Developer documentation

Implementing support for FlyThroughPaths

FlyThroughPaths operates on the ViewState model. In order to implement support for this in a plotting package, you must implement dispatches for the following two functions:

  • capture_view(obj)::ViewState: extract the current ViewState, i.e., camera settings, from obj.
  • set_view!(obj, viewstate::ViewState): set the camera to the given ViewState.

Integration is already implemented for Makie; you can see that in ext/FlyThroughPathsMakieExt.jl. The first ~20 lines are the most instructive, beyond which lie utility functions and visualization specializations.

The PathChange interface

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for PathChange. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for duration. Check Documenter's build log for details.