
This object contains information about the stimulus Epoch coming from the Cmd

To initialize an Epoch use this function: julia> Epoch() Epochs will have a type associated {T} with the type of numerical data being T. For Julia this can be Float64, but for older files this may be Float32.

Epoch is a struct that contains:

1) 'epochLetter::String' -> The alphabetical label of the Epoch
2) 'epochType::String' -> The type of epoch. Comes in terms of Step, Pulse, Ramp, Triangle, Saw.  
3) 'dacNum::T' -> The Digital to Analog channel that contains the stimulus. 
4) 'epochNumber::T' -> The number ID related to the Epoch
5) 'level::T' -> The holding level of the Epoch. The value related to the command is found in the "dacUnits"
6) 'levelDelta::T' -> The change in level for each trial. 
7) 'duration::T' -> How long the DAC will be held at a certai level
8) 'durationDelta::T' -> From trial to trial the change in the duration
9) 'digitalPattern::Vector'{T} -> If a digital channel is used, a digital bit pattern will be used (8 bits)
10) 'pulsePeriod::T' -> The periodicity of the pulse (Sine Wave)
11) 'pulseWidth::T' -> The width of the pulse (Sine Wave)
Experiment{FORMAT, T}

A mutable struct representing a physiological experiment.


  • HeaderDict: A dictionary containing header information for the experiment.
  • dt: A Real value representing the time step between data points.
  • t: A vector containing the time points of the experiment.
  • data_array: A 3-dimensional array containing the experimental data.
  • chNames: A vector of strings representing the names of the channels.
  • chUnits: A vector of strings representing the units of the channels.
  • chGains: A vector of Real values representing the Gains values of the channels.
  • stimulus_protocol: A StimulusProtocol{T} object containing the stimulus protocol information.


  • Experiment(data_array::AbstractArray; data_idx = 2): Create an Experiment object from an input data array with an optional data index.
  • Experiment(time::Vector, data_array::Array{T, 3}) where T <: Real: Create an Experiment object from an input time vector and data array.

NOTE stimulus protocols are now going into the HeaderDict Object

Flash <: Stimulus

A Flash is a subtype of Stimulus representing a flash stimulus in a physiological experiment.


  • intensity: A Real value indicating the intensity of the flash.


  • Flash(): Creates a default Flash object with an intensity of 0.0.
  • Flash(intensity::Real): Creates a Flash object with the specified intensity.

An abstract type representing a stimulus in a physiological experiment.

Subtypes of Stimulus should implement specific stimulus types and their corresponding parameters.

StimulusProtocol{T, S} where {T <: Real, S <: Stimulus}

A mutable struct representing a stimulus protocol for physiological data.


  • type: A Stimulus object describing the type of stimulus applied during the experiment.
  • channelName: A Union{String, Int64} representing the name or number of the channel where the stimulus is applied.
  • timestamps: A Vector{Tuple{T, T}} storing the start and end timestamps of the stimulus events.


  • StimulusProtocol(): Creates a default StimulusProtocol object with Flash() stimulus, "Nothing" channel, and a single (0.0, 0.0) timestamp.
  • StimulusProtocol(stimulus_channel::String): Creates a StimulusProtocol object with Flash() stimulus, the provided stimulus_channel, and a single (0.0, 0.0) timestamp.
  • StimulusProtocol(swp::Int64): Creates a StimulusProtocol object with Flash() stimulus, "Nothing" channel, and swp number of (0.0, 0.0) timestamps.
  • StimulusProtocol(stimulus_channel::String, swp::Int64): Creates a StimulusProtocol object with Flash() stimulus, the provided stimulus_channel, and swp number of (0.0, 0.0) timestamps.


stim1 = StimululsProtocol()
stim_channel = StimulusProtocol("IN 3")
stim_sweep = StimulusProtocol(3)
stim_sweep_channel = StimululsProtocol(3, "IN 3")
stim_tstamp = StimululsProtocol((0.0, 0.01))
stim_type_time_channel = StimulusProtocol(Flash(), "IN 3", (0.00, 0.01))
chop(trace::Experiment, n_chop::Int64; position::Symbol=:post)
chop!(trace::Experiment, n_chop::Int64; position::Symbol=:post)

Chop a specified number of elements from the data in a given Experiment object, either from the beginning or the end. This function returns a new Experiment object with the modified data.


