
readtelluricranges( filename ) Return DataFrame (keys lambdalo and lambdahi) with wavelength ranges to be avoided as containing tellurics based on provided CSV file. Assumes path is included in filename.


make_clean_line_list_from_tellurics(line_list, neid_data; Δv_to_avoid_tellurics ) Returns a new line list that excludes lines with telluric contamination. Inputs:

  • line_list: Dataframe containing field lambda

- neid_data: Array of spectra

  • Δv_to_avoid_tellurics: in m/s
  • v_center_to_avoid_tellurics : in m/s
  • tellurics_filename: filename with wavelength ranges affected by tellurics


  • line_list_without_tellurics: DataFrame with fields: lambda, weight, lambda_lo, and lambda_hi.

Warning: Currently, reads in a list of wavelength ranges with tellurics and this file was created based on tellurics metadata in EXPRES data for HR 101501.


Delegates loading of code with functions and parameters specific to different instruments. Subdirectories of src/instruments include provide functions specialized for each instrument, typically the file I/O and pre-processing, so data ends up in a common format. src/instruments/common.jl provides routines that can be shared by instruments.


calc_complement_wavelength_ranges( df_in ; lambda_start, lambda_stop ) Return DataFrame with the complement of wavelength ranges in input DataFrame. Inputs:

  • df_in: DataFrame containing lambda_lo and lambda_hi

Optional Inputs:

  • λ_start: Output range should start at λ_start rather than first entry in df
  • λ_stop: Output range should end at λ_stop rather than first entry in df


  • df_out: DataFrame containing lambda_lo and lambda_hi

find_ranges_with_tellurics( spectra ) Return Dataframe of non-overlapping, sorted wavelength ranges that were marked as having tellurics in any of provided spectra. Calls instrument-specific find_ranges_with_tellurics on each spectrum.


make_manifest(data_path::String, Inst::Module; [opts] ) Returns a dataframe containing a list of files to be read and some metadata (e.g., observation times)

Optional arguements

  • verbose = true

make_manifest(data_path::String, r::Regex; [opts] ) Returns a dataframe containing a list of files in datapath with file names that match r.

Optional arguements

  • verbose = true

make_manifest(data_path::String, target_subdir::String, Inst::Module; [opts] ) Returns a dataframe containing a list of files to be read and some metadata (e.g., observation times)

Optional arguements

  • verbose = true

make_ranges_without_tellurics( telluric_list ; lambda_start, lambda_stop, min_Δv, max_Δv ) Return DataFrame with the complement of wavelength ranges in input DataFrame. Inputs:

  • telluric_list: DataFrame containing lambda_lo and lambda_hi for each wavelength range to be excluded due to tellurics

Optional Inputs:

  • min_Δv: Don't include chunks that are smaller than min_Δv (2*max barycentric correction)
  • max_Δv: Split up any chunks larger than max_Δv (Inf)
  • λ_start: Output range should start at λ_start rather than first entry in telluric_list
  • λ_stop: Output range should end at λ_stop rather than last entry in telluric_list

merge_sorted_wavelength_ranges( df; min_Δv_clean ) Return Dataframe of non-overlapping, sorted wavelength ranges (keys lambdalo and lambdahi) that is (approximately) the union of all the wavelength ranges in the input dataframe. minΔvclean limits results included in output. Input dataframe are assumed to be sorted by :lambda_lo


read_fits_header( filename ) Read header from FITS file and return Dict with contents. Optional inputs:

  • hdu: Specifies which HDU to read from the FITS file. (Default: 1)

read_header( fits_file ) Read header from FITS file and return Dict with contents. Optional inputs:

  • hdu: Specifies which HDU to read from the FITS file. (Default: 1)

read_header( filename ) Read header from FITS file and return Dict with contents. Optional inputs:

  • hdu: Specifies which HDU to read from the FITS file. (Default: 1)

read_metadata_from_fits( filename, fields ) Read metadata in FITS header for specified keys and return data as a Dict. fields can be an array of symbols or strings. Optional inputs:

  • Passing both fields (an array of symbols) and fields_str (an array of strings) as named parameters allows for differences in string used in FITS file and Symbol used in resulting Dict.
  • hdu: Specifies which HDU to read from the FITS file. (Default: 1)

Module providing types and traits and customized functions for the HPF Spectrograph.


