for Extremely Tiny Molecular Dynamic is a simple package written in Julia
, which provide a simple software for MD simulations.
Getting Started
You can simple type ]
to enter the package in Julia REPL and type
pkg> add ExTinyMD
to install the package.
Here is an example, which simulate a 3D LJ fluid and plot its rdf:
using ExTinyMD, Plots
# create the atoms and the box
n_atoms = 1000
n_atoms = Int64(round(n_atoms))
L = 100.0
boundary = CubicBoundary(L)
atoms = create_atoms([(n_atoms, Atom(type = 1, mass = 1.0, charge = 0.0))])
# random init, position and velocity
info = SimulationInfo(n_atoms, atoms, (0.0, L, 0.0, L, 0.0, L), boundary; min_r = 0.1, temp = 1.0)
# set up the interaction needed, here only LJ, neighbors by cell_list
interactions = [(LennardJones(), CellList3D(info, 4.5, boundary, 100))]
# loggers, will store the data during simulations
loggers = [TemperatureLogger(100, output = false), TrajectoryLogger(step = 1000, output = false)]
# simulator and thermostat
simulator = VerletProcess(dt = 0.001, thermostat = AndersenThermoStat(1.0, 0.05))
# create MDSys
sys = MDSys(
n_atoms = n_atoms,
atoms = atoms,
boundary = boundary,
interactions = interactions,
loggers = loggers,
simulator = simulator
# run 1e6 steps
simulate!(simulator, sys, info, 1000000)
# sample 2e6 steps to get rdf
N = 20000
bin_num = 100
hist, volume, r, dr = hist_init(N, bin_num, 4.6)
for i in 1:N
simulate!(simulator, sys, info, 100)
distance_hist!(hist, sys.interactions[1][2].neighbor_list, dr)
rdf = hist ./ (N .* volume)
plot(r, 2 .* rdf, xlim = (0.0, 4.0), ylim = (0.0, 3.0))
How to Contribute
If you find any bug or have any suggestion, please open an issue.
If you want to add some new features, such as force or loggers, you can simply define something in your own package as
function ExTinyMD.update_acceleration!(
info::SimulationInfo{T}) where {T<:Number}
update_finder!(neighborfinder, info)
YourForce!(interaction, neighborfinder, sys.atoms, sys.boundary, info)
return nothing
and run them together. The package QuasiEwald.jl can be an example.