
Axes ID for the Mean Dynamical Equator and Equinox of J2000.0.


In SPICE the J2000 (EME2000) and ICRF axes are considered equal, thus there exist no specific NAIF ID for the EME2000 axes. 22 has been chosen because it is the first unassigned axes ID among the built-in SPICE frames.


Axes ID for the Geocentric Celestial Reference Frame (GCRFF)


Although the ICRF and GCRF axes are identical, they are based upon a different timescale. A different ID is here assigned to provide a robust way of distinguishing between the two. 23 has been chosen because it is one of the unassigned axes ID among the built-in SPICE frames.


DCM for the rotation from the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) and the Mean Equator and Equinox of J2000.0 (EME2000). This corresponds to the J2000 frame in the SPICE toolkit.


The frame bias is here computed using the IAU 2006 Precession model, similarly to ESA's GODOT. Some other software libraries, such as Orekit, use the frame bias of the IAU 2000 precession model. The two definitions differ of about 1 arcsecond.

Moreover, according to Hilton there are multiple possibilities to define the proper rotation between the ICRS and the EME2000. The transformation implemented here correspond to Eq. 6 using the parameters in Table 3, line 1 (RIERS).


  • Hilton, James L., and Catherine Y. Hohenkerk. – Rotation matrix from the mean dynamical equator and equinox at J2000. 0 to the ICRS. – Astronomy & Astrophysics 513.2 (2004): 765-770. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20031552
  • SOFA docs

DCM for the rotation from the Moon Principal Axis 430 (PA430) to the Moon Mean Earth/Mean Rotation DE421 (ME421) axes.


  • Folkner M. William et al. (2014), The Planetary and Lunar EphemeridesDE430 and DE431

  • J. G. Williams et al. (2013), DE430 Lunar Orbit, Physical Librations, and Surface Coordinates, DE430 Lunar Ephemeris and Orientation


DCM for the rotation from the Moon Principal Axis 430 (PA430) to the Moon Mean Earth/Mean Rotation DE430 (ME430) axes.


  • Folkner M. William et al. (2014), The Planetary and Lunar EphemeridesDE430 and DE431

  • J. G. Williams et al. (2013), DE430 Lunar Orbit, Physical Librations, and Surface Coordinates, DE430 Lunar Ephemeris and Orientation

Direction{O, N, D}

Define a new direction.


  • name – direction name
  • id – direction ID
  • fDirectionFunctions container
FrameAxesNode{O, T, N} <: AbstractJSMDGraphNode

Define a set of axes.


  • name – axes name
  • classSymbol representing the class of the axes
  • id – axes ID (equivalent of NAIFId for axes)
  • parentid – ID of the parent axes
  • fFrameAxesFunctions container
FramePointNode{O, T, N} <: AbstractJSMDGraphNode

Define a frame system point.


  • name – point name
  • classSymbol representing the class of the point
  • id – ID of the point
  • parentid – ID of the parent point
  • axesid – ID of the axes in which the point coordinates are expressed
  • fFramePointFunctions container
FrameSystem{O, N, S, D}

A FrameSystem instance manages a collection of user-defined FramePointNode, FrameAxesNode and Direction objects, enabling computation of arbitrary transformations between them. It is created by specifying the maximum transformation order O, the outputs datatype N and an AbstractTimeScale instance S; the parameter D is the length of the output ad shall always be 3O.

The following transformation orders are accepted:

  • 1: position
  • 2: position and velocity
  • 3: position, velocity and acceleration
  • 4: position, velocity, acceleration and jerk

FrameSystem{O, N, S}()

Create a new, empty FrameSystem object of order O, datatype N and timescale S. The parameter S can be dropped, in case the default (BarycentricDynamicalTime) is used.

Rotation{O, N}

A container to efficiently compute O-th order rotation matrices of type N between two set of axes. It stores the Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) and its time derivatives up to the (O-1)-th order. Since this type is immutable, the data must be provided upon construction and cannot be mutated later.

