fix(fn, fixargs::Tuple)
fix(fn, transform, fixargs::Tuple)

Returns a proxy to fn given the fixedargs tuple. The proxy will call fn with the arguments fixed in place.

Position-based fixing

import FixedArguments: fix, FixedArgument

foo(x, y, z) = x * y + z

# Fixes the argument at position `1` with the value `1.0`
#       the argument at position `3` with the value `3.0`
fixed_foo = fix(foo, (FixedArgument(1, 1.0), FixedArgument(3, 3.0))) 

# The resulting function can be called as 


# output

Sequential-based fixing

import FixedArguments: fix, FixedArgument, NotFixed

foo(x, y, z) = x * y + z

# Fixes the argument at position `1` with the value `1.0`
#       the argument at position `2` is not being fixed
#       the argument at position `3` with the value `3.0`
fixed_foo = fix(foo, (FixedArgument(1.0), NotFixed(), FixedArgument(3.0))) 


# output

Optional transformation

Optionally, accepts a tranform function as a second argument, which allows to transform fixed arguments dynamically based on their position right before calling the original function.

import FixedArguments: FixedPosition, fix, FixedArgument

foo(x, y, z) = x * y + z

function unpack_from_ref(::FixedPosition{P}, ref::Ref) where {P}
    return ref[]

var1 = Ref(1.0)
var2 = Ref(2.0)
var3 = Ref(3.0)

cached_foo = fix(foo, unpack_from_ref, (FixedArgument(var1), FixedArgument(var2), FixedArgument(var3)))

println(cached_foo()) # prints 5.0

var1[] = 3.0
var2[] = 2.0
var3[] = 1.0

println(cached_foo()) # prints 7.0

nothing #hide

# output