A morphing is an encoding of a "matching" between two curves. It is the output of the various Frechet distance computation functions. The package provides some basic geometric types in the cg submodule.
— TypeMorphing
Encoding of a moprhing (i.e., matching) between two polygonal cuves.
— FunctionMorphing_monotonize
Turns a morphing into a monotone morphing, by simply not going back, staying in place if necessary.
— FunctionMorphing_empty
Returns an empty morhping (i.e., a constructor).
— FunctionMorphing_verify_valid
Does some minimal checks that the morphing is valid. Speciifcally, check the times stemps of the events are valid.
— FunctionMorphing_combine
Gets two morphings u, v (i.e., two parameterizations) and combine them into a single morphing u(v(.)).
For example, if u: γ → δ and v: δ → ξ, then the returned morphing is u(v(⋅)): γ → ξ.
— FunctionMorphing_extract_prm
A parameterization is a polygonal curve that starts at (0,0) and
end at (m,n). The polygonal curve either have positive slope edge,
or vertical or horizontal edges. It can be thought of as a
piecewise linear function from [0,m] to [0,n]. Here m and n are the
lengths of the two given polygons of P and Q, respectively.
— FunctionMorphing_as_polygons
Turns the morphing matching into a "true" matching, by creating two polygons that their edges are directly matched. The output polygons P and Q will definitely have reapeated points.
— FunctionMorphing_extract_vertex_radii
Computes for each polygon vertex, the length of the longest edge
in the matching attached ot it. It is a cheap upper bound on the
local Frechet distance for each vertex (and implicitly the
attached edge).
— FunctionMorphing_extract_offsets