fit_mle(mix::AbstractArray{<:MixtureModel}, y::AbstractVecOrMat, weights...; method = ClassicEM(), display=:none, maxiter=1000, atol=1e-3, robust=false, infos=false)

Do the same as fit_mle for each (initial) mixtures in the mix array. Then it selects the one with the largest loglikelihood. Warning: It uses try and catch to avoid errors messages in case EM converges toward a singular solution (probably using robust should be enough in most case to avoid errors).

fit_mle(mix::MixtureModel, y::AbstractVecOrMat, weights...; method = ClassicEM(), display=:none, maxiter=1000, atol=1e-3, robust=false, infos=false)

Use the an Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm to maximize the Loglikelihood (fit) the mixture with an i.i.d sample y. The mix input is a mixture that is used to initilize the EM algorithm.

  • weights when provided, it will compute a weighted version of the EM. (Useful for fitting mixture of mixtures)
  • method determines the algorithm used.
  • infos = true returns a Dict with informations on the algorithm (converged, iteration number, loglikelihood).
  • robust = true will prevent the (log)likelihood to overflow to -∞ or .
  • atol criteria determining the convergence of the algorithm. If the Loglikelihood difference between two iteration i and i+1 is smaller than atol i.e. |ℓ⁽ⁱ⁺¹⁾ - ℓ⁽ⁱ⁾|<atol, the algorithm stops.
  • display value can be :none, :iter, :final to display Loglikelihood evolution at each iterations :iter or just the final one :final
fit_mle(g::Product, x::AbstractMatrix)
fit_mle(g::Product, x::AbstractMatrix, γ::AbstractVector)

The fit_mle for multivariate Product distributions g is the product_distribution of fit_mle of each components of g. Product is meant to be depreacated in next version of Distribution.jl. Use the analog VectorOfUnivariateDistribution type instead.

fit_mle(::Type{<:Laplace}, x::AbstractArray{<:Real}, w::AbstractArray{<:Real})

fit_mle for Laplace distribution weighted data sets.

fit_mle(::Type{<:Uniform}, x::AbstractArray{<:Real}, w::AbstractArray{<:Real})

fit_mle for Uniform distribution weighted data sets. It is just the same as unweigted (removing zero weighted data).


Now "instance" version of fit_mle is supported (in addition of the current "type" version). Example: fit_mle(Bernoulli(0.2), x) is accepted in addition of fit_mle(Bernoulli, x) this allows compatibility with how fit_mle(g::Product) and fit_mle(g::MixtureModel) are written. #! Not 100% sure it will not cause any issuses or conflic! #! There might be another way to do with the type something like: #! https://discourse.julialang.org/t/ann-copulas-jl-a-fully-distributions-jl-compliant-copula-package/76544/12 #! MyMarginals = Tuple{LogNormal,Pareto,Gamma,Normal}; #! fitted_model = fit(SklarDist{MyCop,MyMarginals},data) #! and initial parameters as kwargs?

fit_mle(::Type{<:Dirac}, x::AbstractArray{<:Real}[, w::AbstractArray{<:Real}])

fit_mle for Dirac distribution (weighted or not) data sets.

fit_mle!(α::AbstractVector, dists::AbstractVector{F} where {F<:Distribution}, y::AbstractVecOrMat, method::ClassicEM; display=:none, maxiter=1000, atol=1e-3, robust=false)

Use the EM algorithm to update the Distribution dists and weights α composing a mixture distribution.

  • robust = true will prevent the (log)likelihood to overflow to -∞ or .
  • atol criteria determining the convergence of the algorithm. If the Loglikelihood difference between two iteration i and i+1 is smaller than atol i.e. |ℓ⁽ⁱ⁺¹⁾ - ℓ⁽ⁱ⁾|<atol, the algorithm stops.
  • display value can be :none, :iter, :final to display Loglikelihood evolution at each iterations :iter or just the final one :final
fit_mle!(α::AbstractVector, dists::AbstractVector{F} where {F<:Distribution}, y::AbstractVecOrMat, method::StochasticEM; display=:none, maxiter=1000, atol=1e-3, robust=false)

Use the stochastic EM algorithm to update the Distribution dists and weights α composing a mixture distribution.

  • robust = true will prevent the (log)likelihood to overflow to -∞ or .
  • atol criteria determining the convergence of the algorithm. If the Loglikelihood difference between two iteration i and i+1 is smaller than atol i.e. |ℓ⁽ⁱ⁺¹⁾ - ℓ⁽ⁱ⁾|<atol, the algorithm stops.
  • display value can be :none, :iter, :final to display Loglikelihood evolution at each iterations :iter or just the final one :final
predict(mix::MixtureModel, y::AbstractVector; robust=false)

Evaluate the most likely category for each observations given a MixtureModel.

  • robust = true will prevent the (log)likelihood to overflow to -∞ or .
predict_proba(mix::MixtureModel, y::AbstractVecOrMat; robust=false)

Evaluate the probability for each observations to belong to a category given a MixtureModel..

  • robust = true will prevent the (log)likelihood to under(overflow)flow to -∞ (or ).