
Here we describe how to download test date, and run some of the examples. Here, I assume you are installing the package directly from github, and not from Julia package manager.

Getting started

To get the source code, do

mkdir FrechetDist
cd FrechetDist
git clone git@github.com:sarielhp/FrechetDist.jl.git .

Assuming the Julia is already installed, to install prerequisite packages, do:

julia examples/prereq.jl

(This would take a few minutes potentially.)

Getting the data


julia examples/download_data.jl

This creates data/ subdirectory with a lot of data from various sources (this directory is almost 1GB). (This would take a few minutes potentially.) This also creates a raw/ subdirectory, which you absolutely should delete:

rm -r -f raw/

Since it is (3.6GB), and contains all the downloaded data before conversion.

Testing the data

We use test data available from earlier project, which in turn was inspired (or is from) sigspatial competition. In any case, you have three scripts to run the tests, the larger one takes several hours:


If you change the string sfile in these scripts to file, the scripts would perform the tests in parallel using all available threads, and would be ***much*** faster.

Generating the examples in the webpage

To get more interesting outputs, and general the example webpage of this page (see here), you can run the command:

julia examples/generate_examples.jl

For a minimal example...

See the test/ subdirectory.