User Interface

Ellipse Construction

For ease of use, all ellipse sampling [generation] functions can either be called directly with ellipse parameters such as a, b and α, or we can construct an EllipseSampling.Ellipse struct first with those parameters, and use this struct when calling the generation functions.

We construct an EllipseSampling.Ellipse struct using construct_ellipse.

construct_ellipse(x_radius::T, y_radius::T, α::T=0.0, Cx::T=0.0, Cy::T=0.0) where T<:Float64

Constructs a EllipseSampling.Ellipse struct which contains the information required to define an ellipse which may have been rotated and translated.


  • x_radius: radius of the ellipse in the x axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • y_radius: radius of the ellipse in the y axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • α: an angle in radians (0 to 2π) that the ellipse has been rotated by. A positive value represents an anti-clockwise rotation. Default is 0.0.
  • Cx: the x coordinate of the centre of the ellipse (the translation of the ellipse in the x axis). Default is 0.0.
  • Cy: the y coordinate of the centre of the ellipse (the translation of the ellipse in the y axis). Default is 0.0.


The general equation for a rotated and translated ellipse is given by:

\[1 = A(x-C_x)^2 + B(x-C_x)(y-C_y) + C(y-C_y)^2\]


\[A = \bigg(\frac{\cos^2(α)}{a^2} + \frac{\sin^2(α)}{b^2}\bigg)\]

\[B = 2\cos(α)\sin(α)\bigg(\frac{1}{a^2} - \frac{1}{b^2}\bigg)\]

\[C = \bigg(\frac{\sin^2(α)}{a^2} + \frac{\cos^2(α)}{b^2}\bigg)\]

Sampling Methods

Three sampling methods, generate_N_equally_spaced_points, generate_N_clustered_points and generate_perimeter_point, are provided for use.

  1. generate_N_equally_spaced_points will generate points uniformly with respect to arc length along the perimeter of an ellipse.
  2. generate_N_clustered_points will generate points uniformly with respect to arc length along the perimeter of a distorted version of the input ellipse and then map these onto the input ellipse. The distorted version of the input ellipse varies the major axis radius of the input ellipse between being equal to the minor axis radius and the original major axis radius, allowing a stronger clustering of points around the vertexes of the ellipse on the major axis (i.e. the region of greatest curvature). This means it is a generalised version of generate_N_equally_spaced_points.
  3. generate_perimeter_point will generate a singular point on the ellipse's perimeter given a specified distance along the normalised perimeter ∈ [0,1]. This is useful for defining a custom sampling method not covered by the previous two sampling methods.

Example use of these functions and visualisation of their outputs is shown in Quick Start

generate_N_equally_spaced_points(num_points::Int, e::Ellipse; start_point_shift::Float64=rand())

Generates num_points equally spaced points on an ellipse defined by the parameters contained within e. The points are returned as an array with two rows and num_points columns, with each point stored in a column.


  • num_points: a positive integer number of points to generate that are equally spaced on the ellipse.
  • e: a valid EllipseSampling.Ellipse struct which defines an ellipse.

Keyword Arguments

  • start_point_shift: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0]. Default is rand() (defined on [0.0,1.0]), meaning that, by default, every time this function is called a different set of points will be generated.


Points are sampled anti-clockwise around the ellipse starting from the most positive vertex on the major axis prior to any rotation. After a rotation is applied, this vertex may no longer be the most positive vertex on the major axis. Vertex here means the two endpoints that lie on the major axis and intersect the ellipse. If start_point_shift=0.0 then the first point on the equally spaced points will be placed on the most positive vertex on the major axis prior to any rotation.

Equal spacing of points on the ellipse is with respect to arc length. The position of the first point placed on the ellipse can be shifted by start_point_shift, defined on [0.0,1.0], allowing the set of possible points generated for a given num_points to cover the full perimeter. This shift is normalised so that when start_point_shift=1.0, the position of the first point placed on the ellipse is equal to the position of the second point placed on the ellipse when start_point_shift=0.0.

generate_N_equally_spaced_points(num_points::Int, x_radius::T, y_radius::T, α::T=0.0, Cx::T=0.0, Cy::T=0.0; start_point_shift::Float64=rand()) where T<:Float64

An alternate way to call generate_N_equally_spaced_points(num_points::Int, e::Ellipse; start_point_shift::Float64=rand()), by supplying the parameters of the ellipse to generate points on.


