calc_crf(wacc, econ_life) -> crf

Calculates the capital recovery factor given wacc (weighted average cost of capital) and econ_life, the economic lifetime of the investment.


Convert x from metric tons to short tons.

See also: short2metric

register_e4st_dep(name, message, remote_path, args...; kwargs...)

See documentation for DataDeps.DataDep for more info, but the required fields are:

  • name - the name of the metadata. Later, access using datadep"<name>" or get_e4st_dep
  • message - the message to store in metadata. A description of where the data came from, the size, etc.
  • remote_path - where to fetch the data from.
save_dep_metadata(file::String, message::String) -> metadata

Saves metadata for file to joinpath(dirname(file), "metadata.yml"), making it if needed.

save_metadata(file::String, description::String) -> metadata

Saves metadata for file to joinpath(dirname(file), "metadata.yml"), making it if needed.


Convert x from short tons to metric tons.

See also: metric2short

usd_cr(y1, y2; source=gdp, future=nothing) -> r

Computes a conversion rate from USD in y1 to USD in y2.

Optional keyword arguments:

  • source - choose between gdp and cpi, defaults to gdp
  • future - assumed future inflation rate. can be either:
    • nothing (default) - throw an error when a year outside of the range is given
    • rate - the assumed rate of inflation for years beyond the max year i.e. 0.02 for 2% inflation rate

Input Data Sources:

  • gdp - Updated with 2021 data from bea.gov, Table 1.1.9.
  • cpi - Updated with 2021 data from bls.gov