Introduction - Fread.jl

This packages allows you to use R' {data.table}'s excellent fread function to read CSVs


using Pkg

Install R packages

You need to make sure you have {data.table} and {feather} installed in your R. E.g. in your R session

install.packages(c("data.table", "feather"))


To use the default parameters of fread

using Fread

a = fread(path_to_csv)

To use customised parameters/arguments, you must set them by name using arg = e.g.

using Fread

a = fread(path_to_csv, sep="|", nrows = 50)

Convert CSVs to feather or parquet

You can use this package to convert CSVs to feather and parquet files

using Fread

csv_to_feather(path_to_csv, outpath)
csv_to_parquent(path_to_csv, outpath)

How does it work internally?

The function fread does a few of things

  1. Reads the CSV using data.table::fread
  2. Saves the data.frame in feather format
  3. Loads the feather file into Julia as a DataFrame

Step 2 creates a feather file which you can set the location of by using a 2nd unnamed argument .e.g.

fread(path_to_csv, "path/to/out.feather")

by default the feather output path is path_to_csv*".feather i.e. with the feather extension attached to the input file.


Because data.table::fread is fast! And is often much faster than native pure-Julia solutions at the moment