EngThermBase.BASE β€” Type

const BASE = Union{MA,MO,SY,DT}

Concrete BASE type union for parametric abstract types.

EngThermBase.DEF β€” Constant

const DEF = Dict{Symbol,Any}(...)

EngThermBase defaults

EngThermBase.DIMLESS β€” Type

DIMLESS{𝗽,π˜…} where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC}

Dimensionless amount type union.

EngThermBase.ENERGYA β€” Type

ENERGYA{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE}

Energy amount type union.

EngThermBase.ENERGYI β€” Type

ENERGYI{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE}

Energy interaction type union.

EngThermBase.ENERGYP β€” Type

ENERGYP{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE}

Energy property type union.

EngThermBase.EXAC β€” Type

const EXAC = Union{EX,MM}

Concrete EXAC type union for parametric abstract types.

EngThermBase.NTROPYA β€” Type

NTROPYA{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE}

Entropy amount type union.

EngThermBase.NTROPYP β€” Type

NTROPYP{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE}

Entropy property type union.

EngThermBase.PREC β€” Type

const PREC = Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat}

Concrete PREC type union for parametric abstract types.

EngThermBase.UATY β€” Type

UATY{𝗽,𝗱,π˜‚} = Union{UETY{𝗽,𝗱,π˜‚},UMTY{𝗽,𝗱,π˜‚}} where {𝗽<:PREC,𝗱,π˜‚} 𝗨nited 𝗔mount 𝗧𝗬pe: PRECision and EXACtness-parametric, united Quantity(ie)s β€” the default underlying data type for EngTherm AMOUNTS.

EngThermBase.VELOCYP β€” Type

VELOCYP{𝗽,π˜…} where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC}

Velocity property type union.

EngThermBase._NA β€” Constant

const _NA = __amt(measurement("6.0221415(10)e+23") / u"mol")

The Avogadro constant, $N_A$, [Lide, D. R., 2006], as a __amt{Float64,MM}.

EngThermBase._RΜ„ β€” Constant

const _RΜ„ = R_amt(measurement("8.314472(15)"), MO)

The molar gas constant, $RΜ„$, [Lide, D. R., 2006], as a R_amt{Float64,MM,MO}.

EngThermBase._gn β€” Constant

const _gn = gvamt{Float64,MM}(gvamt(9_806_650u"ΞΌm/s^2"))

The gvamt{Float64,MM} representation of the exact standard gravity, $g_n ≑ 9.80665 m/s^2$, [Lide, D. R., 2006].

EngThermBase._kB β€” Constant

const _kB = __amt(measurement("1.3806505(24)e-23") * u"J/K")

The Boltzmann constant, $k_B = RΜ„/N_A$, [Lide, D. R., 2006], as a __amt{Float64,MM}.

EngThermBase._mu β€” Constant

const _mu = m_amt(measurement("1.66053886(28)e-27") ,SY)

The atomic mass constant, $m_u = (1/12)m(ΒΉΒ²C)$, [Lide, D. R., 2006], as a m_amt{Float64,MM,SY}.

EngThermBase._stdP β€” Constant

const _stdP = P_amt{Float64,MM}(P_amt(101350u"Pa"))

The P_amt{Float64,MM} representation of the exact standard atmosphere, $P_0 ≑ 101350Pa$, [Lide, D. R., 2006].

EngThermBase._stdT β€” Constant

const _stdT = T_amt{Float64,MM}(T_amt(25u"Β°C"))

The T_amt{Float64,MM} representation of the exact standard temperature, $T_0 ≑ 25Β°C$, [Lide, D. R., 2006].

EngThermBase.atoM_16 β€” Constant


NamedTuple of atomic weights, with uncertainty, by chemical element symbol. Entries are of Measurement{Float16} precision.

Data Source: [1] Lide, David, L; CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 86th Ed. Boca Raton, London, New York, Singapore. 2005–2006.

EngThermBase.atoM_32 β€” Constant


NamedTuple of atomic weights, with uncertainty, by chemical element symbol. Entries are of Measurement{Float32} precision.

Data Source: [1] Lide, David, L; CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 86th Ed. Boca Raton, London, New York, Singapore. 2005–2006.

EngThermBase.atoM_64 β€” Constant

atoM_64 = (; ...)

NamedTuple of atomic weights, with uncertainty, by chemical element symbol. Entries are of Measurement{Float64} precision.