  • trace: An Experiment object containing the experimental data.
  • n_chop: The number of elements to remove.
  • position: (Optional) A symbol specifying where to remove the elements. Can be :pre (from the beginning) or :post (from the end). Default is :post.


exp = Experiment(data_array)
chopped_exp = chop(exp, 100, position=:pre)

Return a new Experiment object with the average of all trials of the input Experiment object.


  • trace: An Experiment object containing the experimental data.


exp = Experiment(data_array)
averaged_exp = average_trials(exp)
exp = Experiment(data_array)
baseline_adjust(trace::Experiment{F,T}; kwargs...) where {T<:Real}
baseline_adjust!(trace::Experiment{F,T}; kwargs...) where {T<:Real}

Return a new Experiment object with the baseline adjusted according to the specified mode and region.


  • trace: An Experiment object containing the experimental data.

Keyword Arguments

  • mode: Baseline adjustment mode, either :mean or :slope (default: :slope).
  • polyN: Polynomial order for the baseline fit (default: 1).
  • region: Range for baseline adjustment, either :prestim, :whole, a tuple of time values or a tuple of indices.


exp = Experiment(data_array)
baseline_adjusted_exp = baseline_adjust(exp, mode=:mean, region=:prestim)
exp = Experiment(data_array)
baseline_adjust!(exp, mode=:mean, region=:prestim)
downsample(trace::Experiment, sample_rate::T) where {T<:Real}

Return a new Experiment object with the data downsampled to the specified sample_rate.


  • trace: An Experiment object containing the experimental data.
  • sample_rate: The desired new sample rate.


exp = Experiment(data_array)
downsampled_exp = downsample(exp, 1000.0)

julia exp = Experiment(data_array) downsample!(exp, 1000.0)

julia exp = Experiment(data_array) downsample!(exp, 1000.0) ```

dyadic_downsample(trace::Experiment{F,T}) where {T<:Real}
dyadic_downsample!(trace::Experiment{F,T}) where {T<:Real}

Return a new Experiment object with the data downsampled to the nearest dyadic length.


  • trace: An Experiment object containing the experimental data.


exp = Experiment(data_array)
dyadic_downsampled_exp = dyadic_downsample(exp)
exp = Experiment(data_array)
eachchannel(trace::Experiment; verbose=false)

Return an iterator that iterates over each channel of the input trace as an Experiment object.


  • trace: An Experiment object containing the experimental data.


  • An iterator that yields an Experiment object for each channel in the input trace.


channel_iter = eachchannel(trace)
for channel in channel_iter
    # Process each channel

Return an iterator that iterates over each trial of the input trace as an Experiment object.


  • trace: An Experiment object containing the experimental data.


  • An iterator that yields an Experiment object for each trial in the input trace.


trial_iter = eachtrial(trace)
for trial in trial_iter
    # Process each trial
extractStimulus(abfInfo::Dict{String, Any}; stimulus_name::String="IN 7", stimulus_threshold::Float64=2.5)
extractStimulus(abf_path::String; kwargs...)

Extract the stimulus information from the given abfInfo dictionary and returns a StimulusProtocol object containing stimulus timestamps.


  • abfInfo: A dictionary containing information about the physiological data.
  • stimulus_name: (Optional) The name of the stimulus channel. Default is "IN 7".
  • stimulus_threshold: (Optional) The threshold for detecting stimulus events in the waveform. Default is 2.5.


  • A StimulusProtocol object containing the stimulus timestamps for each trial.


abfInfo = loadABF("path/to/abf/file")
stimuli = extractStimulus(abfInfo)
stimuli = extractStimulus("path/to/abf/file")
Filters data in the `exp` object using a digital filter.

# Parameters
- exp : Experiment{F, T} 
    an object containing the data to be filtered
- freq_start : float (optional) 
    start frequency for the filter, default is 1.0
- freq_stop : float (optional) 
    stop frequency for the filter, default is 55.0
- bandwidth : float (optional) 
    bandwidth for the filter, default is 10.0
- mode : Symbol (optional) 
    filter mode, can be :Lowpass, :Highpass, :Bandpass, :Bandstop, default is :Lowpass
- method : Symbol (optional) 
    method used to design the filter, can be :Butterworth, :Chebyshev1, :Chebyshev2, :Elliptic, default is :Chebyshev2
- pole : int (optional) 
    number of poles for the filter, default is 8
- ripple : float (optional) 
    ripple for the filter, default is 15.0
- attenuation : float (optional) 
    attenuation for the filter, default is 100.0
- filter_channels : int or Vector{String} (optional) 
    channels to be filtered, can be an integer index or a vector of channel names, default is -1 (all channels)
# Returns
- The input exp object is modified in place.