  • num_points: a positive integer number of points to generate that are equally spaced on the ellipse.
  • x_radius: radius of the ellipse in the x axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • y_radius: radius of the ellipse in the y axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • α: an angle in radians (0 to 2π) that the ellipse has been rotated by. A positive value represents an anti-clockwise rotation. Default is 0.0.
  • Cx: the x coordinate of the centre of the ellipse (the translation of the ellipse in the x axis). Default is 0.0.
  • Cy: the y coordinate of the centre of the ellipse (the translation of the ellipse in the y axis). Default is 0.0.

Keyword Arguments

  • start_point_shift: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0]. Default is rand() (defined on [0.0,1.0]), meaning that, by default, every time this function is called a different set of points will be generated.
generate_N_equally_spaced_points(num_points::Int, Γ::Matrix{Float64}, θmle::Vector{Float64}, ind1::Int, ind2::Int; confidence_level::Float64=0.01, start_point_shift::Float64=rand())

An alternate way to call generate_N_equally_spaced_points(num_points::Int, e::Ellipse; start_point_shift::Float64=rand()), by supplying a square matrix Γ, the inverse of the Hessian of a log-likelihood function at its maximum likelihood estimate, indexes of the two variables of interest and the confidence level that represent a 2D ellipse approximation of the log-likelihood function.


  • num_points: a positive integer number of points to generate that are equally spaced on the ellipse.
  • Γ: a square matrix (2D) which is the inverse of the Hessian of a log-likelihood function at its maximum likelihood estimate.
  • θmle: the maximum likelihood estimate for the parameters.
  • ind1: index of the first parameter of interest (corresponds to the row and column index of Γ)
  • ind2: index of the second parameter of interest (corresponds to the row and column index of Γ).

Keyword Arguments

  • confidence_level: the confidence level ∈ [0.0,1.0] at which the ellipse approximation is constructed. Default is 0.01.
  • start_point_shift: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0]. Default is rand() (defined on [0.0,1.0]), meaning that, by default, every time this function is called a different set of points will be generated.
generate_N_clustered_points(num_points::Int, e::Ellipse; start_point_shift::Float64=rand(), sqrt_distortion::Float64=0.0)

Generates num_points spaced points on an ellipse defined by the parameters contained within e. The points are returned as an array with two rows and num_points columns, with each point stored in a column.


  • num_points: a positive integer number of points to generate that are spaced on the ellipse.
  • e: a valid EllipseSampling.Ellipse struct which defines an ellipse.

Keyword Arguments

  • start_point_shift: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0]. Default is rand() (defined on [0.0,1.0]), meaning that, by default, every time this function is called a different set of points will be generated.
  • sqrt_distortion: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0]. Default is 0.0, meaning that, by default, this function will evenly space points on the the ellipse e with respect to the parameter t.


Points are sampled in the same fashion as in generate_N_equally_spaced_points(num_points::Int, e::Ellipse; start_point_shift::Float64=rand()), except that the spacing of them is dependent on the parameter sqrt_distortion. If sqrt_distortion == 1.0 then these points are equally spaced with respect to the arc length. If sqrt_distortion == 0.0 then these points are equally spaced with respect to the parameter t in the parameteric equations for the x and y locations on an ellipse (x_parametric_equation(t::T, e::Ellipse) where T<:Float64 and y_parametric_equation(t::T, e::Ellipse) where T<:Float64). Varying this parameter between 0.0 and 1.0 allows all of the spacings between these two extremes to be obtained.

The impact of using this function is that for all values of sqrt_distortion < 1.0, points generated will be more clustered around the vertexes of the ellipse on the major axis (i.e. the region of greatest curvature). The strength of this clustering increases as sqrt_distortion $\to 0.0$. The strength of the clustering is also dependent on the relative magnitudes of the major and minor axis radii. If the major and minor axis have the same radii, then the ellipse is a circle and no clustering will be observed, irrespective of the value of sqrt_distortion. As the magnitude of the major axis radius increases relative to the minor axis radius, the strength of the clustering will increase.

This effect is valuable when using an ellipse as a starting point to find a new level set in 2D (that may be an ellipse) that contains the starting ellipse. If we seek to find the new level set by pushing out from the starting ellipse tangentially at each of the generated points then the points that diverge the fastest are located at the region of greatest curvature. If generated points are equally spaced with respect to arc length, then the new level set is likely to be well defined in regions that are approximately parallel to the major axis of the starting ellipse (and with length on a parallel line of similar length to the major axis, particularly for starting ellipses with a significantly larger major axis), but poorly defined in all other regions. The clustering effect is then valuable as it helps to better define the new level set.

