

arcmap(f::Function, fst::WFST, args...; modify_initials=identity, modify_finals=identity, isym=get_isym(fst), osym=get_osym(fst))

Creates a new WFST from fst by applying the function f to all its arcs, see Arc. The arguments of f can be specified in args.

The functions modify_initials and modify_finals operate in the initial and final dictionaries, which keys are the initial/final states and values are the corresponding state weights.

Input and output tables can also be modified using the keywords isym and osym.

The following example shows how to use arcmap to convert the type of weight of a WFST:

julia> A = WFST(["a","b","c"]); # by default weight is TropicalWeight{Float32}

julia> add_arc!(A,1=>2,"a"=>"a",1);

julia> add_arc!(A,1=>3,"b"=>"c",3);

julia> initial!(A,1); final!(A,2,4); final!(A,3,2)
WFST #states: 3, #arcs: 2, #isym: 3, #osym: 3
a:a/3.0f0 → (2)
b:c/3.0f0 → (3)

julia> trop2prob(x) = ProbabilityWeight{Float64}(exp(-get(x)))
trop2prob (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function trop2prob(arc::Arc)
           ilab = get_ilabel(arc)
           olab = get_olabel(arc)
           w = trop2prob(get_weight(arc))
           n = get_nextstate(arc)
           return Arc(ilab,olab,w,n)
trop2prob (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> trop2prob(initials::Dict) = Dict(i => trop2prob(w) for (i,w) in initials)
trop2prob (generic function with 3 methods)

julia> arcmap(trop2prob,A; modify_initials=trop2prob, modify_finals=trop2prob)
WFST #states: 3, #arcs: 2, #isym: 3, #osym: 3
a:a/0.3678794503211975 → (2)
b:c/0.049787066876888275 → (3)


Inverts fst such that input labels are swaped with output labels.


proj(iolabel::Function, fst::WFST)

Projects input labels to output labels (or viceversa). The function get_iolabel should either be the function get_ilabel or get_olabel.



closure(fst; star=true)

Returns a new WFST cfst that is the closure of fst. If fst transuces labels to olabel with weight w, cfst will be able to transduce repeat(ilabels,n) to repeat(olabels,m) with weight w^n for any integer n.

If star is true, cfst will transduce the empty string to itself with weight one.




Can be used for WFSTs containing epsilon labels. Avoids redundant epsilon paths and giving priority to those that match epsilon labels.



Can be used for WFSTs containing epsilon labels. Avoids redundant epsilon paths. Gives priority to epsilon paths consisting of epsilon-arcs in A followed by epsilon-arcs in B.




Returns C, the concatenation/product of A and B. If A converts the sequence a_i to a_o with weight wa and B converts the sequence b_i to b_o with weight wb then Cconverts the sequence[ai,bi]to[ao,bo]with weightwa*wb`.

julia> sym = ["a","b","c","d","α","β","γ","δ"];

julia> A = WFST(sym);

julia> add_arc!(A,1=>2,"a"=>"α");

julia> add_arc!(A,2=>3,"b"=>"β");

julia> initial!(A,1); final!(A,3,5)
WFST #states: 3, #arcs: 2, #isym: 8, #osym: 8
a:α/0.0f0 → (2)
b:β/0.0f0 → (3)

julia> B = WFST(sym);

julia> add_arc!(B,1=>2,"c"=>"γ");

julia> add_arc!(B,2=>3,"d"=>"δ");

julia> initial!(B,1); final!(B,3,2)
WFST #states: 3, #arcs: 2, #isym: 8, #osym: 8
c:γ/0.0f0 → (2)
d:δ/0.0f0 → (3)

julia> C = A*B
WFST #states: 6, #arcs: 5, #isym: 8, #osym: 8
a:α/0.0f0 → (2)
b:β/0.0f0 → (3)
ϵ:ϵ/5.0f0 → (4)
c:γ/0.0f0 → (5)
d:δ/0.0f0 → (6)

julia> A(["a","b"])
(["α", "β"], 5.0f0)

julia> B(["c","d"])
(["γ", "δ"], 2.0f0)

julia> C(["a","b","c","d"])
(["α", "β", "γ", "δ"], 7.0f0)



connect(fst::WFST, [i = get_initial(fst,single=true)])

Remove states that do not belong to paths that end in final states when starting from i.


Epsilon Removal




Returns an iterator that performs a breadth-first search (BFS) of fst starting from the state initial.

At each iteartion the tuple (i,p) is returned, where i is the current state and p a Path.


get_paths(fst::FST, [i = get_initial(fst;single=true)])

Returns an iterator that generates all of the possible paths of fst starting from i.

Notice that the fst must be acyclic for the algorithm to stop (see is_acyclic).


collectpaths(fst::FST, [i = get_initial(fst;first=true)])

Returns an array containing all of the possible paths of fst starting from i.

Notice that the fst must be acyclic for the algorithm to stop (see is_acyclic).


DFS(fst::WFST, initial; filter=arc->true)

Creates an iterator that performs a depth-first search (DFS) of the fst starting from the state initial. The function filter can be specify in order to perform the search ignoring arcs with user-defined properties.