Data Source: [1] Lide, David, L; CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 86th Ed. Boca Raton, London, New York, Singapore. 2005–2006.

EngThermBase.AMOUNTS β€” Type

abstract type AMOUNTS{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: AbstractTherm end

Abstract supertype for thermodynamic amounts.


AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.AbstractTherm β€” Type

abstract type AbstractTherm <: Any end

Abstract supertype for thermodynamic entities.


AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.BASES β€” Type

abstract type BASES <: AbstractTherm end

Abstract supertype for quantity bases.


BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.BInteract β€” Type

abstract type BInteract{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BasedAmt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} end

Abstract supertype for based interaction groups.


BInteract <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.BProperty β€” Type

abstract type BProperty{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BasedAmt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} end

Abstract supertype for based property groups.


BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.BUnranked β€” Type

abstract type BUnranked{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BasedAmt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} end

Abstract supertype for based unranked amount groups.


BUnranked <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.BasedAmt β€” Type

abstract type BasedAmt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: AMOUNTS{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for based amount groups of fixed units.


BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.BivarHeat β€” Type

abstract type BivarHeat{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: Heat{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for bivariate specific heat models.


BivarHeat <: Heat <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.COMBOS β€” Type

abstract type COMBOS{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: AbstractTherm end

Abstract supertype for thermodynamic property combinations.


COMBOS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.ChFPair β€” Type

abstract type ChFPair{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: PropPair{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for Characteristic Function property pairs.


ChFPair <: PropPair <: COMBOS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.ConstHeat β€” Type

abstract type ConstHeat{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: Heat{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for constant specific heat models.


ConstHeat <: Heat <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.DT β€” Type

abstract type DT <: ExtBase end

Abstract supertype for the Time Derivative (rate) base.


DT <: ExtBase <: ThermBase <: BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.EX β€” Type

abstract type EX <: ExactBase end

Abstract supertype for the EXact base.


EX <: ExactBase <: BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.EoSPair β€” Type

abstract type EoSPair{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: PropPair{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for Equation of State property pairs.


EoSPair <: PropPair <: COMBOS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.ExactBase β€” Type

abstract type ExactBase <: BASES end

Abstract supertype for type-exactness bases.


ExactBase <: BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.ExtBase β€” Type

abstract type ExtBase <: ThermBase end

Abstract supertype for non-intensive bases.


ExtBase <: ThermBase <: BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.GenerAmt β€” Type

abstract type GenerAmt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: AMOUNTS{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for generic, arbitrary unit amounts.


GenerAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.GenerHeat β€” Type

abstract type GenerHeat{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: Heat{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for generic specific heat models.


GenerHeat <: Heat <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Heat β€” Type

abstract type Heat{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: MODELS{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for specific heat models.


Heat <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.IntBase β€” Type

abstract type IntBase <: ThermBase end

Abstract supertype for intensive bases.


IntBase <: ThermBase <: BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.MA β€” Type

abstract type MA <: IntBase end

Abstract supertype for the MAss base.


MA <: IntBase <: ThermBase <: BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.MM β€” Type

abstract type MM <: ExactBase end

Abstract supertype for the MeasureMent base.


MM <: ExactBase <: BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.MO β€” Type

abstract type MO <: IntBase end

Abstract supertype for the MOlar base.


MO <: IntBase <: ThermBase <: BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.MODELS β€” Type

abstract type MODELS{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: AbstractTherm end

Abstract supertype for thermodynamic models.


MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Maamt β€” Type

struct Maamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric Mach number amounts based in –.

Maamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A Maamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


Maamt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Medium β€” Type

abstract type Medium{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: MODELS{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for substance/medium models.


Medium <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Mixtures β€” Type

abstract type Mixtures{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: Scope{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for a substance mixture.


Mixtures <: Scope <: System <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Molecule β€” Type

struct Molecule

Auxiliary Molecule data type with a data::Dict{Symbol,Real} data member. Inner constructor makes sure Symbol keys are chemical element symbols.

EngThermBase.NTROPYI β€” Type

NTROPYI{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE}

Entropy interaction type union.

EngThermBase.N_amt β€” Type

struct N_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric chemical amount amounts based in kmol.

N_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kmol, kmol s^-1, kmol kg^-1, or .

A N_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


N_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.PMTY β€” Type

PMTY{𝗽} = Union{Measurement{𝗽}} where 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat}

𝗣lain 𝗠easurement 𝗧𝗬pe: Plain (unitless) Measurements.

