SysmatAssemblerSparse(zero::T=0.0) where {T<:Number}

Construct blank system matrix assembler. The matrix entries are of type T.


This is how a sparse matrix is assembled from two rectangular dense matrices.

a = SysmatAssemblerSparse(0.0)                                                        
start!(a, 7, 7)  
m = [0.24406   0.599773    0.833404  0.0420141                                             
0.786024  0.00206713  0.995379  0.780298                                              
0.845816  0.198459    0.355149  0.224996]     
gi = [1 7 5]             
gj = [5 2 1 4]       
for j in 1:size(m, 2), i in 1:size(m, 1)
    assemble!(a, gi[i], gj[j], m[i, j])       
m = [0.146618  0.53471   0.614342    0.737833                                              
0.479719  0.41354   0.00760941  0.836455                                              
0.254868  0.476189  0.460794    0.00919633                                            
0.159064  0.261821  0.317078    0.77646                                               
0.643538  0.429817  0.59788     0.958909]                                   
gi =  [2 3 1 7 5]
gj = [6 7 3 4]   
for j in 1:size(m, 2), i in 1:size(m, 1)
    assemble!(a, gi[i], gj[j], m[i, j])       
A = finish!(a) 
SysvecAssembler(zero::T=0.0) where {T<:Number}

Construct blank system vector assembler. The vector entries are of type T.

assemble!(self::SysmatAssemblerSparse{T}, r, c, v::T) where {T<:Number}

Assemble a single entry of a rectangular matrix.

assemble!(self::SysvecAssembler{T}, i, val::T) where {T<:Number}

Assemble a single value into the row i.

assemble!(self::SysmatAssemblerSparse{T}, lma::LocalMatrixAssembler{IT, T}) where {IT<:Integer, T<:Number}

Assemble the row numbers, column numbers, and values from a local assembler.

assemble!(self::SysmatAssemblerSparse{T}, lma::Transpose{T,LocalMatrixAssembler{IT,T}}) where {IT<:Integer, T<:Number}

Assemble the row numbers, column numbers, and values from a local assembler.

assemble!(self::SV, i, val::T) where {SV<:AbstractSysvecAssembler, T<:Number}

Assemble an elementwise vector.

The method assembles a column element vector using the vector of degree of freedom numbers for the rows.

start!(self::SysmatAssemblerSparse{T}, nrow, ncol) where {T<:Number}

Start the assembly of a global matrix.

start!(self::SysvecAssembler{T},  nrow::Int64) where {T<:Number}

Start assembly.

The method makes the buffer for the vector assembly. It must be called before the first call to the method assemble.

nrow= Total number of degrees of freedom.

start!(self::SV,  nrow) where {SV<:AbstractSysvecAssembler, T<:Number}

Start assembly.

The method makes the buffer for the vector assembly. It must be called before the first call to the method assemble.

nrow= Total number of degrees of freedom.

FEIterator{FES, IR, G, IT, T, V, IR0, IR1, IR2, IR3, F0, F1, F2, F3}

Type of finite element iterator. Parameterized with the types of

  • FES: finite element space,
  • IR: base incidence relation of the mesh,
  • G: type of the geometry attribute,
  • IT: type of integer indices, such as the numbers of nodes and degrees of freedom,
  • T: type of the degree of freedom value (real double, complex float, ... ),
  • V: Val representation of the manifold dimension of the base relation elements,
  • IR0, IR1, IR2, IR3: types of incidence relations with which degrees of freedom are associated in the finite element space, for each of the manifolds dimensions 0, 1, 2, 3,
  • F0, F1, F2, F3: types of fields with which degrees of freedom are associated in the finite element space, for each of the manifolds dimensions 0, 1, 2, 3.
Base.iterate(it::FEIterator, state = 1)

Advance the iterator to the next entity.

The nodes of the finite element are cached, as is a vector of all the degrees of freedom represented on the element.


Number of elements represented by this iterator.


Retrieve the vector of the component numbers for each element degree of freedom.

If multiple copies of the finite element are referenced in the finite element space, each copy is referred to as component.


Retrieve the vector of the entity dimensions for each element degree of freedom.

Each degree of freedom is associated with some entity of the finite element: vertices, edges, faces, and so on. This vector records the dimension of the manifold entity with which each degree of freedom is associated.

jacjac(it::FEIterator, qpit::QPIterator)

Compute the Jacobian matrix and the Jacobian determinant.