# Example
exp = Experiment(data_array, dt)
filter_data!(exp, freq_start=5, freq_stop=10, mode=:Bandpass)
setIntensity(stimulus_protocols::StimulusProtocol{T, Flash}, photons::Vector)

This allows the intensity of the stimulus protocol (or multiple stimulus protocols be set).


  • stimulus_protocol::StimulusProtocol{T, S} where S <: Flash: A stimulus protocol
  • photons::Vector: a vector of numbers representing the photon amount.
getWaveform(abfInfo::Dict{String, Any}, trial, channel; channel_type)

extracts a waveform from the data, digital stimuli, or analog stimuli

... #Arguments NEEDED: -'abfInfo': A dictionary containing all info parsed from the the .abf file -'trial': trial/trials that will be read from the data or stimuli This is a Int64 number or a list of numbers that represents the index/indexes of the trial -'channel': The channel which is set to be the explicit stimulus This can either be a channel index, or a string OPTIONS: -'channel_type': This represents where the waveform will come from. There are 3 options: data -> this is the actual data of the file analog -> this is the analog stimulus of the file digital -> this is the digital stimulus of the file ...

 getchannel(trace::Experiment, ch_idx::Int64; verbose=false)

Return a new Experiment object with data from a single channel specified by ch_idx.


 trace: An Experiment object containing the experimental data.
 ch_idx: The index of the channel to extract.
 ch_name: The name of the channel to extract


 data: A new Experiment object containing the data from the specified channel.


getchannel(trace::Experiment, ch_idx::Int64; verbose=false) = getdata(trace, :, :, ch_idx; verbose=verbose)
getdata(trace::Experiment, trials, timepoints, channels::Union{String,Vector{String}})
getdata(trace::Experiment, trials, timepoints, channels; verbose=false)

Return a new Experiment object with a specified subset of data extracted from the input trace based on trials, timepoints, and channels.


  • trace: An Experiment object containing the experimental data.
  • trials: A selection of trials to include in the new data.
  • timepoints: A selection of timepoints to include in the new data.
  • channels: A String or Vector{String} specifying the channels to include in the new data.


  • data: A new Experiment object containing the specified subset of data.


data = getdata(trace, 1:5, 100:200, ["Ch1", "Ch2"])
match_channels(exp1::Experiment, exp2::Experiment)

Return two modified Experiment objects with their channels matched.

If the number of channels in exp1 and exp2 is not equal, this function will drop extra channels from the Experiment object with more channels, making both objects have the same number of channels.


  • exp1: An Experiment object containing the experimental exp.
  • exp2: Another Experiment object to be matched with exp1.


  • (exp1_modified, exp2_modified): A tuple containing the two modified Experiment objects with matched channels.


exp1 = Experiment(exp_array1)
exp2 = Experiment(exp_array2)
exp1_modified, exp2_modified = match_channels(exp1, exp2)
pad(trace::Experiment{F,T}, n_add::Int64; position::Symbol=:post, val::T=0.0) where {T <: Real}
pad!(trace::Experiment{F,T}, n_add::Int64; position::Symbol=:post, val::T=0.0) where {T <: Real}

Pad the data in a given Experiment object by adding elements with a specified value val either before or after the existing data. This function returns a new Experiment object with the padded data. pad! is the inplace version, while pad creates a new experiment


  • trace: An Experiment{F,T} object containing the experimental data.
  • n_add: The number of elements to add.
  • position: (Optional) A symbol specifying where to add the elements. Can be :pre (before) or :post (after). Default is :post.
  • val: (Optional) The value to use for padding. Default is 0.0.


exp = Experiment(data_array)
padded_exp = pad(exp, 100, position=:pre, val=0.0)
parseABF(super_folder::String; extension::String=".abf")

Search for files with a specific extension (default is ".abf") in a given directory and its subdirectories. Returns a list of file paths for all matching files.


  • super_folder: A string representing the path to the root directory to search for files.
  • extension: (Optional) A string representing the file extension to search for (default is ".abf").


  • file_list: An array of strings representing the file paths of all matching files.


