
Implementation of the notation .. for indexing arrays. It's similar to the Python ... in that it means 'all the columns before (or after)'.

.. slurps dimensions greedily, meaning that the first occurrence of .. in an index expression creates as many slices as possible. Other instances of .. afterward are treated simply as slices. Usually, you should only use one instance of .. in an indexing expression to avoid possible confusion.


julia> A = Array{Int}(undef, 2, 4, 2);

julia> A[.., 1] = [2 1 4 5
           2 2 3 6];

julia> A[.., 2] = [3 2 6 5
           3 2 6 6];

julia> A[:, :, 1] == [2 1 4 5
           2 2 3 6]

julia> A[1, ..] = reshape([3 4
               5 6
               4 5
               6 7], 1, 4, 2) # drops singleton dimension

julia> B = [3 4
           5 6
           4 5
           6 7];

julia> B == reshape(A[1, ..], 4, 2)