The function works by defining a new ellipse, e_new with minor axis radius equal to the supplied ellipse's minor axis radius (e_new.b == e.b) and major axis radius as a function of the supplied ellipse's, e, major and minor axis radii and the parameter sqrt_distortion. Namely, e_new.a == e.b + sqrt_distortion^2 * (e.a - e.b). e_new is contained within e and can be varied between a circle and e using the parameter sqrt_distortion ∈ [0.0,1.0]. After defining e_new we determine the angle parameters t_vector that equally spaces num_points on e_new with respect to arc length and then find the points on e parameterised by the elements of t_vector.

generate_N_clustered_points(num_points::Int, x_radius::T, y_radius::T, α::T=0.0, Cx::T=0.0, Cy::T=0.0; start_point_shift::Float64=rand(), sqrt_distortion::Float64=0.0) where T<:Float64

An alternate way to call generate_N_clustered_points(num_points::Int, e::Ellipse; start_point_shift::Float64=rand(), sqrt_distortion::Float64=0.), by supplying the parameters of the ellipse to generate points on.


  • num_points: a positive integer number of points to generate that are equally spaced on the ellipse.
  • x_radius: radius of the ellipse in the x axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • y_radius: radius of the ellipse in the y axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • α: an angle in radians (0 to 2π) that the ellipse has been rotated by. A positive value represents an anti-clockwise rotation. Default is 0.0.
  • Cx: the x coordinate of the centre of the ellipse (the translation of the ellipse in the x axis). Default is 0.0.
  • Cy: the y coordinate of the centre of the ellipse (the translation of the ellipse in the y axis). Default is 0.0.

Keyword Arguments

  • start_point_shift: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0]. Default is rand() (defined on [0.0,1.0]), meaning that, by default, every time this function is called a different set of points will be generated.
  • sqrt_distortion: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0]. Default is 0.0, meaning that, by default, this function will evenly space points on the the ellipse e with respect to the parameter t.
generate_N_clustered_points(num_points::Int, Γ::Matrix{Float64}, θmle::Vector{Float64}, ind1::Int, ind2::Int; 
    confidence_level::Float64=0.01, dof::Int=2, start_point_shift::Float64=rand(), sqrt_distortion::Float64=0.0)

An alternate way to call generate_N_clustered_points(num_points::Int, e::Ellipse; start_point_shift::Float64=rand(), sqrt_distortion::Float64=0.), by supplying a square matrix Γ, the inverse of the Hessian of a log-likelihood function at its maximum likelihood estimate, indexes of the two variables of interest and the confidence level that represent a 2D ellipse approximation of the log-likelihood function.


  • num_points: a positive integer number of points to generate that are equally spaced on the ellipse.
  • Γ: a square matrix (2D) which is the inverse of the Hessian of a log-likelihood function at its maximum likelihood estimate.
  • θmle: the maximum likelihood estimate for the parameters.
  • ind1: index of the first parameter of interest (corresponds to the row and column index of Γ)
  • ind2: index of the second parameter of interest (corresponds to the row and column index of Γ).

Keyword Arguments

  • confidence_level: the confidence level ∈ [0.0,1.0] at which the ellipse approximation is constructed. Default is 0.01.
  • dof: integer degrees of freedom used for calculation of the asymptotic confidence threshold defining the ellipse. Default is 2.
  • start_point_shift: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0]. Default is rand() (defined on [0.0,1.0]), meaning that, by default, every time this function is called a different set of points will be generated.
  • sqrt_distortion: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0]. Default is 0.0, meaning that, by default, this function will evenly space points on the the ellipse e with respect to the parameter t.
generate_perimeter_point(norm_distance_on_perimeter::Float64, e::Ellipse)

Generates a single point on an ellipse defined by the parameters contained within e, at distance norm_distance_on_perimeter $\times$ e.circumference around the circumference. The point is returned as a vector of length two.


  • norm_distance_on_perimeter: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0] which represents the normalised distance on the perimeter of an ellipse. A value of 0.5 corresponds to a point halfway along the ellipse's perimeter, while a value of 0.7 corresponds to a point 70% along the ellipse's perimeter.
  • e: a valid EllipseSampling.Ellipse struct which defines an ellipse.


Points are sampled anti-clockwise around the ellipse starting from the most positive vertex on the major axis prior to any rotation. After a rotation is applied, this vertex may no longer be the most positive vertex on the major axis. Vertex here means the two endpoints that lie on the major axis and intersect the ellipse.

