EasyRanges: range expressions made easier for Julia

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EasyRanges is a small Julia package dedicated at making life easier with integer or Cartesian indices and ranges. This package exports macros @range and @reverse_range which take an expression with extended syntax rules (see below) and rewrite it to produce an Int-valued index range which may be a step range or an instance of CartesianIndices. These two macros differ in the step sign of the result: @range always yield ranges with non-decreasing indices, while @reverse_range always yield ranges with non-increasing indices.

Compared to range expressions with broadcast operators (.+, .-, etc.) that are implemented by Julia, the EasyRanges package offers a number of advantages:

  • The code is more expressive and an extended syntax is supported.

  • Computing the resulting range can be much faster and involves at most O(d) storage with d the number of array dimensions. Note: Julia ≥ 1.9 improves on this by being able to return an iterator, yet expressions such as A ∩ (I .- B), with A and B Cartesian ranges and I a Cartesian index, yield an array of Cartesian indices.

  • The @range macro always yields non-decreasing indices which is most favorable for the efficiency of loop vectorization, for example with the @simd macro of Julia or with with the @turbo (formerly @avx) macro provided by LoopVectorization.


using EasyRanges

brings two macros, @range and @reverse_range, into scope. These macros can be used as:

@range expr
@reverse_range expr

to evaluate expression expr with special rules (see below) where integers, Cartesian indices, and ranges of integers or of Cartesian indices are treated specifically:

  • integers are converted to Int, ranges to Int-valued ranges, and tuples of integers to tuples of Int;

  • arithmetic expressions only involving indices and ranges yield lightweight and efficient ranges (of integers or of Cartesian indices);

  • ranges produced by @range (resp. @reverse_range) always have positive (resp. negative) steps;

  • operators + and - can be used to shift index ranges;

  • operator and method intersect yield the intersection of ranges with ranges, of ranges with indices, or of indices with indices;

  • operator ± can be used to stretch ranges or to produce centered ranges;

  • operator can be used to shrink ranges.

As shown in A working example below, these rules are useful for writing readable ranges in for loops without sacrificing efficiency.


In EasyRanges, if indices are integers, ranges means ranges of integers (of super-type OrdinalRange{Int}{Int}); if indices are Cartesian indices, ranges means ranges of Cartesian indices (of super-type CartesianIndices).

Shift operations

In @range and @reverse_range expressions, an index range R can be shifted with the operators + and - by an amount specified by an index I:

@range R + I -> S # J ∈ S is equivalent to J - I ∈ R
@range R - I -> S # J ∈ S is equivalent to J + I ∈ R

@range I + R -> S # J ∈ S is equivalent to J - I ∈ R
@range I - R -> S # J ∈ S is equivalent to I - J ∈ R

Integer-valued ranges can be shifted by an integer offset:

@range (3:6) + 1    ->  4:7    # (2:6) .+ 1    ->  4:7
@range 1 + (3:6)    ->  4:7    # (2:6) .+ 1    ->  4:7
@range (2:4:10) + 1 ->  3:4:11 # (2:4:10) .+ 1 ->  3:4:11
@range (3:6) - 1    ->  2:5    # (3:6) .- 1    ->  2:5
@range 1 - (3:6)    -> -5:-2   # 1 .- (3:6)    -> -2:-1:-5

This is like using the broadcasting operators .+ and .- except that the result is an Int-valued range and that the step sign is kept positive (as in the last above example).

