom units with the @register_unit
julia> @register_unit OneFiveV 1.5u"V"
and then use it in calculations normally:
julia> x = us"OneFiveV"
1.0 OneFiveV
julia> x * 10u"A" |> us"W"
15.0 W
julia> 3us"V" |> us"OneFiveV"
2.0 OneFiveV
For working with an array of quantities that have the same dimensions,
you can use a QuantityArray
julia> ar = QuantityArray(rand(3), u"m/s")
3-element QuantityArray(::Vector{Float64}, ::Quantity{Float64, Dimensions{FixedRational{Int32, 25200}}}):
0.2729202669351497 m s⁻¹
0.992546340360901 m s⁻¹
0.16863543422972482 m s⁻¹
This QuantityArray
is a subtype <:AbstractArray{Quantity{Float64,Dimensions{...}},1}
meaning that indexing a specific element will return a Quantity
julia> ar[2]
0.992546340360901 m s⁻¹
julia> ar[2] *= 2
1.985092680721802 m s⁻¹
julia> ar[2] += 0.5u"m/s"
2.485092680721802 m s⁻¹
This also has a custom broadcasting interface which allows the compiler to avoid redundant dimension calculations, relative to if you had simply used an array of quantities:
julia> f(v) = v^2 * 1.5;
julia> @btime $f.(xa) setup=(xa = randn(100000) .* u"km/s");
109.500 μs (2 allocations: 3.81 MiB)
julia> @btime $f.(qa) setup=(xa = randn(100000) .* u"km/s"; qa = QuantityArray(xa));
50.917 μs (3 allocations: 781.34 KiB)
So we can see the QuantityArray
version saves on both time and memory.
DynamicQuantities allows you to convert back and forth from Unitful.jl:
julia> using Unitful: Unitful, @u_str; import DynamicQuantities
julia> x = 0.5u"km/s"
0.5 km s⁻¹
julia> y = convert(DynamicQuantities.Quantity, x)
500.0 m s⁻¹
julia> y2 = y^2 * 0.3
75000.0 m² s⁻²
julia> x2 = convert(Unitful.Quantity, y2)
75000.0 m² s⁻²
julia> x^2*0.3 == x2
Both a Quantity
's values and dimensions are of arbitrary type. The default
(for the u"..."
macro) performs exponent tracking for SI units,
and SymbolicDimensions
(for the us"..."
macro) performs exponent tracking
for all known unit and constant symbols, using a sparse array.
You can create custom spaces dimension spaces by simply creating
a Julia struct subtyped to AbstractDimensions
julia> struct CookiesAndMilk{R} <: AbstractDimensions{R}
julia> cookie_rate = Quantity(0.9, CookiesAndMilk(cookies=1, milk=-1))
0.9 cookies milk⁻¹
julia> total_milk = Quantity(103, CookiesAndMilk(milk=1))
103 milk
julia> total_cookies = cookie_rate * total_milk
92.7 cookies
Exponents are tracked by default with the type R = FixedRational{Int32,C}
which represents rational numbers with a fixed denominator C
This is much faster than Rational
julia> typeof(0.5u"kg")
Quantity{Float64, Dimensions{FixedRational{Int32, 25200}}}
You can change the type of the value field by initializing with a value explicitly of the desired type.
julia> typeof(Quantity(Float16(0.5), mass=1, length=1))
Quantity{Float16, Dimensions{FixedRational{Int32, 25200}}}
or by conversion:
julia> typeof(convert(Quantity{Float16}, 0.5u"m/s"))
Quantity{Float16, Dimensions{FixedRational{Int32, 25200}}}
For many applications, FixedRational{Int8,6}
will suffice,
and can be faster as it means the entire Dimensions
struct will fit into 64 bits.
You can change the type of the dimensions field by passing
the type you wish to use as the second argument to Quantity
julia> using DynamicQuantities
julia> R8 = Dimensions{FixedRational{Int8,6}};
julia> R32 = Dimensions{FixedRational{Int32,2^4 * 3^2 * 5^2 * 7}}; # Default
julia> q8 = [Quantity{Float64,R8}(randn(), length=rand(-2:2)) for i in 1:1000];
julia> q32 = [Quantity{Float64,R32}(randn(), length=rand(-2:2)) for i in 1:1000];
julia> f(x) = @. x ^ 2 * 0.5;
julia> @btime f($q8);
1.433 μs (3 allocations: 15.77 KiB)
julia> @btime f($q32);
1.883 μs (4 allocations: 39.12 KiB)