EngThermBase.P_amt β€” Type

struct P_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric pressure amounts based in kPa.

P_amt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A P_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


P_amt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Pramt β€” Type

struct Pramt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric relative pressure amounts based in –.

Pramt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A Pramt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


Pramt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.PropPair β€” Type

abstract type PropPair{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: COMBOS{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for propery pairs.


PropPair <: COMBOS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.PropQuad β€” Type

abstract type PropQuad{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: COMBOS{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for propery quads.


PropQuad <: COMBOS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.PropTrio β€” Type

abstract type PropTrio{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: COMBOS{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for propery trios.


PropTrio <: COMBOS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.PureSubs β€” Type

abstract type PureSubs{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: Scope{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for a defined amount of a pure substance.


PureSubs <: Scope <: System <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Pvamt β€” Type

struct Pvamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric flux work amounts based in kJ.

Pvamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A Pvamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


Pvamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.RTamt β€” Type

struct RTamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric RT product amounts based in kJ.

RTamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A RTamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


RTamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.R_amt β€” Type

struct R_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric gas constant amounts based in kJ/K.

R_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ K^-1, kJ K^-1 s^-1, kJ kg^-1 K^-1, or kJ K^-1 kmol^-1.

A R_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


R_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Reactiv β€” Type

abstract type Reactiv{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: Mixtures{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for a reactive mixture.


Reactiv <: Mixtures <: Scope <: System <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.SY β€” Type

abstract type SY <: ExtBase end

Abstract supertype for the SYstem (extensive) base.


SY <: ExtBase <: ThermBase <: BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Scope β€” Type

abstract type Scope{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: System{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for defined amounts of substance.


Scope <: System <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Substance β€” Type

abstract type Substance{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: Medium{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for substance model by Equation of State.


Substance <: Medium <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.System β€” Type

abstract type System{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: MODELS{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for system models.


System <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.T_amt β€” Type

struct T_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric temperature amounts based in K.

T_amt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A T_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


T_amt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.ThermBase β€” Type

abstract type ThermBase <: BASES end

Abstract supertype for thermodynamic bases.


ThermBase <: BASES <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Tsamt β€” Type

struct Tsamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric Ts product amounts based in kJ.

Tsamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A Tsamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


Tsamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.UETY β€” Type

UETY{𝗽,𝗱,π˜‚} = Union{Quantity{𝗽,𝗱,π˜‚}} where {𝗽<:PREC,𝗱,π˜‚}

𝗨nited π—˜xact 𝗧𝗬pe: PRECision-parametric united Quantity(ie)s.

EngThermBase.UMTY β€” Type

UMTY{𝗽,𝗱,π˜‚} = Union{Quantity{Measurement{𝗽},𝗱,π˜‚}} where {𝗽<:PREC,𝗱,π˜‚}

𝗨nited 𝗠easurement 𝗧𝗬pe: PRECision-parametric, Measurement united Quantity(ie)s.

EngThermBase.Unreact β€” Type

abstract type Unreact{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: Mixtures{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for an unreactive mixture.


Unreact <: Mixtures <: Scope <: System <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.UnvarHeat β€” Type

abstract type UnvarHeat{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: Heat{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for univariate specific heat models.


UnvarHeat <: Heat <: MODELS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.WInteract β€” Type

abstract type WInteract{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WholeAmt{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for whole, unbased interactions.


WInteract <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.WProperty β€” Type

abstract type WProperty{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WholeAmt{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for whole, unbased properties.


WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.WUnranked β€” Type

abstract type WUnranked{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WholeAmt{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for whole, unbased unranked amounts.


WUnranked <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.WholeAmt β€” Type

abstract type WholeAmt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: AMOUNTS{𝗽,π˜…} end

Abstract supertype for whole, unbased amounts of fixed units.


WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.Z_amt β€” Type

struct Z_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric generalized compressibility factor amounts based in –.

Z_amt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A Z_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


Z_amt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.__amt β€” Type

struct __amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: GenerAmt{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric generic amounts based in arbitrary units.

__amt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A __amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with any units.


__amt <: GenerAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.a_amt β€” Type

struct a_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric Helmholtz energy amounts based in kJ.

a_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A a_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


a_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.beamt β€” Type

struct beamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric coefficient of volume expansion amounts based in /K.

beamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A beamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


beamt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.c_amt β€” Type

struct c_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric incompressible substance specific heat amounts based in kJ/K.

c_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ K^-1, kJ K^-1 s^-1, kJ kg^-1 K^-1, or kJ K^-1 kmol^-1.