The @reverse_macro yields ranges with negative steps:

@reverse_range (3:6) + 1 ->  7:-1:4
@reverse_range 1 + (3:6) ->  7:-1:4
@reverse_range (3:6) - 1 ->  5:-1:1
@reverse_range 1 - (3:6) -> -1:-1:-5

Cartesian ranges can be shifted by a Cartesian index (without penalties on the execution time and, usually, no extra allocations):

@range CartesianIndices((2:6, -1:2)) + CartesianIndex(1,3)
# -> CartesianIndices((3:7, 2:5))
@range CartesianIndex(1,3) + CartesianIndices((2:6, -1:2))
# -> CartesianIndices((3:7, 2:5))
@range CartesianIndices((2:6, -1:2)) - CartesianIndex(1,3)
# -> CartesianIndices((1:5, -4:-1))
@range CartesianIndex(1,3) - CartesianIndices((2:6, -1:2))
# -> CartesianIndices((-5:-1, 1:4))

This is similar to the broadcasting operators .+ and .- except that a lightweight instance of CartesianIndices with positive increment is always produced.


In @range and @reverse_range expressions, the operator (obtained by typing \cap and pressing the [tab] key at the REPL) and the method intersect yield the intersection of ranges with ranges, of ranges with indices, or of indices with indices.

The intersection of indices, say I and J, yield a range R (empty if the integers are different):

@range I  J -> R   # R = {I} if I == J, R = {} else


@range 3  3 -> 3:3
@range 3  2 -> 1:0  # empty range
@range CartesianIndex(3,4)  CartesianIndex(3,4) -> CartesianIndices((3:3,4:4))

The intersection of an index range R and an index I yields an index range S that is either the singleton {I} (if I belongs to R) or empty (if I does not belong to R):

@range R  I -> S   # S = {I} if I ∈ R, S = {} else
@range I  R -> S   # idem


@range (2:6)  3     -> 3:3 # a singleton range
@range 1  (2:6)     -> 1:0 # an empty range
@range (2:6)  (3:7) -> 3:6 # intersection of ranges
@range CartesianIndices((2:4, 5:9))  CartesianIndex(3,7))
    -> CartesianIndices((3:3, 7:7))

These syntaxes are already supported by Julia, but the @range macro guarantees to return an Int-valued range with a forward (positive) step.


In @range and @reverse_range expressions, the operator ± (obtained by typing \pm and pressing the [tab] key at the REPL) can be used to stretch ranges or to produce centered ranges.

The expression R ± I yields the index range R stretched by an amount specified by index I. Assuming R is unit range:

@range R ± I -> (first(R) - I):(last(R) + I)

where, if R is a range of integers, I is an integer, and if R is a N-dimensional Cartesian, I is a N-dimensional Cartesian index range. Not shown in the above expression, the range step is preserved by the operation (except that the result has a positive step).

The expression I ± ΔI with I an index and ΔI an index offset yields an index range centered at I. Assuming R is unit range:

@range I ± ΔI -> (I - ΔI):(I + ΔI)

There is no sign correction and the range may be empty. If I and ΔI are two integers, I ± ΔI is a range of integers. If I is a N-dimensional Cartesian index, then I ± ΔI is a range of Cartesian indices and ΔI can be an integer, a N-tuple of integers, or a N-dimensional Cartesian index. Specifying ΔI as a single integer for a N-dimensional Cartesian index I is identical to specifying the same amount of stretching for each dimension.


In @range and @reverse_range expressions, the operator (obtained by typing \mp and pressing the [tab] key at the REPL) can be used to shrink ranges.

The expression R ∓ I yields the same result as @range R ± (-I), that is the index range R shrink by an amount specified by index I:

@range R  I -> (first(R) + I):(last(R) - I)


The EasyRanges package is an official Julia package and can be installed as follows:

using Pkg
pkg"add EasyRanges"

