
Operations on the main vector

find(array::Vector{Union{Nothing, T}}, key, from::Int, to::Int) where {T}

Look for the element indexed by key in the subarray of array starting at position from and ending at position to.

If the element is in the subarray, the method returns the position and the the element.

If the element is not in the subarray, the method returns the position and the element that has the nearest inferior key (predecessor) in the subarray.

If the element has no predecessor in the subarray, the method returns the position and the last element located in the left outside.

find(array::Vector{Union{Nothing, T}}, key) where {T}

Look for the element indexed by key in array.

If the element is in the array, the method returns the position and the the element.

If the element is not in the array, the method returns the position and the element that has the nearest inferior key (predecessor).

If the element has no predecessor, the method returns (0, nothing).

pack!(array::Elements{K,T}, window_start, window_end, m)

Given a subarray of array delimited by window_start included and window_end included, this method packs the m non-empty cells on the left side of the subarray.

spread!(array::Elements{K,T}, windows_start, window_end, m)

Given a subarray of array delimited by window_start included and window_end included, this method spreads evenly the m non-empty cells that have been packed on the left side of the subarray.

insert!(array::Elements{K,T}, key::K, value::T, from, to, semaphores)

Insert the element (key, value) in the subarray of array starting at position from and ending at position to included.

Return the position where the element is located and a boolean equal to true if it is a new key.

insert!(array::Elements{K,T}, key::K, value::T, semaphores)

Insert the element (key, value) in array.

delete!(array, key, from, to, semaphores)

Delete from array the element having key key and located in the subarray starting at position from and ending at position to.

Return true if the element has been deleted; false otherwise.

purge!(array, from, to)

Delete from array all elements between positions from and to included. Return middle and the number of elements deleted


Move cells of array to the right from position from to position to (from < to). After the move, the cell at position from is empty, the content of the cell at position to is replaced by the content of the cell at position to - 1.


Move cells of array to the left from position from to position to (from > to). After the move, the cell at position from is empty, the content of the cell at position to is replaced by the content of the cell at position to + 1.