Displaying Images

Freenect.jl doesn't come with any image-specific utilities out of the box, it only returns arrays of data.

Here are some examples of using the JuliaImages suite to display data from the Kinect.

Before running these examples, be sure to install the relevant packages:

using Pkg

RGB Image

using Freenect, Images, ImageView

image, timestamp = sync_get_video(0, video_rgb)
imshow(colorview(RGB, image ./ 255))

RGB Image

Infrared Image

using Freenect, Images, ImageView

image, timestamp = sync_get_video(0, video_ir_8bit)
imshow(colorview(Gray, image ./ 255))

Infrared Image

Depth Image

These images often appear washed out when directly visualized, and anything below the minimum range appears in white.

using Freenect, Images, ImageView

depth, timestamp = sync_get_depth(0, depth_11bit)
imshow(colorview(Gray, depth ./ 2^11))

Depth Image

Point Cloud Image

While direct XYZ to RGB isn't the cleanest visualizer, it works in a pinch.

using Freenect, Images, ImageView

cloud, timestamp = sync_get_pointcloud(0)
imshow(colorview(RGB, cloud))

Point Cloud Image