  • ArgumentError: If no matching files are found in the given directory.


file_list = parseABF("path/to/folder")
file_list = parseABF("path/to/folder", extension=".txt")
readABF(::Type{T}, abf_data::Union{String,Vector{UInt8}};
    channels::Union{Int64, Vector{String}}=["Vm_prime", "Vm_prime4"],
    stimulus_name::Union{String, Vector{String}, Nothing}="IN 7",
) where {T<:Real}

Read an Axon Binary File (ABF) and return an Experiment object. The function extracts data for the specified trials and channels, and optionally averages trials or flattens episodic data.


  • abf_data: A String representing the ABF file path or a Vector{UInt8} containing the ABF file content.
  • trials: An Int64 or a Vector{Int64} specifying the trials to extract. Default is -1 (all trials).
  • channels: An Int64 or a Vector{String} specifying the channels to extract. Default is ["Vmprime", "Vmprime4"].
  • average_trials: A Bool specifying whether to average the trials. Default is false.
  • stimulus_name: A String, Vector{String}, or Nothing specifying the stimulus name(s). Default is "IN 7".
  • stimulus_threshold: A threshold value of type T for the stimulus. Default is 2.5.
  • warn_bad_channel: A Bool specifying whether to warn if a channel is improper. Default is false.
  • flatten_episodic: A Bool specifying whether to flatten episodic stimulation to be continuous. Default is false.
  • time_unit: A Symbol specifying the time unit. Default is :s (seconds).


  • An Experiment object containing the extracted data, along with metadata.


exp = readABF(Float32, "path/to/abf_file.abf")

This scans the axon binary and extracts all the most useful header information

For datashape 1 -> channels 2 -> dataspan 3 -> trials


ROIs are masks. A ROI is a mask of falses (which are not included in the image) and trues (which are)

scaleby!(data::Experiment{F,T}, val::T) where T <: Real
scaleby!(data::Experiment{F,T}, val::Vector{T}) where T <: Real

Scale the data elements in the given Experiment object by a scalar value val in-place. If val is a vector of values, The length of the vector should match either the number of channels or the number of trials in the experiment.


  • data: An Experiment{F,T} object containing the experimental data.
  • val: A scalar value by which to scale the data.


exp = Experiment(data_array)
scaleby!(exp, 2.0)
setIntensity(stimulus_protocols::StimulusProtocol{T, Flash}, photons::Vector{T}) where T<:Real
setIntensity(stimulus_protocols::StimulusProtocol{T, Flash}, photon::T) where T<:Real

This allows the intensity of the stimulus protocol (or multiple stimulus protocols be set).


  • stimulus_protocol::StimulusProtocol{T, S} where S <: Flash: A stimulus protocol
  • photons::Vector: a vector of numbers representing the photon amount.


sub_exp(exp1::Experiment, exp2::Experiment)

Subtract the exp of exp2 from exp1 and return a new Experiment object with the resulting exp.

This function will automatically match the channels of both Experiment objects if they do not match. If the channels do not match, it will drop the unmatching channels by default.


  • exp1: An Experiment object containing the experimental exp.
  • exp2: Another Experiment object containing the exp to be subtracted from exp1.


  • exp: A new Experiment object with the resulting exp after the subtraction.


exp1 = Experiment(exp_array1)
exp2 = Experiment(exp_array2)
result_exp = sub_exp(exp1, exp2)
truncate_data!(trace::Experiment; t_pre=1.0, t_post=4.0, t_begin=nothing, t_end=nothing, truncate_based_on=:stimulus_beginning)
truncate_data(trace::Experiment; kwargs...)

Truncate data in the Experiment object, in-place, either based on the stimulus position or a specified time range.


  • trace: An Experiment object containing the experimental data.
  • t_pre: (Optional) Time before the stimulus to truncate the data. Default is 1.0.
  • t_post: (Optional) Time after the stimulus to truncate the data. Default is 4.0.
  • t_begin: (Optional) Start time of the time range for truncation.
  • t_end: (Optional) End time of the time range for truncation.
  • truncate_based_on: (Optional) A symbol specifying the truncation method. Can be :stimulus_beginning, :stimulus_end, or :time_range. Default is :stimulus_beginning.


exp = Experiment(data_array)
truncate_data!(exp, t_pre=0.5, t_post=2.5)
exp = Experiment(data_array)
truncated_exp = truncate_data(exp, t_pre=0.5, t_post=2.5)