Ordered descriptive dictionary


A module for an ordered descriptive dictionary.

The module provides the ODDict type, which is an ordered dictionary that stores a description for each key-value pair.

Exported types and functions

ODDict{K, V}

An ordered descriptive dictionary that maps keys of type K to values of type V. Additionally, it stores a description of each key-value pair in the form of a string.

The values are stored in an ordered dictionary, which means that the order of the key-value pairs is preserved.

The values can be accessed using the [] syntax, e.g. dict[key]. The descriptions can be accessed using the () syntax, e.g. dict(key). The value and description can be set using the [] syntax, e.g. dict[key] = value or dict[key] = (value, description), and the description can be set using the () syntax, e.g. dict(key, description). New key-value pairs are always added to the end of the dictionary. If the key already exists in the dictionary, the value and description are updated. In order to add a key-value pair at the end of the dictionary, irrespectively whether it is new or old, use the push! or merge functions.


julia> dict = ODDict("a" => 1, "b" => 2)
ODDict{String, Int64}
  a => 1 ()
  b => 2 ()

julia> dict["a"]

julia> dict["c"] = 3

julia> push!(dict, "d" => 4)
ODDict{String, Int64}
  a => 1 ()
  b => 2 ()
  c => 3 ()
  d => 4 ()

julia> dict["a"] = (5, "this is a")
(5, "this is a")

julia> dict
ODDict{String, Int64}
  a => 5 (this is a)
  b => 2 ()
  c => 3 ()
  d => 4 ()

julia> push!(dict, "a" => (5,"this is a"), "e" => (6,"this is e"))
ODDict{String, Int64}
  b => 2 ()
  c => 3 ()
  d => 4 ()
  a => 5 (this is a)
  e => 6 (this is e)

Internal functions