How does it actually work?

ExtensibleEffects put everything into the meta monad Eff and somehow magically by doing so different monads can compose well together. Let's look a bit more into the details.

Key ingredients

There are two main ingredience for this magic to work:

  1. Eff is itself a Monad, hence you can work within Eff without caring about the precise workings of the computational context Eff.
  2. Eff is not only an arbitrary Monad, but a very generic one, sometimes called a kind of free Monad. The key result is that we can represent many many of our well known Monads into this Eff monad.
  3. The ExtensibleEffects system guarantees that the continuation in eff_flatmap(handler, continuation, effectful) will always return an Eff with element type of the same type as effectful itself. This makes it possible to define your own effect-handlers independent of all the other effect-handlers.

The monad implementation is very simple indeed.

TypeClasses.pure(::Type{<:Eff}, a) = noeffect(a), eff::Eff) = TypeClasses.flatmap(noeffect ∘ f, eff)
TypeClasses.flatmap(f, eff::Eff) = Eff(eff.effectful, Continuation(eff.cont.functions..., f))

In brief, it just stores all functions for later execution in the Continuation attribute cont. The first function in the Continuation is later applied directly to the eff.effectful, the second function in cont is applied to the result of the first function, the third to the result of that, and so forth (with the addition that all functions return Eff which wrap the results). That is it.

Let's look at the third ingredient, why the continuation always returns an Eff of the very same type.

What is actually the element type of an Eff? It is not the typeparameter Eff{ElementType}, because Eff is defined as Eff{Effectful, Continuation}. We can nevertheless get an intuitive feeling for the element type: When using map/flatmap like in

flatmap(eff) do value
  # ...

The element is the argument to our anonymous function which we map over the container. For example above, the element type would be typeof(value).

For Eff the value of flatmap is specified by whatever function is mapped right befor our call to map. To understand what this is, we need to take a look into whatever is calling our eff_flatmap. It turns out this is ExtensibleEffects.runhandler. Here is its definition:

function runhandler(handler, eff::Eff)
  eff_applies(handler, eff.effectful) || return runhandler_not_applies(handler, eff)

  interpreted_continuation = if isempty(eff.cont)
    # `_eff_pure` just calls `eff_pure` and ensures that the return value is of type `Eff`
    Continuation(x -> _eff_pure(handler, x))
    Continuation(x -> runhandler(handler, eff.cont(x)))
  # `_eff_flatmap` just calls `eff_flatmap` and ensures that the return value is of type `Eff`
  _eff_flatmap(handler, interpreted_continuation, eff.effectful)

It is quite similar to our custom handler we wrote for State. In the first line we again check whether our current handler actually applies. For our purposes at the moment, we are only interested in the case where it applies, so we can go on to line 3: Here we construct the actual continuation which is then passed to eff_flatmap. The last line then is already our call to eff_flatmap which we wanted to understand in more detail.

Let's summarize the situation and the goal again. It is simpler to follow if we take concrete example. Let's consider that eff.effectful is of type Vector, and that also handler = Vector. We want to understand why the continuation, here interpreted_continuation, is returning an Eff with element type Vector as well.

Looking at the definition of interpreted_continuation we can directly read out its return value.

  1. In the first case, if isempty(eff.cont), we get an _eff_pure(Vector, ...) which indeed will construct an Eff with element type Vector (the continuation of that Eff is still empty).

  2. In the second case we get runhandler(Vector, eff.cont(x)), which recurses into our very function runhandler itself. What does it return?

    1. If the Vector handler applies to the next effect eff.cont(x)::Eff, we return eff_flatmap(...). Remember eff_flatmap belongs to the core interface and indeed for Vector always return an Eff of element type Vector, if everything goes right.

    2. If the Vector handler does not apply to the next effect eff.cont(x), we return runhandler_not_applies(Vector, eff). Here is its definition

      function runhandler_not_applies(handler, eff::Eff)
        interpreted_continuation = if isempty(eff.cont)
          Continuation(x -> _eff_pure(handler, x))
          Continuation(x -> runhandler(handler, eff.cont(x)))
        Eff(eff.effectful, interpreted_continuation)

      The interpreted_continuation is constructed exactly identically. The only difference is that instead of calling eff_flatmap, we construct an Eff which will remember to run our handler for subsequent effects. We are interested in the element type of this returned Eff, which is directly defined by what interpreted_continuation returns, same as before.

