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FieldDocTables uses DocStringExtensions.jl and PrettyTables.jl to print field names and field docs in a table in the docs for a type (defaults to unfenced markdown).

But the main reason to use this package is to add additional columns to the field documentation, such as from FieldMetadata.jl.

Additional column labels and methods can be passed to the field doc constructor FieldDocTable(). The method must accept a type and return a vector or tuple of the same length as the number of fields in the type.

using FieldDocTables, FieldMetadata

import FieldMetadata: @default, default, @bounds, bounds, @description, description

# Declare the doc abbreviation for your doc table
const FIELDDOCTABLE = FieldDocTable((Description=description, Default=default, Bounds=bounds))

The docs and metadata for this type are printed as a markdown table:
@description @bounds @default mutable struct TestStruct
   "Field a docs"
   a::Int     | 2   | (1, 10)     | "an Int"
   "Field b docs"
   b::Float64 | 4.0 | (2.0, 20.0) | "a Float "

help?> TestStruct
search: TestStruct

  The docs and metadata for this type are printed as a markdown table:

Field Description Default      Bounds    Docs
––––– ––––––––––– ––––––– ––––––––––– –––––––
    a      an Int       2     (1, 10) Field a
    b     a Float     4.0 (2.0, 20.0) Field b

You could additionally set the truncation length for each field, and use another table format. Table formats besides markdown should be fenced.

Note formats besides markdown will not translate to good html tables in browser documentation.

const FIELDDOCTABLE = FieldDocTable((:Description, :Default, :Limits),
                                   (description, default, limits);