A working example

EasyRanges may be very useful to write readable expressions in ranges used by for loops. For instance, suppose that you want to compute a discrete correlation of A by B as follows:

$$ C[i] = \sum_{j} A[j] B[j-i] $$

and for all valid indices i and j. Assuming A, B and C are abstract vectors, the Julia equivalent code is:

for i  eachindex(C)
    s = zero(T)
    j_first = max(firstindex(A), firstindex(B) + i)
    j_last = min(lastindex(A), lastindex(B) + i)
    for j  j_first:j_last
        s += A[j]*B[j-i]
    C[i] = s

where T is a suitable type, say T = promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(B)). The above expressions of j_first and j_last are to ensure that A[j] and B[j-i] are in bounds. The same code for multidimensional arrays writes:

for i  CartesianIndices(C)
    s = zero(T)
    j_first = max(first(CartesianIndices(A)),
                  first(CartesianIndices(B)) + i)
    j_last = min(last(CartesianIndices(A)),
                 last(CartesianIndices(B)) + i)
    for j  j_first:j_last
        s += A[j]*B[j-i]
    C[i] = s

now i and j are multidimensional Cartesian indices and Julia already helps a lot by making such a code applicable whatever the number of dimensions. Note that the syntax j_first:j_last is supported for Cartesian indices since Julia 1.1. There is more such syntactic sugar and using the broadcasting operator .+ and the operator (a shortcut for the function intersect), the code can be rewritten as:

for i  CartesianIndices(C)
    s = zero(T)
    for j  CartesianIndices(A)  (CartesianIndices(B) .+ i)
        s += A[j]*B[j-i]
    C[i] = s

which is not less efficient and yet much more readable. Indeed, the statement

for j  CartesianIndices(A)  (CartesianIndices(B) .+ i)

makes it clear that the loop is for all indices j such that j ∈ CartesianIndices(A) and j - i ∈ CartesianIndices(B) which is required to have A[j] and B[j-i] in bounds. The same principles can be applied to the uni-dimensional code:

for i  eachindex(C)
    s = zero(T)
    for j  eachindex(A)  (eachindex(B) .+ i)
        s += A[j]*B[j-i]
    C[i] = s

Now suppose that you want to compute the discrete convolution instead:

$$ C[i] = \sum_{j} A[j] B[i-j] $$

Then, the code for multi-dimensional arrays writes:

for i  CartesianIndices(C)
    s = zero(T)
    for j  CartesianIndices(A)  (i .- CartesianIndices(B))
        s += A[j]*B[i-j]
    C[i] = s

because you want to have j ∈ CartesianIndices(A) and i - j ∈ CartesianIndices(B), the latter being equivalent to j ∈ i - CartesianIndices(B).

This simple change however results in a dramatic slowdown because the expression i .- CartesianIndices(B) yields an array of Cartesian indices while the expression CartesianIndices(B) .- i yields an instance of CartesianIndices. As an example, the discrete convolution of a 32×32 array by a 8×8 array in single precision floating-point takes 30.3 ms or 88.5 ms on my laptop (Intel Core i7-5500U CPU at 2.40GHz) depending on the order of the operands and 40Mb of memory compared to 5.6 μs or 35.8 µs and no additional memory for a discrete correlation (all with @inbounds and @simd of course). Hence a slowdown by a factor of 5410 or 2570 for the same number of floating-point operations.

Using the @range macro of EasyRanges, the discrete correlation and discrete convolution write:

# Discrete correlation.
for i  CartesianIndices(C)
    s = zero(T)
    for j  @range CartesianIndices(A)  (i + CartesianIndices(B))
        s += A[j]*B[j-i]
    C[i] = s

# Discrete convolution.
for i  CartesianIndices(C)
    s = zero(T)
    for j  @range CartesianIndices(A)  (i - CartesianIndices(B))
        s += A[j]*B[i-j]
    C[i] = s

which do not require the broadcasting operators .+ and .- and which do not have the aforementioned issue. Using the macros @range and @reverse_range have other advantages:

  • The result is guaranteed to be Int-valued (needed for efficient indexing).

  • The step, that is the increment between consecutive indices, in the result has a given direction: @range always yields a non-negative step (which is favorable for loop vectorization), while @reverse_range always yields a non-positive step.

  • The syntax of range expressions is simplified and extended for other operators (like ± for stretching or for shrinking) that are not available in the base Julia. This syntax can be extended as the package is developed without disturbing other packages (i.e., no type-piracy).