A c_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


c_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.cpamt β€” Type

struct cpamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric iso-P specific heat amounts based in kJ/K.

cpamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ K^-1, kJ K^-1 s^-1, kJ kg^-1 K^-1, or kJ K^-1 kmol^-1.

A cpamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


cpamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.csamt β€” Type

struct csamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric adiabatic speed of sound amounts based in √(kJ/kg).

csamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A csamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


csamt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.cvamt β€” Type

struct cvamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric iso-v specific heat amounts based in kJ/K.

cvamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ K^-1, kJ K^-1 s^-1, kJ kg^-1 K^-1, or kJ K^-1 kmol^-1.

A cvamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


cvamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.deamt β€” Type

struct deamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BInteract{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric energy variation amounts based in kJ.

deamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A deamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


deamt <: BInteract <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.dpamt β€” Type

struct dpamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric os. exergy variation amounts based in kJ.

dpamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A dpamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


dpamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.dsamt β€” Type

struct dsamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BInteract{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric entropy variation amounts based in kJ/K.

dsamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ K^-1, kJ K^-1 s^-1, kJ kg^-1 K^-1, or kJ K^-1 kmol^-1.

A dsamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


dsamt <: BInteract <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.dxamt β€” Type

struct dxamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric cs. exergy variation amounts based in kJ.

dxamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A dxamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


dxamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.e_amt β€” Type

struct e_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric total energy amounts based in kJ.

e_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A e_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


e_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.ekamt β€” Type

struct ekamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric kinetic energy amounts based in kJ.

ekamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A ekamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


ekamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.epamt β€” Type

struct epamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric potential energy amounts based in kJ.

epamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A epamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


epamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.g_amt β€” Type

struct g_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric Gibbs energy amounts based in kJ.

g_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A g_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


g_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.gaamt β€” Type

struct gaamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric specific heat ratio amounts based in –.

gaamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A gaamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


gaamt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.gvamt β€” Type

struct gvamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WUnranked{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric gravity amounts based in m/sΒ².

gvamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A gvamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


gvamt <: WUnranked <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.h_amt β€” Type

struct h_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric enthalpy amounts based in kJ.

h_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A h_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


h_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.i_amt β€” Type

struct i_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BInteract{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric irreversibility amounts based in kJ.

i_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A i_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


i_amt <: BInteract <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.j_amt β€” Type

struct j_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric Massieu function amounts based in kJ/K.

j_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ K^-1, kJ K^-1 s^-1, kJ kg^-1 K^-1, or kJ K^-1 kmol^-1.

A j_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


j_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.kTamt β€” Type

struct kTamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric isothermal compressibility amounts based in /kPa.

kTamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A kTamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


kTamt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.k_amt β€” Type

struct k_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric isentropic expansion exponent amounts based in –.

k_amt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A k_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


k_amt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.ksamt β€” Type

struct ksamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric isentropic compressibility amounts based in /kPa.

ksamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A ksamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


ksamt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.mJamt β€” Type

struct mJamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric Joule-Thomson coefficient amounts based in K/kPa.

mJamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A mJamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


mJamt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.mSamt β€” Type

struct mSamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric isentropic expansion coefficient amounts based in K/kPa.

mSamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A mSamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


mSamt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.m_amt β€” Type

struct m_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric mass amounts based in kg.

m_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kg, kg s^-1, , or kg kmol^-1.

A m_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


m_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.psamt β€” Type

struct psamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric open system exergy amounts based in kJ.

psamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A psamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


psamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.q_amt β€” Type

struct q_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BInteract{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric heat amounts based in kJ.

q_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A q_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


q_amt <: BInteract <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.s_amt β€” Type

struct s_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric entropy amounts based in kJ/K.

s_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ K^-1, kJ K^-1 s^-1, kJ kg^-1 K^-1, or kJ K^-1 kmol^-1.

