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This package aims to simplify building plugins for Franklin. In particular, the definition of

  • hfun_* (functions which will be called with {{fname ...}} either from Markdown or from HTML),
  • lx_* (functions which will be called with \fname{...} from Markdown only).

Which one should you use?: both can be useful, as a rough guideline, hfun_* are simpler and lx_* are more flexible. If you would like to build a plugin package (e.g.: something like FranklinBootstrap.jl which makes it easy to work with Bootstrap), you should generally prefer lx_* as they will offer more flexibility, particularly in dealing with arguments etc. The present package will be particularly helpful for definitions of lx_* commands.

What this package exports


  • lxproc extract the content of a single-brace lx command/environment (returns the string contained in the first brace)
  • lxargs same as lxproc except it treats the string as a Julia function treats its arguments, returns args, kwargs. This allows options passed as {1, 2, opt="hello", bar=true}. Typically you'll want to use kwargs to keep things clear.


  • html a dummy function to wrap something in ~~~
  • isapproxstr a dummy function to compare two strings ignoring \s chars
  • lxd create a dummy latex definition (for testing)

Where to put definitions

General user

You should put lx_* and hfun_* functions in the utils.jl file.

Note: the utils.jl file can itself load other packages and include other files.

Package developper

Say you're developping a package like FranklinBootstrap. Then the corresponding module would export all lx_* and hfun_* definitions that you want to make available.

Users of your package should then just add in their utils.jl file either:

using FranklinBootstrap


using FranklinBootstrap: lx_fun1, lx_fun2, hfun_3

depending on whether they want a finer control over what they want to use (the former should be preferred).

Defining hfun_*

Let's say we want to define a function hfun_foo which will be called {{foo ...}}. To define such function, we must write:

function hfun_foo(...)::String
    # definition
    return html_string

that function must return a (possibly empty) String which is expected to be in HTML format.


No arguments

You could have a function without argument which would then be called {{foo}}. For this, without surprise, just leave the arguments empty in the definition:

function hfun_foo()::String
    # definition
    return html_string

With arguments

Arguments are passed as a string separated by spaces and passed as a Vector{String}, it is expected that these strings correspond to names of page variables though of course you can do whatever you want with them.

The expected workflow is:

  1. define some page variables var1, var2 (note that the definition can itself use Julia code),
  2. call the function with {{foo var1 var2}}
  3. the function hfun_foo checks the page variables var1 and var2, accesses their value and proceeds.

In all cases, the definition must now look like

function hfun_foo(args::Vector{String})::String
    # definition
    return html_string

The difference will lie in how you process the args.

Access to page variables

In both hfun_* and lx_* function you have access to the page variables defined on the page which calls the function and to page variables defined on other pages.

To access local page variables, call locvar("name_of_var"), to access a page variable defined on another page, call pagevar("relative_path", "name_of_var") where relative_path is the path to the page that defines the variable. In both case, if the variable is not found then nothing is returned.

Example: page bish/ defines var1, you can access it via locvar("var1") for any function called on and via pagevar("bish/blah") anywhere else.

Note: the relative path for pagevar can have the extension, it will be ignored so "bish/" or "bish/blah" will be interpreted identically.


Example 1

In file


In file utils.jl

function hfun_foo()
    return "<h1>Hello!</h1>"

Example 2

In file

@def var1 = 5
{{foo var1}}

In file utils.jl

function hfun_foo(args)
    vname = args[1]
    val = locvar(vname)
    io = IOBuffer()
    for i in 1:val
        write(io, "<p>" * "*"^i * "</p>")
    return String(take!(io))

Defining lx_*

Let's say we want to define a function lx_bar which will be called \bar{...}. To define such function, we must write:

function lx_bar(lxc, lxd)::String
    # definition
    return markdown_string

that function must return a (possibly empty) String which is expected to be in HTML format.


  • lxc is a Franklin object which essentially contains the content of the braces.
  • lxd is a Franklin object which contains all the LaTeX-like definitions that have been defined up to the point where \bar is called, you should generally not use it.

The recommended workflow is to use the lxargs function from FranklinUtils to read the content of the first brace as if it was the arguments passed to a Julia function:

function lx_bar(lxc, _)
    args, kwargs = lxargs(lxc)
    # work with args, kwargs
    return markdown_string

Note: a lx_* function can also build raw HTML, in that case just use the html function at the end so that it gets considered as such e.g.: return html(html_string).