      1. In the first case we have _eff_pure(Vector, ...) again, which is an Eff of element type Vector.
      2. In the second case we recurse one more time into our well known runhandler(Vector, ...), what does it return? At this point we already have been once. We have seen all branches our function can take: There was the _eff_pure(Vector, ...) branch, which is returning an Eff of element type Vector quite trivially. There was _eff_flatmap which does so as well by definition. Finally there is the recursion branch. Assuming now that the recursion ends, it will itself end in branch one or two and hence also return an Eff of element type Vector.

To emphasize one implicit but very important aspect of the above argument: Whether things are actually computed or just stored for later execution, to understand which element type the Eff has it is not decisive. Everything which matters is what is going to be executed right before. This way the different handlers can actually stack their computations on top of each other without interferring.

Extensive Example

Finally let's look at a concrete example of running two simple handlers, Vector and Writer.

julia> @syntax_eff begin
         a = [2, 3]
         b = Writer("hello.", a*a)
         c = [7, 8]
         d = Writer("world.", a+b+c)
         @pure a, b, c, d
4-element Vector{Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}}:
 Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 7, 13))
 Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 8, 14))
 Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (3, 9, 7, 19))
 Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (3, 9, 8, 20))

julia> eff = @syntax_eff_noautorun begin
         a = [2, 3]
         b = Writer("hello.", a*a)
         c = [7, 8]
         d = Writer("world.", a+b+c)
         @pure a, b, c, d
Eff(effectful=[2, 3], length(cont)=1)

@syntax_eff uses autorun and hence is just the same as manually running @runhandlers (Vector, Writer) @syntax_eff_noautorun ..., which again translates into

import ExtensibleEffects: runhandler, runlast_ifpossible, Continuation
runlast_ifpossible(runhandler(Vector, runhandler(Writer, eff)))

where eff refers to the above variable storing the result of @syntax_eff_noautorun. Let's go step by step:

  • we start with runhandler(Writer, eff)

  • the first effect found is not of type Writer, and the Eff has still a continuation left, i.e. eff.cont is not empty. Hence we construct Eff(eff.effectful, interpreted_continuation_Writer1) where interpreted_continuation_Writer1 recurses into runhandler using the handler Writer. The inner eff.cont is the very first continuation, capturing the entire computation.

    original_continuation1(a) = @syntax_eff_noautorun begin
      b = Writer("hello.", a*a)
      c = [7, 8]
      d = Writer("world.", a+b+c)
      @pure a, b, c, d
    interpreted_continuation_Writer1(a) = runhandler(Writer, original_continuation1(a))
  • eff2 = runhandler(Writer, eff) already returns

  • runhandler(Vector, eff2) is run

  • the first effect found is of type Vector, and the eff2.cont is again non-empty - it is just our interpreted_continuation_Writer1. Hence we will construct a new continuation, let's call it interpreted_continuation_Vector1, which recurses into runhandler using the handler Vector. We can specify it more concretely as

    interpreted_continuation_Vector1 = Continuation(x -> runhandler(Vector, interpreted_continuation_Writer1(x)))
  • this interpreted_continuation_Vector1 is now passed to eff_flatmap for Vector which will call this continuation for all values, here 2 and 3.

  • interpreted_continuation_Vector1(2) returns the results of this first branch, which is now a pure value (which you can see at length(cont)=0)

    julia> interpreted_continuation_Vector1(2)
    Eff(effectful=NoEffect{Vector{Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}}}(Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}[Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 4, 10)), Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 5, 11))]), length(cont)=0)
    • Let's look into interpreted_continuation_Writer1(2)

      julia> eff3 = interpreted_continuation_Writer1(2)
      Eff(effectful=[4, 5], length(cont)=2)
      • Given a = 2, the original program could continue and returned an Eff with the first Writer as its effectful value and all the rest as the continuation.

        function original_continuation2(b)
          a = 2
          @syntax_eff_noautorun begin
            c = [7, 8]
            d = Writer("world.", a+b+c)
            @pure a, b, c, d
      • Then runhandler(Writer, ...) was called on top if it, finding an effectful Writer and non-empty continuation original_continuation2 and hence constructing a new continuation

        interpreted_continuation_Writer2 = Continuation(x -> runhandler(Writer, original_continuation2(x)))

        which is then passed to eff_flatmap.

