
Package: ForecastPlots

Collection of plot functionalities for time series analysis. The available plots are:

  • acf: Auto-Correlation plot
  • candle: Candelstick plot for stock prices
  • ccf: Cross-Correlation plot
  • dplot: Decomposition plot for Data, Trend, Seasonality and Remainder.
  • fplot: Multivariate forecasting plots with with prediction intervals.
  • pacf: Partial Auto-Correlation plot
  • splot: Seasonal plot, similar to monthplot in R.

Package: ForecastPlots

    type = "cor",
    lag = Integer(ceil(10*log10(length(x)))),
    alpha = (0.95,0.99);
    plot = true)

Compute the auto-correlation or auto-covariance for an univariate series with an optional plot.

The results are normalized to preserve homoscedasticity. The distribution used to normalize the data is an approximation of a Fisher Transformation via a Normal Distribution. There is a plot recipe for the returned object, if the type is cor the plot will also show confidence intervals for the given alpha values.


  • x: Vector or uni-dimensional DataFrame of data.
  • type: Valid values are "cor" for correlation (default) and "cov" for convariance.
  • lag: Maximum number of lags.
  • alpha: A tuple with two thresholds (t1,t2) with t1 <= t2 to plot confidence intervals. The default values are 0.95 and 0.99.
  • plot: When true displays a plot with the results.


A CF object and optional plot


x = rand(100);
acf(x; type="cor");
acf(x; type="cor", plot=false)
20-element Vector{Float64}:

Package: ForecastPlots

candel(x, t, args...; colors = (:green, :red), kw...)

Plot a candlestick for stock prices


  • x: Matrix with four columns for Open, High, Low and Close values.
  • t: Vector with time units, it defaults to 1:size(x,1)
  • args...: plot arguments
  • colors: Tuple with the up and down color symbols, it defaults to (:green,:red)
  • kw...: plot keyword arguments


Candle plot


using MarketData

x = yahoo(:INTC)
last_month_intc = values(x)[end-30:end,1:4]
candle(last_month_intc,timestamp(x)[end-30:end]; colors=(:white,:black), title = "INTC")

Package: ForecastPlots

    type = "cor",
    lag = Integer(ceil(10*log10(length(x1)))),
    alpha = (0.95,0.99);
    plot = true)

Compute the cross-correlation or cros-covariance of two univariate series with an optional plot

The results are normalized to preserve homoscedasticity. The distribution used to normalize the data is an approximation of a Fisher Transformation via a Normal Distribution. There is a plot recipe for the returned object, if the type is cor the plot will also show confidence intervals for the given alpha values.

If, for a given integer k, x2 repeats x1 values such that x1[t] = x2[t+k] for all i then high correlation value will be placed at the right from the center in the results. That is, this convention will be represented in the plots as x1_t = x2_{t+k} -> _____0__k__ meaning x2 behavior can be predicted by x1 in k units.


  • x1: Vector or uni-dimensional DataFrame of data.
  • x2: Vector or uni-dimensional DataFrame of data.
  • type: Valid values are "cor" for correlation (default) and "cov" for convariance.
  • lag: Maximum number of lags.
  • alpha: A tuple with two thresholds (t1,t2) with t1 <= t2 to plot confidence intervals. The default values are 0.95 and 0.99.
  • plot: When true displays a plot with the results.


Cros-correlation vector with an optional plot


x1 = rand(100);
x2 = circshift(x1,6);
ccf(x1, x2; type="cor");
ccf(x1, x2; type="cor", plot = false)
41-element Vector{Float64}:

Package: ForecastPlots

dplot(x; dlabels = ["Data","Trend","Seasonal","Remainder"])

Plot a seasonal, trend and remainder decomposition of a time series.


  • x: Matrix with three columns containing sesonality, trend and remainder decomposition
  • dlabels: String array of length four containing labels for data, seasonality, trend and remainder.