Consider a ellipse that has no translation or rotational component. If the x radius is 2.0 and the y radius is 1.0, then the x axis is the major axis. Resultantly, a value of norm_distance_on_perimeter=0.0 will correspond to point [x,y] = [2.0, 0.0]. A value of norm_distance_on_perimeter=0.25, which corresponds to a $\frac{π}{2}$ anti-clockwise rotation around the ellipse will correspond to point [x,y] = [0.0, 1.0].

using EllipseSampling
e = construct_ellipse(2.0, 1.0)
generate_perimeter_point(0.0, e)
generate_perimeter_point(0.25, e)

Similarly, if the x radius is 1.0 and the y radius is 2.0, then the y axis is the major axis. Resultantly, a value of norm_distance_on_perimeter=0.0 will correspond to point [x,y] = [0.0, 2.0]. A value of norm_distance_on_perimeter=0.25, which corresponds to a $\frac{π}{2}$ anti-clockwise rotation around the ellipse will correspond to point [x,y] = [-1.0, 0.0].

e = construct_ellipse(1.0, 2.0)
generate_perimeter_point(0.0, e)
generate_perimeter_point(0.25, e)

In the event that the ellipse is a circle (the major and minor axis have the same radius), points will be sampled anti-clockwise around the ellipse starting from the most positive point on the x radius (prior to any rotation).

To demonstrate how sampling works when the ellipse is rotated, for simplicity, consider an ellipse that is a circle with radius 1.0, no translational component and an anti-clockwise rotation of $\frac{π}{2}$. In this case the x axis has been rotated anti-clockwise by 90 degrees and so a value of norm_distance_on_perimeter=0.0 will correspond to point [x,y] = [0.0, 1.0]. A value of norm_distance_on_perimeter=0.25, which corresponds to a $\frac{π}{2}$ anti-clockwise rotation around the rotated ellipse will correspond to point [x,y] = [-1.0, 0.0].

e = construct_ellipse(1.0, 1.0, pi/2)
generate_perimeter_point(0.0, e)
generate_perimeter_point(0.25, e)

Random sampling

This function can be easily used to generate uniform random samples from an ellipse by first sampling N points from a uniform distribution defined on [0,1] and then calling this function for each point 1:N.

For example using:

using EllipseSampling
e = construct_ellipse(2.0,1.0)
N = 100
samples = rand(N)
points = generate_perimeter_point.(samples, Ref(e))

Note, here we wrap the ellipse struct e in Ref so that Julia does not try to broadcast over e as well. To get the points generated in this fashion in the same column-wise format as points generated by generate_N_equally_spaced_points we can use:

points = reduce(hcat, points)

Other distributions defined on [0,1] can be used to generate points on the ellipse's perimeter in a similar fashion.

generate_perimeter_point(norm_distance_on_perimeter::T, x_radius::T, y_radius::T, α::T=0.0, Cx::T=0.0, Cy::T=0.0) where T<:Float64

An alternate way to call generate_perimeter_point(norm_distance_on_perimeter::Float64, e::Ellipse), by supplying the parameters of the ellipse to generate a single point on.


  • norm_distance_on_perimeter: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0] which represents the normalised distance on the perimeter of an ellipse. A value of 0.5 corresponds to a point halfway along the ellipse's perimeter, while a value of 0.7 corresponds to a point 70% along the ellipse's perimeter.
  • x_radius: radius of the ellipse in the x axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • y_radius: radius of the ellipse in the y axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • α: an angle in radians (0 to 2π) that the ellipse has been rotated by. A positive value represents an anti-clockwise rotation. Default is 0.0.
  • Cx: the x coordinate of the centre of the ellipse (the translation of the ellipse in the x axis). Default is 0.0.
  • Cy: the y coordinate of the centre of the ellipse (the translation of the ellipse in the y axis). Default is 0.0.
generate_perimeter_point(norm_distance_on_perimeter::Float64, Γ::Matrix{Float64}, θmle::Vector{Float64}, ind1::Int, ind2::Int; confidence_level::Float64=0.01)

An alternate way to call generate_perimeter_point(norm_distance_on_perimeter::Float64, e::Ellipse), by supplying a square matrix Γ, the inverse of the Hessian of a log-likelihood function at its maximum likelihood estimate, indexes of the two variables of interest and the confidence level that represent a 2D ellipse approximation of the log-likelihood function.


  • norm_distance_on_perimeter: a number ∈ [0.0,1.0] which represents the normalised distance on the perimeter of an ellipse. A value of 0.5 corresponds to a point halfway along the ellipse's perimeter, while a value of 0.7 corresponds to a point 70% along the ellipse's perimeter.
  • Γ: a square matrix (2D) which is the inverse of the Hessian of a log-likelihood function at its maximum likelihood estimate.
  • θmle: the maximum likelihood estimate for the parameters.
  • ind1: index of the first parameter of interest (corresponds to the row and column index of Γ)
  • ind2: index of the second parameter of interest (corresponds to the row and column index of Γ).