The finite element iterator cooperates with the quadrature point iterator here to compute the Jacobian at the current integration point.

FEField{N, T, IT}

Type of a finite element field. Parameterized with

  • N: number of degrees of freedom per entity,
  • T: type of the degree of freedom value,
  • IT: type of the index (integer value). This describes the serial numbers of the degrees of freedom.

Collect information about known (data) degree of freedom numbers.

First number, last number, and the total number of degrees of freedom are returned as a tuple.


Collect information about unknown (free) degree of freedom numbers.

First number, last number, and the total number of degrees of freedom are returned as a tuple.

numberdatadofs!(f::FEField, firstnum = 1)

Number the data degrees of freedom in the field. Start from the number supplied on input.

Note: The free degrees of freedom must be numbered first.

numberfreedofs!(f::FEField, firstnum = 1)

Number the unknowns in the field, starting from the one supplied on input.

Note: The data degrees of freedom have their numbers zeroed out.

setdofval!(self::FEField, tid, comp, val::T) where {T}

Set the value of one particular degree of freedom to a given number.

  • tid: which term,
  • comp: which component of the term,
  • val: value to which the degree of freedom should be set.
setebc!(self::FEField, tid, comp, val::T) where {T}

Set the value of one particular degree of freedom to a given number.

  • tid: which term,
  • comp: which component of the term,
  • val: value to which the degree of freedom should be set.
setebc!(self::FEField, tid, comp, val::T) where {T}

Set the value of one particular degree of freedom to a given number.

  • tid: which term,
  • comp: which component of the term,
  • flag: true or false.
FESpace{FET, T}

Type of a finite element space, parameterized with

  • FET: type of finite element, it is a scalar finite element,
  • T: type of degree of freedom value (double, complex, ...).
gathersysvec!(v, fesp)

Gather values for the whole system vector from all FE spaces contributing to it.

fesp is either a vector or a tuple of FE spaces.

numberdatadofs!(fesp::FES, firstnum = 1)  where {FES<:FESpace}

Number the data (known) degrees of freedom.

The known degrees of freedom in the FE space are numbered consecutively.

No effort is made to optimize the numbering in any way.

numberfreedofs!(fesp::FES, firstnum = 1)  where {FES<:FESpace}

Number the free degrees of freedom.

The unknown degrees of freedom in the FE space are numbered consecutively.

No effort is made to optimize the numbering in any way.

scattersysvec!(fesp, v)

Scatter values for the whole system vector to all FE spaces contributing to it.

fesp is either a vector or a tuple of FE spaces.

setebc!(fesp::FESpace, m, eid, comp, val::T) where {T}

Set the EBCs (essential boundary conditions).

  • m = manifold dimension of the entity,
  • eid = serial number of the entity (term identifier),
  • comp = which degree of freedom in the term,
  • val = value of type T

For instance, m = 0 means set the degree of freedom at the vertex eid.

dofnum(fesp::FES, m, eid)  where {FES<:FESpace}

Provide degree of freedom number for entity eid of manifold dimension m and component comp.

doftype(fesp::FESpace{FET, T}) where {FET, T}

Provide the type of the values of the degrees of freedom.

edofbfnum(fesp::FESpace{FET, T}) where {FET, T}

Access vector of numbers of basis functions associated with each degree of freedom.

edofcompnt(fesp::FESpace{FET, T}) where {FET, T}

Access vector of component number associated with each degree of freedom.

When the finite element space consists of multiple copies of the scalar finite element, the component is the serial number of the copy.

edofmdim(fesp::FESpace{FET, T}) where {FET, T}

Access vector of manifold dimensions of entities associated with each degree of freedom.

makeattribute(fesp::FESpace, name, comp)

Attach attribute to the right shape collection of all incidence relations.


Number the degrees of freedom of a collection of FE spaces.

The unknown (free) degrees of freedom in the FE space are numbered consecutively, and then the data degrees of freedom (the known values) are numbered.

No effort is made to optimize the numbering in any way.


Number the degrees of freedom of a single FE space.

The unknown (free) degrees of freedom in the FE space are numbered consecutively, and then the data degrees of freedom (the known values) are numbered.

No effort is made to optimize the numbering in any way.

nunknowns(fesp::FES)  where {FES<:FESpace}

Compute the total number of unknown degrees of freedom.

setdofval!(fesp::FESpace, m, eid, comp, val::T) where {T}

Set the value of a degree of freedom.

