Hidden state models

Hidden state models

HiddenStateModel{S, T<:TimeType} <: AbstractModel{S}

Abstract type for any model of the hidden state of type S.


Return the dimensionality of the hidden state in problem.


Returns the dimensionality of the hidden state in model.


Returns the type of the hidden state in arg. Supported argument types:

  • Any subtype of AbstractModel
  • Any subtype of AbstractFilteringProblem

Returns the data type of the hidden state in model.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for time_type. Check Documenter's build log for details.


Returns the specification of the initial condition in model. This is either a fixed value or a samplable distribution.


Returns a sample from the initial distribution of model.

propagate!(state[s], model::HiddenStateModel[, dt])

Propagates the state(s) according to the model. For ContinuousTime' models, a time stepdt' has to be provided. Multiple states are given as a matrix with columns corresponding to states, and are processed i.i.d.

propagate!(sfs, filtering_problem, filtering_algorithm; dt) --> sfs

Propagates the system and filter states for one time-step according to the specified filtering problem and algorithm.

Diffusion processes

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for DiffusionStateModel. Check Documenter's build log for details.

LinearDiffusionStateModel(A, B; init)

Returns a linear diffusion process hidden state model $dX_t = A X_t dt + B dW_t$ with appropriately sized matrices $A$ and $B$.

Optional argument init stands for the initial condition of the process, which is either

  • A vector of length n for a fixed (deterministic) initial condition
  • A Distributions.Sampleable type for a random initial condition

If argument init is left out, it is set to either

  • a multivariate normal distribution with covariance matrix set to the stationary variance, if it exists
  • the zero vector
Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ScalarDiffusionStateModel. Check Documenter's build log for details.


Returns the drift function $f$ of the diffusion model $dX_t = f(X_t)dt + g(X_t)dW_t$.


Returns the diffusion function $g$ of the diffusion model $dX_t = f(X_t)dt + g(X_t)dW_t$.


Returns the dimension of the Brownian motion $W_t$ in the diffusion model $dX_t = f(X_t)dt + g(X_t)dW_t$.


Returns the dimension of the Brownian motion $W_t$ in the diffusion model $dX_t = f(X_t)dt + g(X_t)dW_t$.