The rotation of state vector between two set of axes is computed with an ad-hoc overload of the product operator. For example, a 3rd order Rotation object R, constructed from the DCM A and its time derivatives δA and δ²A rotates a vector v = [p, v, a] as:

̂v = [A*p, δA*p + A*v, δ²A*p + 2δA*v + A*a]

A Rotation object R call always be converted to a SMatrix or a MMatrix by invoking the proper constructor.


julia> A = angle_to_dcm(π/3, :Z)
  0.5       0.866025  0.0
 -0.866025  0.5       0.0
  0.0       0.0       1.0

julia> R = Rotation(A);

julia> SM = SMatrix(R)
3×3 SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9} with indices SOneTo(3)×SOneTo(3):
  0.5       0.866025  0.0
 -0.866025  0.5       0.0
  0.0       0.0       1.0

julia> MM = MMatrix(R)
3×3 MMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9} with indices SOneTo(3)×SOneTo(3):
  0.5       0.866025  0.0
 -0.866025  0.5       0.0
  0.0       0.0       1.0


Create a Rotation object from a Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) and any of its time derivatives. The rotation order is inferred from the number of inputs, while the rotation type is obtained by promoting the DCMs types.


julia> A = angle_to_dcm(π/3, :Z); 

julia> δA = DCM(0.0I); 

julia> δ²A = DCM(0.0I); 

julia> R = Rotation(A, δA, δ²A); 

julia> typeof(R) 
Rotation{3, Float64}

julia> R2 = Rotation(A, B, C, DCM(0.0im*I)); 

julia> typeof(R2)
Rotation{4, ComplexF64}

Rotation{O}(dcms::DCM...) where O

Create a Rotation object of order O. If the number of dcms is smaller than O, the remaining slots are filled with null DCMs, otherwise if the number of inputs is greater than O, only the first O DCMs are used.


Usage of this constructor is not recommended as it may yield unexpected results to unexperienced users.

Rotation{S1}(dcms::NTuple{S2, DCM{N}}) where {S1, S2, N}

Create a Rotation object from a tuple of Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) and its time derivatives. If S1 < S2, only the first S1 DCMs are considered, otherwise the remaining orders are filled with null DCMs.


julia> A = angle_to_dcm(π/3, :Z);

julia> B = angle_to_dcm(π/4, π/6, :XY);

julia> R3 = Rotation{3}((A,B));

julia> R3[1] == A

julia> R3[3] 
 0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0

Rotation{O}(u::UniformScaling{N}) where {O, N}
Rotation{O, N}(u::UniformScaling) where {O, N}

Create an O-order identity Rotation object of type N with identity position rotation and null time derivatives.


julia> Rotation{1}(1.0I) 
Rotation{1, Float64}(([1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0],))

julia> Rotation{1, Int64}(I)
Rotation{1, Int64}(([1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1],))

Rotation{S1}(rot::Rotation{S2, N}) where {S1, S2, N}
Rotation{S1, N}(R::Rotation{S2}) where {S1, S2, N}

Transform a Rotation object of order S2 to order S1 and type N. The behaviour of these functions depends on the values of S1 and S2:

  • S1 < S2: Only the first S1 components of rot are considered.
  • S1 > S2: The missing orders are filled with null DCMs.


julia> A = angle_to_dcm(π/3, :Z);

julia> B = angle_to_dcm(π/4, π/6, :XY);

julia> R1 = Rotation(A, B);

julia> order(R1)

julia> R2 = Rotation{1}(R1);

julia> order(R2)

julia> R2[1] == A 

julia> R3 = Rotation{3}(R1);

julia> R3[3]
 0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0

Rotation(m::DCM{N}, ω::AbstractVector) where N

Create a 2nd order Rotation object of type N to rotate between two set of axes a and b from a Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) and the angular velocity vector ω of b with respect to a, expressed in b


Return the registered axes names/ids map.


