EasyCurl.jl Logo


EasyCurl is a lightweight Julia package that provides a user-friendly wrapper for the libcurl C library, for making HTTP requests. It is useful for sending HTTP requests, especially when dealing with RESTful APIs.


To install EasyCurl, simply use the Julia package manager:

] add EasyCurl


Here is an example usage of EasyCurl:

In the example, a POST request is sent to http://httpbin.org/post using the en0 network interface

using EasyCurl

headers = Pair{String,String}[
    "User-Agent" => "EasyCurl.jl",
    "Content-Type" => "application/json"

# 'interface' argument specifies the network interface to use for the request
# 'read_timeout' and 'connect_timeout' define how long to wait for a response or connection
# 'retries' argument specifies how many times to retry the request if it fails initially

response = curl_request("POST", "http://httpbin.org/post", headers = headers, query = "qry=你好嗎",
    body = "{\"data\":\"hi\"}", interface = "en0", read_timeout = 5, connect_timeout = 10, retries = 10)

julia> curl_status(response)

julia> String(curl_body(response))
  "headers": {
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-6588a009-19f3dc0321bee38106226bb3",
    "Content-Length": "13",
    "Host": "httpbin.org",
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
    "User-Agent": "EasyCurl.jl"
  "json": {
    "data": "hi"
  "files": {},
  "args": {
    "qry": "你好嗎"
  "data": "{\"data\":\"hi\"}",
  "url": "http://httpbin.org/post?qry=你好嗎",
  "form": {},
  "origin": ""

For HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, and PATCH requests, a similar structure is used to invoke the curl_request function with the appropriate HTTP method specified

using EasyCurl

headers = [
    "User-Agent" => "EasyCurl.jl",
    "Content-Type" => "application/json"

julia> curl_request("HEAD", "http://httpbin.org/get", headers = headers,
    query = "qry=你好嗎", interface = "")

julia> curl_request("GET", "http://httpbin.org/get", headers = headers,
    query = Dict{String,String}("qry" => "你好嗎"))

julia> curl_request("POST", "http://httpbin.org/post", headers = headers,
    query = "qry=你好嗎", body = "{\"data\":\"hi\"}")

julia> curl_request("PUT", "http://httpbin.org/put", headers = headers,
    query = "qry=你好嗎", body = "{\"data\":\"hi\"}")

julia> curl_request("PATCH", "http://httpbin.org/patch", headers = headers,
    query = "qry=你好嗎", body = "{\"data\":\"hi\"}")

Example of error handling with EasyCurl:

using EasyCurl

headers = Pair{String,String}[
    "User-Agent" => "EasyCurl.jl",
    "Content-Type" => "application/json",

    response = curl_request("GET", "http://httpbin.org/status/400", query = "echo=你好嗎",
        headers = headers, interface = "", read_timeout = 30, retries = 1)
    # If the request is successful, you can process the response here
    # ...
catch e
    if isa(e, EasyCurlError{EasyCurl.CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT})
        # Handle the case where the connection to the server could not be made
    elseif isa(e, EasyCurlError{EasyCurl.CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT})
        # Handle the case where the operation timed out
    elseif isa(e, EasyCurlStatusError{400})
        # Handle a 400 Bad Request error specifically

URL encoding and decoding

using EasyCurl

julia> EasyCurl.urlencode("[curl]")

julia> EasyCurl.urldecode("%5Bcurl%5D")

Using a proxy with EasyCurl

To use a proxy for all your HTTP and HTTPS requests in EasyCurl, you can set the following environment variables:

  • all_proxy: Proxy for all protocols
  • http_proxy: Proxy for HTTP requests
  • https_proxy: Proxy for HTTPS requests
  • no_proxy: Domains to exclude from proxying
# 'your_proxy_username' your proxy account's username
# 'your_proxy_password' your proxy account's password
# 'your_proxy_host' the hostname or IP address of your proxy server
# 'your_proxy_port' the port number your proxy server listens on

# socks5 proxy for all protocols
ENV["all_proxy"] = "socks5://your_proxy_username:your_proxy_password@your_proxy_host:your_proxy_port"

# domains that should bypass the proxy
ENV["no_proxy"] = "localhost,.local,.mywork"

When executing the curl_request function with the proxy parameter, it will ignore the environment variable settings for proxies

julia> curl_request("GET", "http://httpbin.org/get",
    proxy = "socks5://your_proxy_username:your_proxy_password@your_proxy_host:your_proxy_port")