Create Dataframe containing filenames and key data for all files YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mss (year-month-day T hour:minute:second:milisecond in directory timeseriesdatafn is the filename of the harps-n timeseries RV data (e.g. harpnsunreleasetimeseries2015-2018.csv)


Read normalization function for approximate continuum+blaze correction TODO: Figure out mapping between these orders and what's stored in the FITS file before using.


readtelluricranges( filename ) Return DataFrame (keys lambdalo and lambdahi) with wavelength ranges to be avoided as containing tellurics based on provided CSV file. Assumes path is included in filename.


make_clean_line_list_from_tellurics(line_list, harpsn_data; Δv_to_avoid_tellurics, v_center_to_avoid_tellurics, tellurics_filename ) Returns a new line list that excludes lines with telluric contamination. Inputs:

  • line_list: Dataframe containing field lambda
  • harpsn_data: Array of spectra
  • Δv_to_avoid_tellurics: in m/s
  • v_center_to_avoid_tellurics : in m/s
  • tellurics_filename: filename with wavelength ranges affected by tellurics


  • line_list_without_tellurics: DataFrame with fields: lambda, weight, lambda_lo, and lambda_hi.

Warning: Currently, reads in a list of wavelength ranges with tellurics and this file was created based on tellurics metadata in EXPRES data for HR 101501.


Module providing types and traits and customized functions for the HARPS Spectrograph.


Create Dataframe containing filenames and key data for all folders YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mss (year-month-day T hour:minute:second:milisecond in directory We assume each YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mss folder contains an e2ds.fits spectrum, which is the format for HARPS spectra from the ESO archive.


Read normalization function for approximate continuum+blaze correction TODO: Figure out mapping between these orders and what's stored in the FITS file before using.


readtelluricranges( filename ) Return DataFrame (keys lambdalo and lambdahi) with wavelength ranges to be avoided as containing tellurics based on provided CSV file. Assumes path is included in filename.


Read HARPS wavelength file. Note:HARPS wavelengths are stored in Float-32 format, which reduces wavelength precision. This function restores that precision using a smooth polynomial fit


make_clean_line_list_from_tellurics(line_list, harps_data; Δv_to_avoid_tellurics ) Returns a new line list that excludes lines with telluric contamination. Inputs:

  • line_list: Dataframe containing field lambda

- harps_data: Array of spectra

  • Δv_to_avoid_tellurics: in m/s
  • v_center_to_avoid_tellurics : in m/s
  • tellurics_filename: filename with wavelength ranges affected by tellurics


  • line_list_without_tellurics: DataFrame with fields: lambda, weight, lambda_lo, and lambda_hi.

Warning: Currently, reads in a list of wavelength ranges with tellurics and this file was created based on tellurics metadata in EXPRES data for HR 101501.


filter_line_list( linelist, inst ; λmin, λmax ) Return DataFrame based on linelist, but filtered to only include lines between λmin and λmax. Defaults for λmin and λmax specified are in traits for EXPRES.


make_clean_line_list_from_tellurics(line_list, expres_data; Δv_to_avoid_tellurics ) Returns a new line list that excludes lines with telluric contamination. Inputs:

  • line_list: Dataframe containing field lambda
  • expres_data: Array of spectra
  • Δv_to_avoid_tellurics: in m/s


  • line_list_without_tellurics: DataFrame with fields: lambda, weight, lambda_lo, and lambda_hi.

Warning: Currently, assumes a tellurics value in metadata for each spectra, such as is provided by EXPRES.