Dynare can generate PDF reports using \LaTeX

  • A report is made of
    • a title
    • a subtitle (optional)
    • pages
  • A page is made of sections
  • A section can be
    • a text paragraph
    • a listing of the model
    • a table
    • a graphic

Julia functions


Report(title::String; subtitle::String = "")

initialize empty report

Keyword arguments

  • title::String: Report title [required]
  • subtitle::String: Report subtitle

add_page!(report::Report, page::Page)

adds a page to a report

Keyword arguments

  • report::Report: report
  • page::Page: page to be added

add_graph!(page::Page, graph::Graph)

adds a graph to a page

Keyword arguments

  • page::Page: page
  • graph::Graph: graph to be added

add_model!(page::Page; context::Context = context, lastline::Int = 0, format = 1) adds the lines of a *.mod file to pages

Keyword arguments

  • page::Page: page [required]
  • context::Context: context corresponding to the *.mod file (default: context)
  • lastline::Int: last line to be printed
  • format::Int: how to display parameter values 1: value is written after the parameter name 2: value is written below the parameter name

add_paragraph!(page::Page, paragraph::String)

adds a graph to a page

Keyword arguments

  • page::Page: page
  • paragraph::String: paragraph to be added

@docs add_table! ````

`$@docs print$