      • Within eff_flatmap, the Writer's inner value is extracted, a 4 = 2*2, and passed on to the continuation.

        julia> interpreted_continuation_Writer2(4)
        Eff(effectful=[7, 8], length(cont)=1)

        Here what happened step by step:

        • eff4 = original_continuation2(4) was called, returning the next program step Eff(effectful=[4, 5], length(cont)=1)

        • runhandler(Writer, eff4) found a Vector which it cannot handle, and in addition the Effect has a non-empty continuation. Hence it returns an Eff with the same effectful (the Vector here) and applying runhandler(Writer, ...) to the continuation.

          function original_continuation3(c)
            a = 2
            b = 4
            @syntax_eff_noautorun begin
              d = Writer("world.", a+b+c)
              @pure a, b, c, d
          interpreted_continuation_Writer3 = Continuation(x -> runhandler(Writer, original_continuation3(x)))

          That is also why the length of eff.cont hasn't changed. original_continuation3 was simply replaced with interpreted_continuation_Writer3.

      • finally eff_flatmap for Writer will work within the returned Eff using Eff' monad-power, and combine its accumulator to the accumulator of the going-to-be Writer within the Eff.

        function ExtensibleEffects.eff_flatmap(continuation, a::Writer)
          eff_of_writer = continuation(a.value)
          map(eff_of_writer) do b
            Writer(a.acc ⊕ b.acc, b.value)

        As Eff does not actually compute anything, but just stores the computation for later execution by appending it to eff.cont, we arrive at our final result

        julia> eff3 = interpreted_continuation_Writer1(2)
        Eff(effectful=[7, 8], length(cont)=2)
    • runhandlers(Vector, eff3)

      • it will find an effectful of the correct type and a non-empty continuation, hence creating a continuation

        interpreted_continuation_Vector2(x) = runhandler(Vector, eff3.cont(x))

        and passing it to eff_flatmap

      • eff_flatmap will now run it for both of its values 7 and 8, starting with 7

      • eff3.cont(7) gives a pure result (length(cont)=0) of type NoEffect{Writer}. Note that this is not a Writer effect, but really the end-result which gets wrapped into the trivial effect NoEffect.

        julia> eff3.cont(7)
        Eff(effectful=NoEffect{Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}}(Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 7, 13))), length(cont)=0)

        How does this came about?

        • eff3.cont contains two continuations, the first was interpreted_continuation_Writer3 (original_continuation3 followed by runhandler(Writer, ...)) and the second came from the extra map operation from within Writer's eff_flatmap operation.

        • eff5 = original_continuation3(7) just continues our original program

          julia> original_continuation3(7)
          Eff(effectful=Writer{String, Int64}("world.", 13), length(cont)=1)

          The continuation in here is just the last part of our program

          function original_continuation4(d)
            a = 2
            b = 4
            c = 7
            # the following is invalid syntax, because julia cannot typeinfer the effect type which would be needed to call `pure`
            # @syntax_eff_noautorun begin
            #   @pure a, b, c, d
            # end
            # instead we can construct pure manually
            noeffect((a, b, c, d))
        • interpreted_continuation_Writer3(7) is just runhandler(Writer, eff5). The Writer handler finds a matching effectful and non-empty continuation, hence creating a new continuation

          interpreted_continuation_Writer4(x) = runhandler(Writer, original_continuation4(x))

          which is then passed into Writer's eff_flatmap

          • eff_flatmap extracts the value from the current Writer, which is 13 here, and passes it to the continuation

