
Information about the temporal frequency of archived data.

  • start: Beginning of time of the time series.

  • frequency: Interval between each record.

  • centerpoints: Time representing the temporal center of each record.


DataSetInterpolators are used to interpolate data from a FileSet to represent a given time and location. Data is loaded (and downloaded) lazily, so the first time you use it on a for a given dataset and time period it may take a while to load. Each time step is downloaded and loaded as it is needed during the simulation and cached on the hard drive at the path specified by the \$EARTHSCIDATADIR environment variable, or in a scratch directory if that environment variable has not been specified. The interpolator will also cache data in memory representing the data records for the times immediately before and after the current time step.

varname is the name of the variable to interpolate. default_time is the time to use when initializing the interpolator. spatial_ref is the spatial reference system that the simulation will be using. cache_size is the number of time steps that should be held in the cache at any given time (default=3; must be >=3).


WARNING: This interpolator includes a hack so that the function deepcopy does not copy the interpolator, it just returns the interpolator. This is necessary to allow us to update the interpolator from a callback, but it may cause unintended side effects.


An interface for types describing a dataset, potentially comprised of multiple files.

To satisfy this interface, a type must implement the following methods:

  • relpath(fs::FileSet, t::DateTime)
  • url(fs::FileSet, t::DateTime)
  • localpath(fs::FileSet, t::DateTime)
  • DataFrequencyInfo(fs::FileSet, t::DateTime)::DataFrequencyInfo
  • loadmetadata(fs::FileSet, t::DateTime, varname)::MetaData
  • loadslice!(cache::AbstractArray, fs::FileSet, t::DateTime, varname)
  • varnames(fs::FileSet, t::DateTime)

GEOS-FP data as archived for use with GEOS-Chem classic.

Domain options (as of 2022-01-30):

  • 4x5
  • 0.125x0.15625_AS
  • 0.125x0.15625_EU
  • 0.125x0.15625_NA
  • 0.25x0.3125
  • 0.25x0.3125_AF
  • 0.25x0.3125_AS
  • 0.25x0.3125_CH
  • 0.25x0.3125_EU
  • 0.25x0.3125_ME
  • 0.25x0.3125_NA
  • 0.25x0.3125_OC
  • 0.25x0.3125_RU
  • 0.25x0.3125_SA
  • 0.5x0.625
  • 0.5x0.625_AS
  • 0.5x0.625_CH
  • 0.5x0.625_EU
  • 0.5x0.625_NA
  • 2x2.5
  • 4x5
  • C180
  • C720
  • c720

Possible filetypes are:

  • :A1
  • :A3cld
  • :A3dyn
  • :A3mstC
  • :A3mstE
  • :I3

See for current options.


Information about a data array.

  • coords: The locations associated with each data point in the array.

  • units: Physical units of the data, e.g. m s⁻¹.

  • description: Description of the data.

  • dimnames: Dimensions of the data, e.g. (lat, lon, layer).

  • varsize: Dimension sizes of the data, e.g. (180, 360, 30).

  • native_sr: The spatial reference system of the data, e.g. "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" for lat-lon data.

  • xdim: The index number of the x-dimension (e.g. longitude)

  • ydim: The index number of the y-dimension (e.g. latitude)


Create an EarthSciMLBase.Operator to write simulation output to a NetCDF file.

  • filepath::String: The path of the NetCDF file to write to

  • file::Any: The netcdf dataset

  • vars::Any: The netcdf variables corresponding to the state variables

  • tvar::Any: The netcdf variable for time

  • h::Int64: Current time index for writing

  • time_interval::AbstractFloat: Simulation time interval (in seconds) at which to write to disk

  • extra_vars::AbstractVector: Extra observed variables to write to disk

  • extra_var_fs::AbstractVector: Functions to get the extra vars

  • grid::Any: Spatial grid specification

  • dtype::Any: Data type of the output


A data loader for GEOS-FP data as archived for use with GEOS-Chem classic.

Domain options (as of 2022-01-30):

  • 4x5
  • 0.125x0.15625_AS
  • 0.125x0.15625_EU
  • 0.125x0.15625_NA
  • 0.25x0.3125
  • 0.25x0.3125_AF
  • 0.25x0.3125_AS
  • 0.25x0.3125_CH
  • 0.25x0.3125_EU
  • 0.25x0.3125_ME
  • 0.25x0.3125_NA
  • 0.25x0.3125_OC
  • 0.25x0.3125_RU
  • 0.25x0.3125_SA
  • 0.5x0.625
  • 0.5x0.625_AS
  • 0.5x0.625_CH
  • 0.5x0.625_EU
  • 0.5x0.625_NA
  • 2x2.5
  • 4x5
  • C180
  • C720
  • c720

coord_defaults can be used to provide default values for the coordinates of the domain. For example if we want to perform a 2D simulation with a vertical dimension, we can set coord_defaults = Dict(:lev => 1).

dtype represents the desired data type of the interpolated values. The native data type for this dataset is Float32.

See for current options.


A data loader for CMAQ-formatted monthly US National Emissions Inventory data for year 2016, available from: The emissions here are monthly averages, so there is no information about diurnal variation etc.

spatial_ref should be the spatial reference system that the simulation will be using. x and y, and should be the coordinate variables and grid spacing values for the simulation that is going to be run, corresponding to the given x and y values of the given spatial_ref, and the lev represents the variable for the vertical grid level. x and y must be in the same units as spatial_ref.

dtype represents the desired data type of the interpolated values. The native data type for this dataset is Float32.

scale is a scaling factor to apply to the emissions data. The default value is 1.0.

NOTE: This is an interpolator that returns an emissions value by interpolating between the centers of the nearest grid cells in the underlying emissions grid, so it may not exactly conserve the total emissions mass, especially if the simulation grid is coarser than the emissions grid.


Create an equation that interpolates the given dataset at the given time and location. filename is an identifier for the dataset, and t is the time variable. wrapper_f can specify a function to wrap the interpolated value, for example eq -> eq / 2 to divide the interpolated value by 2.

description(itp, t)

Return the description of the data associated with this interpolator.

dimnames(itp, t)

Return the dimension names associated with this interpolator.


Get the NCDataset for the given file path, caching the last 20 files.

interp!(itp, t, locs)

Return the value of the given variable from the given dataset at the given time and location.


Convert a vector of evenly spaced grid points to a range. The reltol parameter specifies the relative tolerance for the grid spacing, which is necessary to account for different numbers of days in each month and things like that.

loadmetadata(fs, t, varname)

Load the data for the given variable name at the given time.

loadmetadata(fs, t, varname)

Load the data for the given variable name at the given time.

loadslice!(data, fs, t, varname)

Load the data in place for the given variable name at the given time.

loadslice!(data, fs, t, varname)

Load the data in place for the given variable name at the given time.

partialderivatives_δPδlev_geosfp(geosfp; default_lev)

Return a function to calculate coefficients to multiply the δ(u)/δ(lev) partial derivative operator by to convert a variable named u from δ(u)/δ(lev)toδ(u)/δ(P), i.e. from vertical level number to pressure in hPa. The return format iscoordinateindex => conversionfactor`.

relpath(fs, t)

File path on the server relative to the host root; also path on local disk relative to ENV["EARTHSCIDATADIR"] (or a scratch directory if that environment variable is not set).

relpath(fs, t)

File path on the server relative to the host root; also path on local disk relative to ENV["EARTHSCIDATADIR"].

units(itp, t)

Return the units of the data associated with this interpolator.

url(fs, t)

Return the URL for the file for the given DateTime.


Create a callback for this simulator. We only want to update the interpolators that are actually used in the system.