Compute the invese of the rotation object rot. The operation is efficiently performed by taking the transpose of each rotation matrix within rot.

add_axes!(frames, name::Symbol, id::Int, class::Int, funs, parentid)

Add a new axes node to frames.


  • frames – Target frame system
  • name – Axes name, must be unique within frames
  • id – Axes ID, must be unique within frames
  • class – Axes class.
  • funsFrameAxesFunctions object storing the functions to compute the DCM and, eventually, its time derivatives. It must match the type and order of frames.
  • parentid – Axes ID of the parent axes. Not required only for the root axes.

This is a low-level function and is NOT meant to be directly used. Instead, to add a set of axes to the frame system, see add_axes_inertial!, add_axes_rotating!, add_axes_fixedoffset! and add_axes_root!.

add_axes_bci2000!(frames, axes::AbstractFrameAxes, center, data)

Add Body-Centered Inertial (BCI) axes at J2000 with name and id to frames. The center point (i.e., the reference body) is center.


The parent axes are automatically set to the ICRF (ID = 1). If the ICRF is not defined in frames, an error is thrown.

See also

See also add_axes_fixedoffset!, add_axes_bcrtod!.

add_axes_bcrtod!(frames, name, id, center; deriv=true)

Add Body-Centered Rotating (BCR), True-of-Date (TOD) axes with name and id to frames. The center point (i.e., the reference body) is center.

These axes are the equivalent of SPICE's IAU_<BODY_NAME> frames.


The parent axes are automatically set to the ICRF (ID = 1). If the ICRF is not defined in frames, an error is thrown.

See also

See also add_axes_rotating!, add_axes_bci2000!.

add_axes_cirf!(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, id::Int, parentid::Int=AXESID_ICRF, 

Add Celestial Intermediate Reference Frame (CIRF) axes to frames. Use the model argument to specify which IERS convention should be used for the computations.


Despite this class of axes has a rotation matrix that depends on time, its derivatives are assumed null.


The ID of the parent set of axes must be 1 (ICRF) or 23 (GCRF) otherwise an error is thrown.

add_axes_ecl2000!(frames, name::Symbol=:ECL2000, parentid::Int, id::Int = AXESID_ECL2000; 

Add Ecliptic Equinox of J2000 (ECL2000) axes to frames. Custom id, name and parentid can be assigned by the user. The admissible parent axes are the following:

  • ICRF: for the International Celestial Reference Frame, with ID = 1
  • GCRF: for the Geocentric Celestial Reference Frame, with ID = 23
  • EME2000: the Mean Earth/Moon Ephemeris of J2000, with ID = 22

The obliquity of the ecliptic is computed using the IERS convention model. To retrieve the same orientation of the ECLIPJ2000 axes avaialble in the SPICE Toolkit, the iers1996 model must be used.

add_axes_eme2000!(frames, name::Symbol=:EME2000, parentid::Int=AXESID_ICRF, 
    id::Int = AXESID_EME2000)

Add Mean Equator Mean Equinox of J2000 axes to frames. Custom name, id and parentid can be assigned by the user.

See also

See also DCM_ICRF_TO_EME2000.

add_axes_ephemeris!(frames::FrameSystem{O, N}, eph::AbstractEphemerisProvider, 
    name::Symbol, id::Int, seq::Symbol, class::Int) where {O, N}

Add axes coming from an AbstractEphemerisProvider subtype to frames. The axes are identifies by the id and a have a user defined name. The rotation matrix is build using the rotation sequence specified in seq. The axes type is specified by class.


This is an interface only, concrete subtypes of AbstractEphemerisProvider requires an proper implementation.

add_axes_fixedoffset!(frames, name::Symbol, id::Int, parent, dcm:DCM)

Add axes name with id id to frames with a fixed-offset from parent. Fixed offset axes have a constant orientation with respect to their parent axes, represented by dcm, a Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM).