A s_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


s_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.spamt β€” Type

struct spamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric speed amounts based in m/s.

spamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A spamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


spamt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.t_amt β€” Type

struct t_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WUnranked{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric time amounts based in s.

t_amt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A t_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


t_amt <: WUnranked <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.u_amt β€” Type

struct u_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric internal energy amounts based in kJ.

u_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A u_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


u_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.v_amt β€” Type

struct v_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric volume amounts based in mΒ³.

v_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of m^3, m^3 s^-1, m^3 kg^-1, or m^3 kmol^-1.

A v_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


v_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.veamt β€” Type

struct veamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric velocity amounts based in √(kJ/kg).

veamt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A veamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


veamt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.vramt β€” Type

struct vramt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric relative specific volume amounts based in –.

vramt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A vramt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


vramt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.w_amt β€” Type

struct w_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BInteract{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric work amounts based in kJ.

w_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A w_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


w_amt <: BInteract <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.x_amt β€” Type

struct x_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WProperty{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric saturated vapor mass fraction amounts based in –.

x_amt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A x_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


x_amt <: WProperty <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.xiamt β€” Type

struct xiamt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric closed sys. exergy amounts based in kJ.

xiamt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ, kJ s^-1, kJ kg^-1, or kJ kmol^-1.

A xiamt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


xiamt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.y_amt β€” Type

struct y_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: BProperty{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯}

Precision-, Exactness-, and Base- parametric Planck function amounts based in kJ/K.

y_amt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

  • Thermodynamic base 𝗯<:Union{SY,DT,MA,MO} respectively for system, rate, mass, or molar quantities, respectively in units of kJ K^-1, kJ K^-1 s^-1, kJ kg^-1 K^-1, or kJ K^-1 kmol^-1.

A y_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine parameters from their arguments. Quantity constructors do not need a base argument. Plain, AbstractFloat ones require the base argument.


y_amt <: BProperty <: BasedAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.z_amt β€” Type

struct z_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WUnranked{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric altitude amounts based in km.

z_amt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A z_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


z_amt <: WUnranked <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

EngThermBase.ΓΈ_amt β€” Type

struct ΓΈ_amt{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: WUnranked{𝗽,π˜…}

Precision-, and Exactness- parametric generic dimensionless ratio amounts based in –.

ΓΈ_amt{𝗽,π˜…} parameters are:

  • Precision 𝗽<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64,BigFloat};

  • Exactness π˜…<:Union{EX,MM}, i.e., either a single, precise value or an uncertainty-bearing measurement, respectively;

A ΓΈ_amt can be natively constructed from the following argument types:

  • A plain, unitless float;

  • A plain, unitless Measurement; hence, any AbstractFloat;

  • A Quantity{AbstractFloat} with compatible units.

Constructors determine all parameters from their arguments.


ΓΈ_amt <: WUnranked <: WholeAmt <: AMOUNTS <: AbstractTherm <: Any

Base.Filesystem.cp β€” Function

Function to return iso-P specific heat amounts in (kJ/K).

EngThermBase.AMT β€” Method

function AMT(x::Number)

Generates the default AMOUNTS from a, based on its unit dimensions. The eltype-undecorated Quantity constructors are evoked, so that the resulting type precision is taken from the x argument. This function is extensively used in operations that result in a unit change.

EngThermBase.Ma β€” Function

Function to return Mach number amounts in (–).

EngThermBase.NA β€” Method

NA(𝖯::Type{𝗽}=Float64, 𝖷::Type{π˜…}=EX) where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC}

Returns the Avogadro constant as a __amt{𝖯,𝖷}.

Arguments 𝖯 and 𝖷 can be ommitted and/or be supplied in any order.

EngThermBase.N_ β€” Function

Function to return chemical amount amounts in (kmol).

EngThermBase.P_ β€” Function

Function to return pressure amounts in (kPa).

EngThermBase.P_ β€” Method

P_(𝖯::Type{𝗽}=Float64, 𝖷::Type{π˜…}=EX) where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC}

Returns the standard atmosphere as a P_amt{𝖯,𝖷}.

Arguments 𝖯 and 𝖷 can be ommitted and/or be supplied in any order.

EngThermBase.Pr β€” Function

Function to return relative pressure amounts in (–).

EngThermBase.Pv β€” Function

Function to return flux work amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.RT β€” Function

Function to return RT product amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.R_ β€” Function

Function to return gas constant amounts in (kJ/K).

EngThermBase.R_ β€” Method

R_(𝖯::Type{𝗽}=Float64, 𝖷::Type{π˜…}=EX) where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC}

Returns the molar gas constant as a R_amt{𝖯:𝖷,MO}.

