
FeatureTransforms.TestUtils is used to test new data types that wish to support the transform interface described in the documentation. It provides various test fakes and utilities to help with doing so.


FeatureTransforms.TestUtils.FakeManyToManyTransform <: Transform

A fake FeatureTransforms.ManyToMany transform for test purposes. Calling apply will return an array of ones with a size and dimension matching the cardinality of the transform.

FeatureTransforms.TestUtils.FakeManyToOneTransform <: Transform

A fake FeatureTransforms.ManyToOne transform for test purposes. Calling apply will return an array of ones with a size and dimension matching the cardinality of the transform.

FeatureTransforms.TestUtils.FakeOneToManyTransform <: Transform

A fake FeatureTransforms.OneToMany transform for test purposes. Calling apply will return an array of ones with a size and dimension matching the cardinality of the transform.

FeatureTransforms.TestUtils.FakeOneToOneTransform <: Transform

A fake FeatureTransforms.OneToOne transform for test purposes. Calling apply will return an array of ones with a size and dimension matching the cardinality of the transform.