  • m = manifold dimension of the entity,
  • eid = serial number of the entity (term identifier),
  • comp = which degree of freedom in the term,
  • val = value of type T

For instance, m = 0 means set the degree of freedom at the vertex eid.

ndofsperel(fesp::FES)  where {FES<:FESpace}

Total number of degrees of freedom associated with each finite element.

Essentially a product of the number of the degrees of freedom the scalar finite element and the number of copies of this element in the space.


Abstract type of finite element, parameterized by

  • RS: type of reference shape of the element (triangle, square, ...), and
  • SD: shape descriptor; refer to the package MeshCore.

Type of a finite element data.

Parameterized by

  • SD = shape descriptor; refer to the package MeshCore.

Construct an H1 finite element of the type L2.

L2 is two-node linear segment element.


Construct an H1 finite element of the type Q4.

Q4 is 4-node linear quadrilateral element.


Construct an H1 finite element of the type T3.

T3 is 3-node linear triangle element.


Construct an H1 finite element of the type T3 with a cubic bubble.

T3 is 3-node linear triangle element with a cubic bubble. It has the usual nodal basis functions associated with the vertices, and cubic bubble associated with the element itself.


Construct an H1 finite element of the type T4.

T4 is 4-node linear tetrahedral element.


Construct an H1 finite element of the type T6.

T6 is 6-node quadratic triangle element.


Construct an L2 finite element of the type Q4.

Q4 is 4-node linear quadrilateral element.


Construct an L2 finite element of the type T3.

T3 is 3-node linear triangle element.


Construct an L2 finite element of the type T4.

T4 is tetrahedral element with only internal degrees of freedom.

Jacobian(::Val{0}, J::T) where {T}

Evaluate the point Jacobian.

  • J = Jacobian matrix, which isn't really defined well for a 0-manifold.
Jacobian(::Val{1}, J::T) where {T}

Evaluate the curve Jacobian.

  • J = Jacobian matrix, columns are tangent to parametric coordinates curves.
Jacobian(::Val{2}, J::T) where {T}

Evaluate the curve Jacobian.

  • J = Jacobian matrix, columns are tangent to parametric coordinates curves.
Jacobian(fe::T, J::FFltMat)::FFlt where {T<:AbstractFESet3Manifold}

Evaluate the volume Jacobian.

J = Jacobian matrix, columns are tangent to parametric coordinates curves.


The elements that have nodal bases can be their own geometry carriers. Elements that do not have nodal bases, for instance an L2 quadrilateral with a single basis function associated with the cell, need another element type (in this case the nodal quadrilateral) to serve as geometry carriers.

bfun(fe::FESUBT,  param_coords)  where {FESUBT<:FE{RS, SD}}

Evaluate the basis functions for all degrees of freedom of the scalar finite element at the parametric coordinates. Return a vector of the values.

bfungradpar(fe::FESUBT,  param_coords)  where {FESUBT<:FE{RS, SD}}

Evaluate the gradients of the basis functions for all degrees of freedom of the scalar finite element with respect to the parametric coordinates, at the parametric coordinates given. Return a vector of the gradients.

jacjac(fe::FE{RS, SD}, locs, nodes, gradNpar) where {RS, SD}

Compute the Jacobian matrix and the Jacobian determinant.

This is the generic version suitable for isoparametric elements.

feathasdof(fe::FE{RS, SD}, m) where {RS, SD}

How many degrees of freedom are attached to a the feature of manifold dimension m?

Note that 0 <= m <= 3.

ndofsperel(fe::FE{RS, SD}) where {RS, SD}

Provide the number of degrees of freedom per element.

Enumerate all features of all manifold dimensions, and for each feature multiply by the number of degrees of freedom per feature. The assumption is that this is a scalar finite element.

nfeatofdim(fe::FE{RS, SD}, m) where {RS, SD}

Number of features of manifold dimension m. Note that 0 <= m <= 3.

shapedesc(fe::FE{RS, SD}) where {RS, SD}

Topological shape description.

Refer to the MeshCore library.

manifdim(fe::FE{RS, SD}) where {RS, SD}

Get the manifold dimension of the finite element.


The data storage is assumed to be consumed best by one-dimensional traversal through the columns in a linear fashion.


Only linear access is provided.

LocalMatrixAssembler{IT<:Integer, T<:Number} <: AbstractArray{T, 2}

Type of "local" matrix assembler.