Arguments 𝖯 and 𝖷 can be ommitted and/or be supplied in any order.

EngThermBase.T_ β€” Function

Function to return temperature amounts in (K).

EngThermBase.T_ β€” Method

T_(𝖯::Type{𝗽}=Float64, 𝖷::Type{π˜…}=EX) where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC}

Returns the standard temperature as a T_amt{𝖯,𝖷}.

Arguments 𝖯 and 𝖷 can be ommitted and/or be supplied in any order.

EngThermBase.Ts β€” Function

Function to return Ts product amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.Z_ β€” Function

Function to return generalized compressibility factor amounts in (–).

EngThermBase._a β€” Function

Function to return generic amounts of arbitrary units.

EngThermBase.a_ β€” Function

Function to return Helmholtz energy amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.amt β€” Function

function amt end

Interface to get an AMOUNTS' :amt field in a type-stable manner.

EngThermBase.bare β€” Function

function bare end

Interface to get an AMOUNTS' bare (without units) value in a type-stable manner.

EngThermBase.baseof β€” Method

baseof(::Type{𝗧} | x::𝗧) where 𝗧<:BasedAmt{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} where {𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} = 𝗯

Returns the thermodynamic base of the AMOUNTS subtype or instance as a DataType.

EngThermBase.be β€” Function

Function to return coefficient of volume expansion amounts in (/K).

EngThermBase.c_ β€” Function

Function to return incompressible substance specific heat amounts in (kJ/K).

EngThermBase.cs β€” Function

Function to return adiabatic speed of sound amounts in (√(kJ/kg)).

EngThermBase.cv β€” Function

Function to return iso-v specific heat amounts in (kJ/K).

EngThermBase.de β€” Function

Function to return energy variation amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.deco β€” Function

function deco end

Interface to return a unique decorative Symbol from a method's argument type.

EngThermBase.dp β€” Function

Function to return os. exergy variation amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.ds β€” Function

Function to return entropy variation amounts in (kJ/K).

EngThermBase.dx β€” Function

Function to return cs. exergy variation amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.e_ β€” Function

Function to return total energy amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.ek β€” Function

Function to return kinetic energy amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.ep β€” Function

Function to return potential energy amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.exacof β€” Method

exacof(::Type{𝗧} | x::𝗧) where 𝗧<:AMOUNTS{𝗽} where 𝗽 = 𝗽

Returns the exactness of the AMOUNTS subtype or instance as a DataType.

EngThermBase.g_ β€” Function

Function to return Gibbs energy amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.ga β€” Function

Function to return specific heat ratio amounts in (–).

EngThermBase.gv β€” Function

Function to return gravity amounts in (m/sΒ²).

EngThermBase.gv β€” Method

gv(𝖯::Type{𝗽}=Float64, 𝖷::Type{π˜…}=E𝖷) where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC}

Returns the standard gravity as a gvamt{𝖯,𝖷}.

Arguments 𝖯 and 𝖷 can be ommitted and/or be supplied in any order.

EngThermBase.h_ β€” Function

Function to return enthalpy amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.i_ β€” Function

Function to return irreversibility amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.j_ β€” Function

Function to return Massieu function amounts in (kJ/K).

EngThermBase.kB β€” Method

kB(𝖯::Type{𝗽}=Float64, 𝖷::Type{π˜…}=EX) where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC}

Returns the Boltzmann constant as a __amt{𝖯,𝖷}.

Arguments 𝖯 and 𝖷 can be ommitted and/or be supplied in any order.

EngThermBase.kT β€” Function

Function to return isothermal compressibility amounts in (/kPa).

EngThermBase.k_ β€” Function

Function to return isentropic expansion exponent amounts in (–).

EngThermBase.ks β€” Function

Function to return isentropic compressibility amounts in (/kPa).

EngThermBase.mJ β€” Function

Function to return Joule-Thomson coefficient amounts in (K/kPa).

EngThermBase.mS β€” Function

Function to return isentropic expansion coefficient amounts in (K/kPa).

EngThermBase.m_ β€” Function

m_(𝑀::Molecule, π‘š::NamedTuple = atoM)::m_amt{𝕑,𝕩,MO} where {𝕑,𝕩}

EngThermBase.mk1ParAbs β€” Function

function mk1ParAbs(TY::Symbol, TP::Symbol, what::AbstractString, pp::Integer=1, xp::Bool=true)

Declares a new, 1-parameter abstract type. Parent type parameter count is a function of pp, so that declarations are as follows:

  • TY{𝗽} <: TP{𝗽} for pp >= 1 (default);
  • TY{𝗽<:PREC} <: TP for pp <= 0.