See also

See also add_axes!.

add_axes_frozen!(frames, name, id, frozen, e)

Create a frozen axes version of frozen at epoch e, with name and id and add it to frames.


The parent axes are automatically assigned to the frozen parent.


Add the Geocentric Celestial Reference Frame (GCRF) to the frames graph. The axes are automatically named GCRF and assigned the 23 ID. These axes can only be defined as a set of root axes or as child of the ICRF (ID = 1).

See also

See also add_axes_icrf! and AXESID_GCRF.

add_axes_gtod!(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, id::Int, parentid::Int=AXESID_ICRF, 

Add Greenwich True-of-Date (GTOD) axes to frames. Use the model argument to specify which IERS convention should be used for the computations.


Despite this class of axes has a rotation matrix that depends on time, its derivatives are assumed null.


The ID of the parent set of axes must be 1 (ICRF) or 23 (GCRF) otherwise an error is thrown.

add_axes_inertial!(frames, name, id, parent, fun)

Add inertial axes name and id id as a set of inertial axes to frames. The axes relation to the parent axes are given by a fun.

See also

See also add_axes!.

add_axes_itrf!(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, parentid::Int=AXESID_ICRF, id::Int=AXESID_ITRF,

Add International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) axes to frames. Use the model argument to specify which IERS convention should be used for the computations.


If the ID of the parent set of axes is neither the ICRF (ID = 1) nor the GCRF (ID = 23), an error is thrown.

add_axes_me421!(frames, name::Symbol, parentid::Int, axesid::Int=AXESID_MOONME_DE421)

Add DE421 Moon's Mean Earth/Mean Rotation (ME) axes to frames.


The parent set of axes must either the DE440 Principal Axes (PA440, ID =

  1. or the DE421 Principal Axes (PA421, ID =

31006), otherwise an error is thrown. Depending on that, the relative axes orientation will be automatically selected by this function.

add_axes_mod!(frames, name::Symbol, axesid::Int, parentid::Int, 

Add Mean Equator and Equinox of Date (MOD) axes to frames. Use the model argument to specify which IERS convention should be used for the computations.


The Mean-of-Date axes are obtained by applying the frame bias and precession matrix. For this reason, if the IERS 1996 conventions are used, the rotation is actually computed starting from the EME2000 rather than the GCRF.


Despite this class of axes has a rotation matrix that depends on time, its derivatives are assumed null.


The ID of the parent set of axes must be 1 (ICRF) or 23 (GCRF) otherwise an error is thrown.

add_axes_pa421!(frames, eph::AbstractEphemerisProvider, name::Symbol, 

Add DE421 Moon's Principal Axes (PA) axes to frames. The libration angles are extracted from the eph ephemeris kernels, an error is thrown if such orientation data is not available.


The parent axes are automatically set to the ICRF (ID = 1). If such axes are not registered in the frame system, an error is thrown.


To properly read the ephemeris kernels, the ID associated to the input axes must match NAIF's FRAME ID for the Moon PA DE421 axes (31006).

add_axes_pa440!(frames, eph::AbstractEphemerisProvider, name::Symbol, 

Add DE440 Moon's Principal Axes (PA) axes to frames. The libration angles are extracted from the eph ephemeris kernels, an error is thrown if such orientation data is not available.


The parent axes are automatically set to the ICRF (ID = 1). If such axes are not registered in the frame system, an error is thrown.


To properly read the ephemeris kernels, the ID associated to the input axes must match NAIF's FRAME ID for the Moon PA DE440 axes (31008).

add_axes_pef!(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, id::Int, parentid::Int=AXESID_ICRF, 

Add Pseudo-Earth Fixed (PEF) axes to frames. Use the model argument to specify which IERS convention should be used for the computations.