Keyword Arguments

  • confidence_level: the confidence level ∈ [0.0,1.0] at which the ellipse approximation is constructed. Default is 0.01.

Ellipse Angle Calculation and Parameteric Equations

t_from_arclength(arc_len::Float64, e::Ellipse)

Calculates the angle t, between 0 and 2π radians, of the location on an unrotated ellipse, given an arc length, arc_len, anticlockwise from the positive major axis along the perimeter of the ellipse. The ellipse's x axis is the major axis. It is recommended to call [t_from_arclength_general(arc_len::T, a::T, b::T) where T<:Float64] rather than this function as it handles the case where the major axis of the ellipse is the y axis.

Julia version of the python function t_from_length by John D. Cook.


  • arc_len: arc length, between 0.0 and the circumference of the ellipse, anticlockwise from the positive major axis along the perimeter of the ellipse.
  • e: a valid EllipseSampling.Ellipse struct which defines an ellipse.
t_from_arclength(arc_len::T, a::T, b::T) where T<:Float64

An alternate way to call t_from_arclength(arc_len::Float64, e::Ellipse).


  • arc_len: arc length, between 0.0 and the circumference of the ellipse, anticlockwise from the positive major axis along the perimeter of the ellipse.
  • a: radius of the ellipse's major axis.
  • b: radius of the ellipse's minor axis.
t_from_arclength_general(arc_len::Float64, e::Ellipse)

Generalised version of t_from_arclength(arc_len::Float64, e::Ellipse) which handles cases where either of the x and y axes are the major axis.


  • arc_len: arc length, between 0.0 and the circumference of the ellipse, anticlockwise from the positive major axis along the perimeter of the ellipse.
  • e: a valid EllipseSampling.Ellipse struct which defines an ellipse.
t_from_arclength_general(arc_len::T, a::T, b::T, x_radius::T, y_radius::T) where T<:Float64

Generalised version of t_from_arclength(arc_len::T, a::T, b::T) where T<:Float64 which handles cases where either of the x and y axes are the major axis.


  • arc_len: arc length, between 0.0 and the circumference of the ellipse, anticlockwise from the positive major axis along the perimeter of the ellipse.
  • a: radius of the ellipse's major axis.
  • b: radius of the ellipse's minor axis.
  • x_radius: radius of the ellipse in the x axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • y_radius: radius of the ellipse in the y axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
x_parametric_equation(t::T, x_radius::T, y_radius::T, α::T=0.0, Cx::T=0.0) where T<:Float64

Implements the parametric equation for variable x of a translated and rotated ellipse, $x(t)$, where t is an angle between 0 and 2π radians.


  • t: an angle between 0 and 2π radians that defines the x location on the ellipse.
  • x_radius: radius of the ellipse in the x axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • y_radius: radius of the ellipse in the y axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • α: an angle in radians (0 to 2π) that the ellipse has been rotated by. A positive value represents an anti-clockwise rotation. Default is 0.0.
  • Cx: the x coordinate of the centre of the ellipse (the translation of the ellipse in the x axis). Default is 0.0.
x_parametric_equation(t::T, e::Ellipse) where T<:Float64

Implements the parametric equation for variable x of a translated and rotated ellipse, $x(t)$, where t is an angle between 0 and 2π radians.


  • t: an angle between 0 and 2π radians that defines the x location on the ellipse.
  • e: a valid Ellipse struct which defines an ellipse.
y_parametric_equation(t::T, x_radius::T, y_radius::T, α::T=0.0, Cx::T=0.0) where T<:Float64

Implements the parametric equation for variable y of a translated and rotated ellipse, $y(t)$, where t is an angle between 0 and 2π radians.


  • t: an angle between 0 and 2π radians that defines the y location on the ellipse.
  • x_radius: radius of the ellipse in the x axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • y_radius: radius of the ellipse in the y axis (i.e. when the rotation, α, is zero).
  • α: an angle in radians (0 to 2π) that the ellipse has been rotated by. A positive value represents an anti-clockwise rotation. Default is 0.0.
  • Cy: the y coordinate of the centre of the ellipse (the translation of the ellipse in the y axis). Default is 0.0.
y_parametric_equation(t::T, e::Ellipse) where T<:Float64

Implements the parametric equation for variable y of a translated and rotated ellipse, $y(t)$, where t is an angle between 0 and 2π radians.


  • t: an angle between 0 and 2π radians that defines the y location on the ellipse.
  • e: a valid Ellipse struct which defines an ellipse.