Local is to be understood in the sense of in the context of a single finite element. So a local matrix is an elementwise matrix which is computed entry by entry. Then it can be assembled into the global matrix in one shot.

LocalMatrixAssembler(nrow::IT, ncol::IT, z::T) where {IT, T}

Create a local matrix assembler, given the number of rows and columns, and the value to which the matrix should be initialized.

LocalVectorAssembler{IT<:Integer, T<:Number} <: AbstractArray{T, 1}

Type of "local" vector assembler.

Local is to be understood in the sense of in the context of a single finite element. So a local vector is an elementwise vector which is computed entry by entry. Then it can be assembled into the global vector in one shot.

LocalVectorAssembler(nrow::IT, z::T) where {IT, T}

Create a local vector assembler, given the number of entries, and the value to which the vector should be initialized.

Base.getindex(a::A, i::Int, j::Int)

Only access to a single entry of the matrix is provided.

Base.getindex(a::A, i::Int) where {A<:LocalVectorAssembler}

Access is provided to a single entry of the vector.

Base.setindex!(a::A, v, i::Int, j::Int) where {A<:LocalMatrixAssembler}

Only access to a single entry of the matrix is provided.

Base.setindex!(a::A, v, i::Int) where {A<:LocalVectorAssembler}

Access is provided to a single entry of the vector.

Base.size(a::A) where {A<:LocalMatrixAssembler}

The size is the tuple of number of rows and number of columns.

Base.size(a::A) where {A<:LocalVectorAssembler}

The size is the number of rows (entries).

init!(a::L, rdofs, cdofs) where {L<:LocalMatrixAssembler{IT, T}} where {IT, T}

Initialize the local assembler with the global degrees of freedom in the rows and columns.

The two arrays, rdofs, cdofs, define the global degree of freedom numbers for the element. The data matrix is zeroed out.

This function needs to be called for each new finite element.

init!(a::L, rdofs) where {L<:LocalVectorAssembler{IT, T}} where {IT, T}

Initialize the local assembler with the global degrees of freedom in the rows.

The array rdofs defines the global degree of freedom numbers for the element. The data vector is zeroed out.

This function needs to be called for each new finite element.

RefShapeCube <: AbstractRefShape{3}

Type of a reference shape for a 3-dimensional manifold (solid) bounded by six quadrilaterals.

RefShapeSquare <: AbstractRefShape{2}

Type of a logically rectangular reference shape for a 2-dimensional manifold (surface).

RefShapeTriangle <: AbstractRefShape{2}

Type of a logically triangular reference shape for a 2-dimensional manifold (surface).

manifdimv(::Type{T}) where {T<:AbstractRefShape{MANIFDIM}} where {MANIFDIM}

Get the manifold dimension of the reference shape as Val.

quadrature(::Type{RefShapeTriangle}, quadraturesettings = (kind = :default,))

Create a quadrature rule for the reference shape of an triangle.

The default is a triangle rule, distinguished by the number of points set with the keyword npts.

quadrature(::Type{RefShapeTetrahedron}, quadraturesettings = (kind = :default,))

Create a quadrature rule for the reference shape of a tetrahedron.

The default is a one-point tetrahedron rule; other rules may be chosen based on the number of points set with the keyword npts.

quadrature(::Type{RefShapeSquare}, quadraturesettings = (kind = :default,))

Create a quadrature rule for the reference shape of a square.

The default is Gauss integration rule, where the order is set with the keyword order.

quadrature(::Type{RefShapeInterval}, quadraturesettings = (kind = :default,))

Create a quadrature rule for the reference shape of an interval.

The default is Gauss integration rule, where the order is set with the keyword order.

QPIterator{FES, MDIM}

Type of quadrature-point iterator, parameterized by

  • FES: the type of the finite element space,
  • MDIM: the manifold dimension of the finite element.
QPIterator(fesp::FES, quadraturesettings) where {FES}

Construct quadrature-point iterator by associating it with a finite element space and supplying quadrature rule settings.

Base.iterate(it::QPIterator, state = 1)

Advance a quadrature point iterator.


Retrieve vector of basis function values for the current quadrature point.


Retrieve vector of basis function gradients with respect to the parametric coordinates for the current quadrature point.

bfungrad(it::QPIterator, Jac)

Retrieve vector of basis function gradients with respect to spatial coordinates for the current quadrature point.

The Jacobian matrix maps between vectors in the parametric space and the spatial vectors.