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Import mesh from Abaqus input (.inp) files into Ferrite.jl's Grid type. User-defined cell types are supported.

Pull requests that add Julia code to parse other mesh formats are very welcome! Note that for Gmsh, the package FerriteGmsh.jl already provides a versatile interface.

Getting started

A very brief intro is given here, please see the docs for further details and examples


]add FerriteMeshParser
using FerriteMeshParser

Basic usage

Let filename be the path to your Abaqus input file and do

grid = get_ferrite_grid(filename)

Custom cells (elements)

grid = get_ferrite_grid(filename; user_elements::Dict{String,DataType}=Dict{String,DataType}())

Supply a dictionary with keys being element codes in the mesh file filename and the value being the corresponding concrete subtype of Ferrite.AbstractCell.

Additionally, you may have to overload the function

FerriteMeshParser.create_cell(::Type{CellType}, node_numbers, format::FerriteMeshParser.AbaqusMeshFormat) where{CellType<:Ferrite.AbstractCell}

Overloading is required if the constructor of your CellType needs different constructor input arguments than a tuple of node indices in the order given in the input file. create_cell should return an instance of your subtype of Ferrite.AbstractCell with the given node_numbers.

Current limitations

  • Only one part and one instance can exist in the input file
  • Node and element numbers must start at 1 and not have any gaps (e.g if there are 10 nodes, no node number higher than 10 can be given)


The code was originally written by KristofferC and kimauth