Sesonal decomposition plot with scale bars


dplot(randn(100,3); labels = ["數據","趨勢","季節性","剩餘"])

Package: ForecastPlots


Drop rows and columns from a matrix.


Package: ForecastPlots

fplot(x0, x1, px1, t=1:size(x0,1)+size(x1,1), args...; 
      plt = palette([:blue,:red],max(2,size(x0,2))), kw...)

Plot time series with its prediction intervals


  • x0: Vector or Matrix with time series
  • x1: Vector of Matrix forecast for x0
  • px1: Prediction intervals for x1 with size(px1) == (size(x1,1),2,N) where N is the number of intervals provided with the format [lowx1, highx1].
  • t: Values for the temporal axis, it defaults to intengers starting at 1.
  • args...: plot arguments
  • plt: palette of colors for the time series, it defaults to palette([:blue,:red],max(2,size(x0,2)))
  • kw...: plot keyword arguments


Forecast plots


x0 = rand(20);
x1 = rand(10);
px1 = zeros(10,2,2);
px1[:,1,1] .= -0.2; px1[:,2,1] .= 0.2;
px1[:,1,2] .= -0.4; px1[:,2,2] .= 0.4;


xb0 = rand(20) .+ 2;
xb1 = rand(10) .+ 2;
px1 = zeros(10,2,2,2)
px1[:,1,1,1] .= -0.2; px1[:,2,1,1] .= 0.2;
px1[:,1,2,1] .= -0.4; px1[:,2,2,1] .= 0.4;
px1[:,1,1,2] .= -0.2; px1[:,2,1,2] .= 0.2;
px1[:,1,2,2] .= -0.4; px1[:,2,2,2] .= 0.4;

xx0 = [x0 xb0]
xx1 = [x1 xb1]
fplot(xx0, xx1, px1)

using Dates

Package: ForecastPlots

     type = "step-real",
     lag = Integer(ceil(10*log10(length(x)))),
     alpha = (0.95,0.99);
     plot = true)

Compute the partial auto-correlation for an univariate series with an optional plot.

There are two versions; the "step" version estimates the auto-regressive parameters of an increasing model, the "real" version estimates the actual partial auto-correlation by eliminating the linear information provided by the lags. When using the default type "stepwise-real" both versions are calculated.

The distribution used to estimate the confidence intervals is an approximation of a Fisher Transformation via a Normal Distribution. There is a plot recipe for the returned object.


  • x: Vector of data.
  • type = Valid values are "stepwise", "real" and "stepwise-real".
  • lag: Maximum number of lags.
  • alpha: A tuple with two thresholds (t1,t2) with t1 <= t2 to plot confidence intervals. The default values are 0.95 and 0.99.
  • plot: When true displays a plot with the results.


A CF object


x = rand(100);
pacf(x; plot=false)
20×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 -0.0475437   -0.101204
  0.0407006    0.058935
 -0.0747269    0.0366026

Package: ForecastPlots

splot(x, labels; plot = true)

Plot a seasonal plot of x based on the parameter labels


  • x: Regular timed observations
  • labels: This parameter accepts Integer, String and Vector values. - When an Integer the labels are 1:labels. - When a Vector the sorted labels are specified within. - When a String it accepts values "month", "day" and "quarter"m, by default the first value of x to fall in "Jan", "Mon" or "Q1", if other initial values are required labels must be specified in a vector.
  • plot: When true the splot is displayed, otherwise only the seasonal per column matrix is returned.


Matrix with seasonal data by column with an optional plot


splot(rand(120),"day"; plot=false)
18×7 Matrix{Union{Missing, Float64}}:
 0.799164   0.214773   0.957464   0.969107   0.5886    0.153288   0.298444
 0.631211   0.539124   0.728887   0.235045   0.398699  0.492781   0.332502
 0.691047   0.473517   0.834303   0.0316447  0.208999  0.231782   0.00797575