

Create the ENDB struct with a username and password like this.

endb = ENDB("http://username:password@localhost:3803/sql")

Positional Parameters

Use ? to denote a positional parameter, and pass in a Vector of values to be used as a substitution.

query(endb, "SELECT id, title FROM issues WHERE id > ?", [5])

Named Parameters

Use symbols with a leading ":" (like :id in this example) and pass in a Dict with keys and values to be used as substitutions.

query(endb, "SELECT id, title FROM issues WHERE id > :id", Dict(:id => 5))

Bulk Insert

Bulk insert using positional parameters is done by passing in a Vector of Vectors and setting bulk=true.

query(endb, "INSERT INTO issues (id, title) VALUES (?, ?)", 
        [1, "Weird query crashes server"],
        [2, "Obscure query returns wrong results"]

Bulk insert with named parameters is done by passing in a Vector of Dicts and setting bulk=true.

query(endb, "INSERT INTO issues {id: :id, title: :title}",
        Dict(:id => 3, :title => "Unique constraint not working"),
        Dict(:id => 4, :title => "Erasure failed")