
ExpandNestedData.jl is a small package that can consume nested data structures like dictionaries of dictionaries or structs of structs and produce a normalized, Tables.jl-compliant NamedTuple. It can be used with JSON3.jl, XMLDict.jl, and other packages that parse file formats which are structured as denormalized data. It operates similarly to Pandas.json_normalize, but it is much more flexible.

Getting Started


using Pkg

Basic Usage

ExpandNestedData provides a single function expand to flatten out nested data.

using JSON3
using DataFrames

message = JSON3.read("""
        "a" : [
            {"b" : 1, "c" : 2},
            {"b" : 2},
            {"b" : [3, 4], "c" : 1},
            {"b" : []}
        "d" : 4

expand(message) |> DataFrame
5×3 DataFrame

Configuring Options

While expand can produce a Table out-of-the-box, it is often useful to configure some options in how it handles the normalization process. ExpandNestedData.jl offers two ways to set these configurations. You can set them at the table-level with expand's keyword arguments or exercise finer control with per-column configurations.

Keyword Arguments

default_value::AnyWhen a certain key exists in one branch, but not another, what value should be used to fill missing. Default: missing
lazy_columns::BoolIf true, return columns as a custom lazy iterator instead of collecting them as materialized vectors. This option can speed things up if you only need to access a subset of rows once. It is usually better to materialize the columns since getindex() on the lazy columns is expensive. Default: false
pool_arrays::BoolWhen collecting vectors for columns, choose whether to use PooledArrays instead of Base.Vector
column_names::Dict{Tuple, Symbol}Provide a mapping of key/fieldname paths to replaced column names
column_style::SymbolChoose returned column style from :nested or :flat. If nested, column_names are ignored and a TypedTables.Table is returned in which the columns are nested in the same structure as the source data. Default: :flat
name_join_pattern::StringA pattern to put between the keys when joining the path into a column name. Default: "_".
name_map = Dict([:a, :b] => :Column_B)
expand(message; default_value="no value", pool_arrays=true, column_names=name_map) |> DataFrame
5×3 DataFrame
14no valueno value
442no value

Using ColumnDefinitions

Instead of setting the configurations for the whole dataset, you can use a Vector{ColumnDefinition} to control how each column is handled. Using ColumnDefinitions has the added benefit of allowing you to ignore certain fields from the input. ColumnDefinition takes a Vector or Tuple of keys that act as the path to the values for the column. It also supports most of the keyword arguments as the regular expand API with the following exceptions:

  • column_names is column_name and accepts a single Symbol
  • No support for lazy_columns
  • column_style does not apply
column_defs = [
    ColumnDefinition([:d]; column_name = :ColumnD),
    ColumnDefinition([:a, :b]),
    ColumnDefinition([:e, :f]; column_name = :MissingColumn, default_value="Missing branch")

expand(message, column_defs) |> DataFrame
5×3 DataFrame
1Missing branch4missing
2Missing branch43
3Missing branch44
4Missing branch42
5Missing branch41


In the examples above, we've used flat_columns style. However, we can also maintain the nesting hierarchy of the source data.

using TypedTables

tbl = expand(message; column_style = nested_columns)

Now, our table has its columns nested, so we can access a specific column using dot syntax.


Furthermore, rows(tbl) returns a nested NamedTuple for each row

tbl |> rows |> first


Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for expand(::Any, ::Vector{ExpandNestedData.ColumnDefinition}). Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ColumnDefinition(::Any;). Check Documenter's build log for details.