The ID of the parent set of axes must be 1 (ICRF) or 23 (GCRF) otherwise an error is thrown.

add_axes_rotating!(frames, name::Symbol, id::Int, parent, fun, δfun=nothing, 
    δ²fun=nothing, δ³fun=nothing)

Add axes as a set of rotating axes to frames. The orientation of these axes depends only on time and is computed through the custom functions provided by the user.

The input functions must accept only time as argument and their outputs must be as follows:

  • fun: return a Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM).
  • δfun: return the DCM and its 1st order time derivative.
  • δ²fun: return the DCM and its 1st and 2nd order time derivatives.
  • δ³fun: return the DCM and its 1st, 2nd and 3rd order time derivatives.

If δfun, δ²fun or δ³fun are not provided, they are computed via automatic differentiation.


It is expected that the input functions and their outputs have the correct signature. This function does not perform any checks on the output types.

add_axes_tirf!(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, id::Int, parentid::Int=AXESID_ICRF, 

Add Terrestrial Intermediate Reference Frame (TIRF) axes to frames. Use the model argument to specify which IERS convention should be used for the computations.


Despite this class of axes has a rotation matrix that depends on time, its derivatives are assumed null.


The ID of the parent set of axes must be 1 (ICRF) or 23 (GCRF) otherwise an error is thrown.

add_axes_tod!(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, id::Int, parentid::Int=AXESID_ICRF, 

Add True Equator of Date (TOD) axes to frames. Use the model argument to specify which IERS convention should be used for the computations.


The True-of-Date axes are obtained by applying the frame bias, precession and nutation matrix. For this reason, if the IERS 1996 conventions are used, the rotation is actually computed starting from the EME2000 rather than the GCRF.


Despite this class of axes has a rotation matrix that depends on time, its derivatives are assumed null.


The ID of the parent set of axes must be 1 (ICRF) or 23 (GCRF) otherwise an error is thrown.

add_axes_topocentric!(frames, name::Symbol, id::Int, parentid::Int, λ, ϕ, mount)

Add topocentric axes to frames at a specified location and mounting.

The orientation relative to the parent axes parentid is defined throuh the longitude λ, the geodetic latitude ϕ and the mounting type mount, which may be any of the following:

  • :NED (North, East, Down): the X-axis points North, the Y-axis is directed eastward and the Z-axis points inwards towards the nadir.
  • :SEZ (South, East, Zenith): the X-axis points South, the Y-axis is directed East, and the Z-axis points outwards towards the zenith.
  • :ENU (East, North, Up): the X-axis points East, the Y-axis is directed North and the Z-axis points outwards towards the zenith.

The parent axes must be a set of body-fixed reference axes. This is under user resposibility.

add_axes_twovectors!(frames, name::Symbol, id::Int, parentid::Int,
    from1::Int, to1::Int, from2::Int, to2::Int, seq::Symbol; 

Add a set of axes to frames based on two vectors defined by four points.

This function adds a new set of axes to frames using two vectors defined by four points. The vectors are constructed from the points specified by from1 to to1 and from2 to to2. A right-handed coordinate system is generated based on the specified sequence direction (seq), which determines the order in which the vectors are used to define the basis. The inertial flag specifies whether the resulting axes are inertial.

add_direction!(frames, name::Symbol, axes, fun, δfun=nothing, δ²fun=nothing, δ³fun=nothing)

Add a new direction node to frames. The orientation of these direction depends only on time and is computed through the custom functions provided by the user.

The input functions must accept only time as argument and their outputs must be as follows:

  • fun: return a direction vector.
  • δfun: return a direction vector and its 1st order time derivative.
  • δ²fun: return a direction vector and its 1st and 2nd order time derivatives.
  • δ³fun: return a direction vector and its 1st, 2nd and 3rd order time derivatives.

If δfun, δ²fun or δ³fun are not provided, they are computed via automatic differentiation.


It is expected that the input functions and their outputs have the correct signature. This function does not perform any checks on the output types.

add_direction!(frames, name::Symbol, axesid, funs)

Add a new direction node to frames.


