
An early stopping criterion for loss-reporting iterative algorithms.

Combines the specified stopping criteria dijunctively: if any one of the criteria applies, then stop.

Syntactic sugar. c1 + c2 + ... is equivalent to Disjunction(c1, c2, ...).

EarlyStopper(c...; verbosity=0)

Instantiate an object for tracking whether one or more stopping criterion c apply, given a sequence of losses.

For a list of possible criterion, do subtypes(EarlyStopping.StoppingCriterion).

Sample usage

stopper = EarlyStopper(Patience(1), NotANumber())
done!(stopper, 0.123) # false
done!(stopper, 0.234) # true

julia> message(stopper)
"Early stop triggered by Patience(1) stopping criterion. "

Training losses

For criteria tracking both an "out-of-sample" loss and a "training" loss (eg, stopping criterion of type PQ), specify training=true if the update is for training, as in

done!(stopper, 0.123; training=true)

Zero or more training updates may precede each out-of-sample update.

The state of the stopper can be reset or restored to a prior state using reset!

GL(; alpha=2.0)

An early stopping criterion for loss-reporting iterative algorithms.

A stop is triggered when the (rescaled) generalization loss exceeds the threshold alpha.

Terminology. Suppose $E_1, E_2, ..., E_t$ are a sequence of losses, for example, out-of-sample estimates of the loss associated with some iterative machine learning algorithm. Then the generalization loss at time t, is given by

$GL_t = 100 (E_t - E_{opt}) \over |E_{opt}|$

where $E_{opt}$ is the minimum value of the sequence.

Reference: Prechelt, Lutz (1998): "Early Stopping- But When?", in Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade, ed. G. Orr, Springer..


An early stopping criterion for loss-reporting iterative algorithms.

Stop if a loss (or training loss) is NaN, Inf or -Inf (or, more precisely, if isnan(loss) or isinf(loss) is true).

For a customizable loss-based stopping criterion, use WithLossDo or WithTrainingLossesDo with the stop_if_true=true option.


An early stopping criterion for loss-reporting iterative algorithms.

Indicates early stopping is to be disabled.

See also NotANumber, for stopping on encountering NaN.


An early stopping criterion for loss-reporting iterative algorithms.

Stop if a loss of NaN is encountered.

Now deprecated in favour of InvalidValue.

NumberLimit(; n=100)

An early stopping criterion for loss-reporting iterative algorithms.

A stop is triggered by n consecutive loss updates, excluding "training" loss updates.

If wrapped in a stopper::EarlyStopper, this is the number of calls to done!(stopper).

NumberSinceBest(; n=6)

An early stopping criterion for loss-reporting iterative algorithms.

A stop is triggered when the number of calls to the control, since the lowest value of the loss so far, is n.

For a customizable loss-based stopping criterion, use WithLossDo or WithTrainingLossesDo with the stop_if_true=true option.

PQ(; alpha=0.75, k=5, tol=eps(Float64))

A stopping criterion for training iterative supervised learners.

A stop is triggered when Prechelt's progress-modified generalization loss exceeds the threshold $PQ_T > alpha$, or if the training progress drops below $P_j ≤ tol$. Here k is the number of training (in-sample) losses used to estimate the training progress.

Context and explanation of terminology

The training progress at time $j$ is defined by

$P_j = 1000 |M - m|/|m|$

where $M$ is the mean of the last k training losses $F_1, F_2, …, F_k$ and $m$ is the minimum value of those losses.

The progress-modified generalization loss at time $t$ is then given by

$PQ_t = GL_t / P_t$

where $GL_t$ is the generalization loss at time $t$; see GL.

PQ will stop when the following are true:

  1. At least k training samples have been collected via done!(c::PQ, loss; training = true) or update_training(c::PQ, loss, state)
  2. The last update was an out-of-sample update. (done!(::PQ, loss; training=true) is always false)
  3. The progress-modified generalization loss exceeds the threshold $PQ_t > alpha$ OR the training progress stalls $P_j ≤ tol$.

Reference: Prechelt, Lutz (1998): "Early Stopping- But When?", in Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade, ed. G. Orr, Springer..

Threshold(; value=0.0)

An early stopping criterion for loss-reporting iterative algorithms.

A stop is triggered as soon as the loss drops below value.

For a customizable loss-based stopping criterion, use WithLossDo or WithTrainingLossesDo with the stop_if_true=true option.

TimeLimit(; t=0.5)

An early stopping criterion for loss-reporting iterative algorithms.

Stopping is triggered after t hours have elapsed since the stopping criterion was initiated.

Any Julia built-in Real type can be used for t. Subtypes of Period may also be used, as in TimeLimit(t=Minute(30)).

Internally, t is rounded to nearest millisecond. ``

Warmup(c::StoppingCriterion, n)

Wait for n updates before checking stopping criterion c

reset!(stopper::EarlyStopper, state)

Reset a stopper to it's uninitialized state or to a particular state

stopping_time(criterion, losses; verbosity=0)
stopping_time(criterion, losses, is_training; verbosity=0)

Determine the stopping time for the iterator losses, given stopping::StoppingCriterion. Include the Bool vector is_training of matching length, when there is a distinction between "out-of-sample" losses and "training" losses.

If losses completes before a stop, then 0 is returned.

julia> stopping_time(NotANumber(), [10.0, 3.0, NaN, 4.0])

julia> stopping_time(NotANumber(), [10.0, 3.0, 5.0, 4.0])