          • The original continuation returns a NoEffect effect type which contains the final Tuple

            julia> eff6 = original_continuation4(13)
            Eff(effectful=NoEffect{NTuple{4, Int64}}((2, 4, 7, 13)), length(cont)=0)
          • Calling runhandler(Writer, eff6) on it will find non matching effect and empty continuation. Hence it constructs a new Eff with original value and new continuation x -> eff_pure(Writer, x).

            julia> runhandler(Writer, eff6)
            Eff(effectful=NoEffect{Writer{typeof(TypeClasses.neutral), NTuple{4, Int64}}}(Writer{typeof(TypeClasses.neutral), NTuple{4, Int64}}(TypeClasses.neutral, (2, 4, 7, 13))), length(cont)=0)
          • For performance reasons the Eff constructor will directly execute any computation which is run on an NoEffect effect. This explains the new effectful and length(cont)=0. You also see that mapping over NoEffect will actually get the wrapped value (here a Tuple) as the input, which is then wrapped into Writer.

          • eff_flatmap will then merge the accumulators, namely the "world." from the plain Writer as well as the pure accumulator TypeClasses.neutral introduced by eff_pure. The merging is again realized by mapping over the Eff, and as we reached NoEffect effect, all computations are now directly executed.

        • at last the old eff_flatmap operation gets active, which now merges the accumulators of the inner Writer "world." and the outer accumulator "hello.". The merging is again realized by mapping over the Eff, and as the effect is already NoEffect, the computation is executed immediately, giving us

          julia> eff3.cont(7)
          Eff(effectful=NoEffect{Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}}(Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 7, 13))), length(cont)=0)
      • runhandler(Vector, eff3.cont(7)) finds now an Eff with empty continuation and different type Writer, hence a new Eff is build with eff_pure

        Eff(eff3.effectful, Continuation(x -> _eff_pure(Vector, x)))

        For performance improvements, the computation on NoEffect is again directly executed, leading into a new NoEffect of Vector of Writer.

        julia> runhandler(Vector, eff3.cont(7))
        Eff(effectful=NoEffect{Vector{Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}}}(Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}[Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 7, 13))]), length(cont)=0)
      • The same happens for value 8, returning another Eff of NoEffect of Vector of Writer

      • Using the monad power of Eff, both results are now combined by flattening them

        julia> @syntax_flatmap begin
                a = interpreted_continuation_Vector2(7)
                b = interpreted_continuation_Vector2(8)
                @pure [a...; b...]
        Eff(effectful=NoEffect{Vector{Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}}}(Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}[Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 7, 13)), Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 8, 14))]), length(cont)=0)

        The concrete implementation of Vector's eff_flatmap is slightly more general, but the principle is the same.

  • the continuation for the outer Vector (interpreted_continuation_Vector1) is now executed for the second value 3, too, giving another NoEffect plain value.

  • analogously to how the inner two computations have been merged, also the outer two Eff of NoEffect of Vector get merged. We almost have our end result.

    julia> runhandler(Vector, runhandler(Writer, eff))
    Eff(effectful=NoEffect{Vector{Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}}}(Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}[Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 7, 13)), Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 8, 14)), Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (3, 9, 7, 19)), Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (3, 9, 8, 20))]), length(cont)=0)
  • Finally runlast_ifpossible tries to extract the value out of the Eff-NoEffect combination.

    julia> runlast_ifpossible(runhandler(Vector, runhandler(Writer, eff)))
    4-element Vector{Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}}:
    Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 7, 13))
    Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (2, 4, 8, 14))
    Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (3, 9, 7, 19))
    Writer{String, NTuple{4, Int64}}("", (3, 9, 8, 20))

We have seen the concrete execution of one example, including how the effect system separates lazy computation from actual computation. As long as we haven't reached NoEffect and still have unkown handlers to handle, all computation is just lazily stored as functions for later execution. As soon as all handlers are handled, the result is wrapped into the special NoEffect effect, on which computation is now executed immediately. From the perspective of the user, the precise timing when something is executed is just an implementation. Hence also NoEffect is an implementation detail and you never need to worry about it. Still I hope this helped the interested reader to understand in more detail what is going on behind the scenes.

That is it, I hope it is a little bit less magical now, however I myself have to commit that even after implementing the whole package, the power of the extensible effects concept keeps blowing my mind and stays magic.