  • frames – Target frame system
  • name – Direction name, must be unique within frames
  • axesid – ID of the axes the direction is expressed in
  • funsDirectionFunctions object storing the functions to compute the direction and, eventually, its time derivatives. It must match the type and order of frames.
add_point!(frames, name, id, axesid, class, funs, parentid=nothing)

Create and add a new point node name to frames based on the input parameters.


  • frames – Target frame system
  • name – Point name, must be unique within frames
  • id – Point ID, must be unique within frames
  • axesid – ID of the axes in which the state vector of the point is expressed.
  • class – Point class.
  • funsFramePointFunctions object storing the functions to update the state vectors of the point. It must match the type and order of frames
  • parentid – NAIF ID of the parent point. Not required only for the root point.

This is a low-level function and is NOT meant to be directly used. Instead, to add a point to the frame system, see add_point_dynamical!, add_point_fixedoffset! and add_point_root!.

add_point_alias!(frames, target, alias::Symbol)
add_point_alias!(frames, target, alias::Symbol)

Add a name alias to a target point registered in frames.

add_point_dynamical!(frames, name, id, parent, axes, fun, δfun=nothing, δ²fun=nothing, δ³fun=nothing)

Add point as a time point to frames. The state vector for these points depends only on time and is computed through the custom functions provided by the user.

The input functions must accept only time as argument and their outputs must be as follows:

  • fun: return a 3-elements vector: position
  • δfun: return a 6-elements vector: position and velocity
  • δ²fun: return a 9-elements vector: position, velocity and acceleration
  • δ³fun: return a 12-elements vector: position, velocity, acceleration and jerk

If δfun, δ²fun or δ³fun are not provided, they are computed with automatic differentiation.


It is expected that the input functions and their ouputs have the correct signature. This function does not perform any checks on whether the returned vectors have the appropriate dimensions.

add_point_ephemeris!(frames, eph::AbstractEphemerisProvider, book::Dict{Int, Symbol})

Add all points found in the eph and using id-names relationships specified in book.

add_point_ephemeris!(frames::FrameSystem{O, N}, eph::AbstractEphemerisProvider, 
    name::Symbol, id::Int) where {O, N}

Add a point coming from an AbstractEphemerisProvider subtype. The point is identifies by the id and a have a user defined name.


This is an interface only, concrete subtypes of AbstractEphemerisProvider requires an proper implementation.

add_point_fixedoffset!(frames, name, id, parent, axes, offset::AbstractVector)

Add point as a fixed-offset point to frames. Fixed points are those whose positions have a constant offset with respect their parent points in the given set of axes. Thus, points eligible for this class must have null velocity and acceleration with respect to parent.

add_point_surface!(frames, name::Symbol, pointid::Int, parentid::Int, axesid::Int, 
    λ::Number, ϕ::Number, R::Number, f::Number=0.0, h::Number=0.0)

Add point to frames as a fixed point on the surface of the parent point body. The relative position is specified by the longitude λ, the geodetic latitude ϕ, the reference radius of the ellipsoid R and its flattening f. The altitude over the reference surface of the ellipsoid h defaults to 0.


Axes used here must be a set of body-fixed reference axes for the body represented by parentid. This is under user resposibility.

direction12(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, t::Number)

Compute the direction vector name of order 12 at epoch t, where t is expressed in seconds since J2000.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 4.

direction12(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, ep::Epoch)

Compute the direction vector name of order 12 at epoch ep expressed in the axes frame.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 4.

direction3(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, t::Number)

Compute the direction vector name of order 3 at epoch t, where t is expressed in seconds since J2000.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 1.

direction3(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, ep::Epoch)

Compute the direction vector name of order 3 at epoch ep expressed in the axes frame.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 1.

direction6(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, t::Number)

Compute the direction vector name of order 6 at epoch t, where t is expressed in seconds since J2000.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 2.

direction6(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, ep::Epoch)

Compute the direction vector name of order 6 at epoch ep expressed in the axes frame.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 2.

direction9(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, t::Number)

Compute the direction vector name of order 9 at epoch t, where t is expressed in seconds since J2000.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 3.

direction9(frames::FrameSystem, name::Symbol, axes, ep::Epoch)

Compute the direction vector name of order 9 at epoch ep expressed in the axes frame.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 3.

rotation12(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, ep::Epoch)

Compute the rotation that transforms a 12-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given epoch.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 4.


