
Converts Fahrenheit or Centigrade to absolute temperature temperature = temperature to Convert temperatureUnit = (c)entigrade, (f)ahrenheit, or (a)bsolute


Avrogados law under the assumption of ideal gases teaches us that any gas, while having the same temperature, pressure and volume will have the same number of molecules. or : V1|N1 = V2|N2


When temperature remains contstant but pressure changes we can calculate new volume by using Boyles law when solving for pressure. Which simlpy states : New volume = old volume * old pressure devided by new pressure

curentPressure = The curent pressure in mm curentVolume = The curent volume of the gas desiredPressure = The pressure we want to be at


When temperature remains contstant but volume changes we can calculate new pressure by using Boyles law when solving for volume. Which simlpy states : New pressure = old pressure * curent volume devided by new volume

curentPressure = The curent pressure in mm curentVolume = The curent volume of the gas desiredVolume = The volume we want to have


Calculate the volume by using charles law, stating that gas volume increases or decreases directly relative to change in temprature.

curentVolume = Curent c.c of gas curenttemperature = The Curent temperature in either C or F newtemperature = temperature the gas is being heated, or cooled to temperatureUnit = (c)entigrade, (f)ahrenheit, or (a)bsolute


The pressure of a gas of fixed mass and fixed volume is directly proprtional to the gas's absolute temperature.

If a gas's temperature increases, so does its pressure if the mass and volume are held constant.

pressure = Curent pressure in atm temperature = Curent temperature of container newTemp = temperature at which we want to know the pressure temperatureUnit = (c)entigrade, (f)ahrenheit, or (a)bsolute


One of the use cases of grahams law is that we can calculate the ratio of diffusion rates of two gasses.

the rate of effusion or diffusion of a gass in inversely proprtional to the square root of the molar mass of the gas.

using g/mol give the molar masses of both gasses.