For each iterator the tuple (p,s,n,d,e) is returned, where:

  • p is the parent parent state (p==0 if there is no parent)
  • s is the current state
  • n next state: n==0 if s has no arcs or if completely explored. These will give you standard DFS iterations.
  • d is a Bool: if true means a new state is discovered, can be used to pick up DFS its (see example below)
  • e is a Bool, if true means all arcs have been inspected
  • a inspected arc (empty if d == false)

The following cases/colors are possible:

  • d == false && n ==0 -> black state, state has been checked completely
  • d == false && n !=0 -> n is already gray
  • d == true -> n state is colored gray, i.e. is visited for the first time


julia> fst = WFST(Dict(1=>1));

julia> add_arc!(fst, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1.0);

julia> add_arc!(fst, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1.0);

julia> add_arc!(fst, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1.0);

julia> add_arc!(fst, 2, 6, 1, 1, 1.0);

julia> add_arc!(fst, 2, 4, 1, 1, 1.0);

julia> add_arc!(fst, 5, 4, 1, 1, 1.0);

julia> add_arc!(fst, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1.0);

julia> add_arc!(fst, 3, 7, 1, 1, 1.0);

julia> initial!(fst,1)
WFST #states: 7, #arcs: 8, #isym: 1, #osym: 1
1:1/1.0f0 → (2)
1:1/1.0f0 → (5)
1:1/1.0f0 → (3)
1:1/1.0f0 → (6)
1:1/1.0f0 → (4)
1:1/1.0f0 → (4)
1:1/1.0f0 → (7)
1:1/1.0f0 → (4)

julia> dfs = FiniteStateTransducers.DFS(fst,1); # DFS starting from state 1

julia> for (p,s,n,d,e,a) in dfs
         if d == true
           println("visiting first time $n (Gray)")
           if e
             println("completed state $s (Black)")
             println("node $n already visited")
visiting first time 2 (Gray)
visiting first time 6 (Gray)
completed state 6 (Black)
visiting first time 4 (Gray)
completed state 4 (Black)
completed state 2 (Black)
visiting first time 5 (Gray)
node 4 already visited
completed state 5 (Black)
visiting first time 3 (Gray)
node 4 already visited
visiting first time 7 (Gray)
completed state 7 (Black)
completed state 3 (Black)
completed state 1 (Black)

is_visited(fst::WFST, i = get_initial(fst;single=true))

Return an array of booleans indicating if the i-th state of the fst is visted starting form i.




Returns rfst, the reversed version of fst. If fst transuces the sequence x to y with weight w, rfst transuces the reverse of x to the reverse of y with weight reverse(w).

Shortest Distance


shortest_distance(fst[, s=get_initial(fst); filter=arc->true, reverse=false)

Computes the shortest distance between the state s to every other state. The shortest distance between s and i is defined as the sum of the weights of all paths between these states.

Weights are required to be rigth distributive and k-closed.

If fst has N states a N-long vector is returned where the i-the element contains the shortest distance between the states s and i.

If reversed==true the shortest distance from the final states is computed. In this case s has no effect since a new initial superstate is added to the reversed WFST. Here weights are required to be left distributive and k-closed.

See Mohri "Semiring framework and algorithms for shortest-distance problems", Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 7(3): 321-350, 2002.

Topological sort


topsort(fst::WFST, i = get_initial(fst); filter=arc->true)

Requires fst to be acyclic.

Returns an equivalent WFST to fst which is topologically sorted starting from the i-th state.

Modify the filter function to perform the operation considering only specific arcs.


topsortperm(fst::WFST, i = get_initial(fst); filter=arc->true)

Requires fst to be acyclic.

Returns the topological permutation of states of fst starting from the i-th state.

Modify the filter function to perform the operation considering only specific arcs.


get_scc(fst::WFST, i = get_initial(fst;single=true); filter=arc->true)

Calculates the strongly connected components of 'fst' using Tarjan's algorithm. Returns a tuple (scc,c,v):

  • scc are the strongly connected components of fst
  • c is a boolean array containing the accessibility form the i
  • v are the visited states of the fst

The function filter can be used to consider only arcs with specific properties.

WFST label transition extraction


wfst2tr(fst,Nt; get_label=get_ilabel)

Returns an array time2tr of length Nt-1. The t-th element of time2tr is a dictionary mapping the transition index between input label at time t to the input label at time t+1.

julia> using FiniteStateTransducers

julia> H = WFST(["a1","a2","a3"],["a"]);

julia> add_arc!(H,1,2,"a1","a");

julia> add_arc!(H,2,3,"a2","<eps>");

julia> add_arc!(H,2,2,"a2","<eps>");

julia> add_arc!(H,3,4,"a3","<eps>");

julia> add_arc!(H,3,2,"a3","a");

julia> initial!(H,1);

julia> final!(H,4)
WFST #states: 4, #arcs: 5, #isym: 3, #osym: 1
a1:a/0.0f0 → (2)
a2:ϵ/0.0f0 → (3)
a2:ϵ/0.0f0 → (2)
a3:ϵ/0.0f0 → (4)
a3:a/0.0f0 → (2)

julia> Nt = 10;

julia> time2tr = wfst2tr(H,Nt)
9-element Array{Dict{Int64,Array{Int64,1}},1}:
 Dict(1 => [2])
 Dict(2 => [2, 3])
 Dict(2 => [2, 3],3 => [2])
 Dict(2 => [2, 3],3 => [2])
 Dict(2 => [2, 3],3 => [2])
 Dict(2 => [2, 3],3 => [2])
 Dict(2 => [2, 3],3 => [2])
 Dict(2 => [2],3 => [2])
 Dict(2 => [3])