Argument what is inserted in the new type documentation, and xp controls whether or not the new abstract type is exported (default true).

EngThermBase.mk2ParAbs β€” Function

function mk2ParAbs(TY::Symbol, TP::Symbol, what::AbstractString, pp::Integer=2, xp::Bool=true)

Declares a new, 2-parameter abstract type. Parent type parameter count is a function of pp, so that declarations are as follows:

  • TY{𝗽,π˜…} <: TP{𝗽,π˜…} for pp >= 2 (default);
  • TY{𝗽,π˜…<:EXAC} <: TP{𝗽} for pp = 1;
  • TY{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC} <: TP for pp <= 0.

Argument what is inserted in the new type documentation, and xp controls whether or not the new abstract type is exported (default true).

EngThermBase.mk3ParAbs β€” Function

function mk3ParAbs(TY::Symbol, TP::Symbol, what::AbstractString, pp::Integer=3, xp::Bool=true)

Declares a new, 3-parameter abstract type. Parent type parameter count is a function of pp, so that declarations are as follows:

  • TY{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} <: TP{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯} for pp >= 3 (default);
  • TY{𝗽,π˜…,𝗯<:BASE} <: TP{𝗽,π˜…} for pp == 2;
  • TY{𝗽,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: TP{𝗽} for pp = 1;
  • TY{𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC,𝗯<:BASE} <: TP for pp <= 0.

Argument what is inserted in the new type documentation, and xp controls whether or not the new abstract type is exported (default true).

EngThermBase.mkNonPAbs β€” Function

function mkNonPAbs(TY::Symbol, TP::Symbol, what::AbstractString, xp::Bool=true)

Declares exactly one new, non-parametric, abstract type TY <: TP. Argument what is inserted in the new type documentation, and xp controls whether or not the new abstract type is exported (default true).

EngThermBase.molParse β€” Method


Parses the txt argumentβ€”something like "CH4", or "(CH3)2(CH2)6"β€”returning the corresponding Molecule object. Bails out if txt contains invalid characters, and if all parentheses aren't closed.

EngThermBase.mu β€” Method

mu(𝖯::Type{𝗽}=Float64, 𝖷::Type{π˜…}=EX) where {𝗽<:PREC,π˜…<:EXAC}

Returns the atomic mass constant as a m_amt{𝖯:𝖷}.

Arguments 𝖯 and 𝖷 can be ommitted and/or be supplied in any order.

EngThermBase.nxtToken β€” Method


Returns a single token from the head of the non-empty txt.

EngThermBase.pod β€” Function

function pod end

Interface to get an AMOUNTS' POD (plain old data) value in a type-stable manner.

EngThermBase.ppu β€” Function

function ppu end

Interface to pretty-print units.

EngThermBase.precof β€” Method

precof(::Type{𝗧} | x::𝗧) where 𝗧<:AMOUNTS{𝗽} where 𝗽 = 𝗽

Returns the precision of the AMOUNTS subtype or instance as a DataType.

EngThermBase.ps β€” Function

Function to return open system exergy amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.s_ β€” Function

Function to return entropy amounts in (kJ/K).

EngThermBase.tokenize β€” Method


Tokenizes until an EOS is reached.

EngThermBase.tyArchy β€” Method

function tyArchy(t::Union{DataType,UnionAll})

Returns a string suitable for documenting the hierarchy of an abstract type.

EngThermBase.u_ β€” Function

Function to return internal energy amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.v_ β€” Function

Function to return volume amounts in (mΒ³).

EngThermBase.ve β€” Function

Function to return velocity amounts in (√(kJ/kg)).

EngThermBase.vr β€” Function

Function to return relative specific volume amounts in (–).

EngThermBase.x_ β€” Function

Function to return saturated vapor mass fraction amounts in (–).

EngThermBase.xi β€” Function

Function to return closed sys. exergy amounts in (kJ).

EngThermBase.y_ β€” Function

Function to return Planck function amounts in (kJ/K).

EngThermBase.z_ β€” Function

Function to return altitude amounts in (km).

EngThermBase.ΓΈ_ β€” Function

Function to return generic dimensionless ratio amounts in (–).