EmpiricalOrthogonalFunction(dataset; center=true, ddof=1)

Create an Empirical Orthogonal Function object. The EOF solution is computed at initialization time. Method calls are used to retrieve or update computed quantities.


Truncate the EOF data structure to trim unneccesay modes


Empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) expressed as the correlation between the principal component time series (PCs) and the time series of the eof input dataset at each grid point.


Empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) expressed as the covariance between the principal component time series (PCs) and the time series of the eof input dataset at each grid point.


The method of North et al. (1982) is used to compute the typical error for each eigenvalue. It is assumed that the number of times in the input data set is the same as the number of independent realizations. If this assumption is not valid then the result may be inappropriate.


Apply orthogonal rotation to EOF data. After rotation the original dataset will be projected on the rotated EOF to create new PCs. Additionally new EOFs and PCs are ordered in decreasing variance