eirene(X[, keyword arugemts])

Computes the persistent homology of a filtered complex.


For a column sparse matrix with column pattern colptr, counts the number of values stored for column j, for each j in J.


For a column sparse matrix with column pattern colptr, counts the number of values stored for column j.

plotbarcode_pjs(C; <keyword arguments>)

Generate barcode diagram in PlotlyJS for a dictionary object C returned by the function eirene.

Keyword Arguments

  • dim = 0:C["input"]["maxdim"]: (homological) homological dimensions to plot
  • sortby = "birth": determines whether bars appear in order of "birth" (that is, birth time) or "age" (that is, death time - birth time)
  • minage = zeros(Float64,length(dim)): array or range of real numbers (tolerances), one for each dimension to be plotted; bars that do not meet this minimum lifetime requirement will not be plotted
  • lw = 2: line width of bars to be plotted