  • frame – The FrameSystem container object
  • from – ID or instance of the axes to transform from
  • to – ID or instance of the axes to transform to
  • epEpoch of the rotation. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.


A Rotation object of order 4.

rotation12(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, t::Number)

Compute the rotation that transforms a 12-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given time t, expressed in seconds since J2000.

rotation3(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, ep::Epoch)

Compute the rotation that transforms a 3-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given epoch.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 1.


  • frame – The FrameSystem container object
  • from – ID or instance of the axes to transform from
  • to – ID or instance of the axes to transform to
  • epEpoch of the rotation. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.


A Rotation object of order 1.

rotation3(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, t::Number)

Compute the rotation that transforms a 3-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given time t, expressed in seconds since J2000.

rotation6(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, ep::Epoch)

Compute the rotation that transforms a 6-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given epoch.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 2.


  • frame – The FrameSystem container object
  • from – ID or instance of the axes to transform from
  • to – ID or instance of the axes to transform to
  • epEpoch of the rotation. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.


A Rotation object of order 2.

rotation6(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, t::Number)

Compute the rotation that transforms a 6-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given time t, expressed in seconds since J2000.

rotation9(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, ep::Epoch)

Compute the rotation that transforms a 9-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given epoch.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 3.


  • frame – The FrameSystem container object
  • from – ID or instance of the axes to transform from
  • to – ID or instance of the axes to transform to
  • epEpoch of the rotation. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.


A Rotation object of order 3.

rotation9(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, t::Number)

Compute the rotation that transforms a 9-elements state vector from one specified set of axes to another at a given time t, expressed in seconds since J2000.

vector12(frame, from, to, axes, t::Number)

Compute 12-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired time t expressed in seconds since J2000.

vector12(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, axes, ep::Epoch)

Compute 12-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired epoch ep.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 4.


  • frame – The FrameSystem container object
  • from – ID or instance of the observing point
  • to – ID or instance of the target point
  • axes – ID or instance of the output state vector axes
  • epEpoch of the observer. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
vector3(frame, from, to, axes, t::Number)

Compute 3-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired time t expressed in seconds since J2000.

vector3(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, axes, ep::Epoch)

Compute 3-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired epoch ep.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 1.


  • frame – The FrameSystem container object
  • from – ID or instance of the observing point
  • to – ID or instance of the target point
  • axes – ID or instance of the output state vector axes
  • epEpoch of the observer. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
vector6(frame, from, to, axes, t::Number)

Compute 6-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired time t expressed in seconds since J2000.

vector6(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, axes, ep::Epoch)

Compute 6-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired epoch ep.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 2.


  • frame – The FrameSystem container object
  • from – ID or instance of the observing point
  • to – ID or instance of the target point
  • axes – ID or instance of the output state vector axes
  • epEpoch of the observer. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.
vector9(frame, from, to, axes, t::Number)

Compute 9-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired time t expressed in seconds since J2000.

vector9(frame::FrameSystem, from, to, axes, ep::Epoch)

Compute 9-elements state vector of a target point relative to an observing point, in a given set of axes, at the desired epoch ep.

Requires a frame system of order ≥ 3.


  • frame – The FrameSystem container object
  • from – ID or instance of the observing point
  • to – ID or instance of the target point
  • axes – ID or instance of the output state vector axes
  • epEpoch of the observer. Its timescale must match that of the frame system.