Usage example with Lux.jl

Lux.jl is a deep learning framework which provides a functional design to implement neural networks in Julia. If you are not familiar with Lux, first check-out this tutorial before proceeding.

Step 0: Import the necessary packages


You can install these packages using using Pkg; Pkg.add.(["CUDA", "Optimisers", "Lux", "Random", "Zygote"])

using CUDA, Optimisers, FluxMPI, Lux, Random, Zygote

Step 1: Initialize FluxMPI. Not doing this will segfault your code


Step 2: Sync Model Parameters and States

model = Chain(Dense(1 => 256, tanh), Dense(256 => 512, tanh), Dense(512 => 256, tanh),
              Dense(256 => 1))
rng = Random.default_rng()
Random.seed!(rng, local_rank())
ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, model) .|> gpu

ps = FluxMPI.synchronize!(ps; root_rank = 0)
st = FluxMPI.synchronize!(st; root_rank = 0)

Step 3: Ensure data is properly partitioned

It is the user's responsibility to partition the data across the processes. In this case, we are training on a total of 16 * <np> samples. Instead of manually partitioning the data, we can use DistributedDataContainer to partition the data.

x = rand(rng, 1, 16) |> gpu
y = x .^ 2

Step 4: Wrap the optimizer in DistributedOptimizer

Remember to scale the learning rate by the number of workers total_workers.

opt = DistributedOptimizer(Adam(0.001f0))
st_opt = Optimisers.setup(opt, ps)

loss(p) = sum(abs2, model(x, p, st)[1] .- y)

Step 5: Synchronize the optimizer state

st_opt = FluxMPI.synchronize!(st_opt; root_rank = 0)

Step 6: Train your model

Remember to print using fluxmpi_println or fluxmpi_print.

gs_ = gradient(loss, ps)[1]
Optimisers.update(st_opt, ps, gs_)

t1 = time()

for epoch in 1:100
  global ps, st_opt
  l, back = Zygote.pullback(loss, ps)
  FluxMPI.fluxmpi_println("Epoch $epoch: Loss $l")
  gs = back(one(l))[1]
  st_opt, ps = Optimisers.update(st_opt, ps, gs)

FluxMPI.fluxmpi_println(time() - t1)

Run the code using mpiexecjl -n 3 julia --project=. <filename>.jl.

Complete Script

using CUDA, FluxMPI, Lux, Optimisers, Random, Zygote


model = Chain(Dense(1 => 256, tanh), Dense(256 => 512, tanh), Dense(512 => 256, tanh),
              Dense(256 => 1))
rng = Random.default_rng()
Random.seed!(rng, local_rank())
ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, model) .|> gpu

ps = FluxMPI.synchronize!(ps; root_rank = 0)
st = FluxMPI.synchronize!(st; root_rank = 0)

x = rand(rng, 1, 16) |> gpu
y = x .^ 2

opt = DistributedOptimizer(Adam(0.001f0))
st_opt = Optimisers.setup(opt, ps)

loss(p) = sum(abs2, model(x, p, st)[1] .- y)

st_opt = FluxMPI.synchronize!(st_opt; root_rank = 0)

gs_ = gradient(loss, ps)[1]
Optimisers.update(st_opt, ps, gs_)

t1 = time()

for epoch in 1:100
  global ps, st_opt
  l, back = Zygote.pullback(loss, ps)
  FluxMPI.fluxmpi_println("Epoch $epoch: Loss $l")
  gs = back(one(l))[1]
  st_opt, ps = Optimisers.update(st_opt, ps, gs)

FluxMPI.fluxmpi_println(time() - t1)