— TypeAbstractSFCCObjective
Base type for non-linear SFCC optimization objectives.
— TypeBrooksCorey{Twp,Tψₛ,Tλ} <: SWRC
van Genuchten MT, 1980. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 44(5): 892–898. DOI: 10.2136/sssaj 1980.03615995004400050002x.
— TypeDallAmico{TFT,Tg,Tswrc<:SWRC} <: SFCC
Dall'Amico M, 2010. Coupled water and heat transfer in permafrost modeling. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Trento, pp. 43.
— TypeDallAmicoSalt{TFT,Tsc,TR,Tg,Tswrc<:SWRC} <: SFCC
Freeze curve from Dall'Amico (2011) with saline freezing point depression.
Angelopoulos M, Westermann S, Overduin P, Faguet A, Olenchenko V, Grosse G, Grigoriev MN. Heat and salt flow in subsea permafrost modeled with CryoGRID2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 2019 Apr;124(4):920-37.
— TypeFreeWater <: FreezeCurve
"Free water" freeze curve in terms of enthalpy (H), total water content (θtot), and the latent heat of fusion of water (L).
— TypeFreezeCurve
Base type for freezing characteristic curves which relate temperature or enthalpy to unfrozen water content.
— TypeHu2020{TFT,Tvol,Tb} <: SFCC
Soil freezing characteristic curve formulation of Hu et al. 2020.
Hu G, Zhao L, Zhu X, Wu X, Wu T, Li R, Xie C, Hao J. Review of algorithms and parameterizations to determine unfrozen water content in frozen soil. Geoderma. 2020 Jun 1;368:114277.
— TypeLUT{N,T,coordnames,TCoords,TData}
Generic implementation of an N-dimensional lookup table with support for reverse lookups w.r.t one variable.
— TypeLanger{TFT,Tvol,Ta,Tb} <: SFCC
Langer, M., Westermann, S., Muster, S., Piel, K., & Boike, J. (2011). The surface energy balance of a polygonal tundra site in northern Siberia – Part 2: Winter. The Cryosphere, 5(2), 509–524.
— TypeMcKenzie{TFT,Tvol,Tγ} <: SFCC
McKenzie JM, Voss CI, Siegel DI, 2007. Groundwater flow with energy transport and water-ice phase change: numerical simulations, benchmarks, and application to freezing in peat bogs. Advances in Water Resources, 30(4): 966–983. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2006.08.008.
— TypePainterKarra{TFT,Tβ,Tω,Tg,Tswrc<:SWRC} <: SFCC
Painter SL, Karra S. Constitutive Model for Unfrozen Water Content in Subfreezing Unsaturated Soils. Vadose zone j. 2014 Apr;13(4):1-8.
— TypePowerLaw{Tvol,Tα,Tβ} <: SFCC
Commonly used power law relation of Lovell (1957).
Lovell, C.: Temperature effects on phase composition and strength of partially frozen soil, Highway Research Board Bulletin, 168, 74–95, 1957.
— TypeSFCC <: FreezeCurve
Base type for a soil freeze characteristic curve (SFCC) function. Subtypes should be callable structs that implement the freeze curve and contain any necessary additional constants or configuration options. User-specified parameters can either be supplied in the struct or declared as model parameters via the variables
— TypeSFCCInverseEnthalpyObjective{TF,Tkwargs<:NamedTuple,Thc,TL,TH,Tsat} <: AbstractSFCCObjective
Optimization objective for finding a temperature, T
, wich resolves the conservation equation:
\[0 = (H - Lθ)/C - T\]
given a fixed enthalpy value H
and freeze curve arguments f_args
— TypeSFCCNewtonSolver <: SFCCSolver
Fast, specialized implementation of Newton's method with backtracking line search for resolving the energy conservation law, H = TC + Lθ. Attempts to find the root of the corresponding temperature residual: ϵ = T - (H - Lθ(T)) / C(θ(T)) and uses backtracking to avoid jumping over the solution. This prevents convergence issues that arise due to discontinuities and strong non-linearity in most common soil freeze curves.
— TypeSFCCPreSolver{TCache} <: SFCCSolver
A fast SFCC "solver" which pre-builds an interpolant for the freeze curve in terms of enthalpy, θ(H).
— TypeSFCCPreSolverCache1D{TF} <: AbstractPreSolverCache
Efficient "presolver" implementation that builds a 1D interpolant for θw(H)
over an adaptive range of H
values determined based on local approximation error. Note that this presolver implementation is only valid when all other freeze curve parameters are held constant and will produce incorrect results otherwise.
— TypeSFCCPreSolverCacheND{N,TF} <: AbstractPreSolverCache
More general "presolver" implementation that builds a ND lookup-table/interpolant for θw(H, sat, args...)
where args
is a set of all other freeze curve parameters passed to initialize!
. Note that this implementation currently does not perform any error control so there approximation error is not guaranteed.
— TypeSFCCSolver
Base type representing non-linear solvers for implicit SFCC functions.
— TypeSFCCTable{F,I} <: SFCC
Pre-tabulated soil freezing characteristic curve. See Tabulated
and tabulate
— TypeSWRC
Base type for soil water retention curves (SWRC) which relate soil water matric potential to water content.
— TypeSoilFreezeThawProperties{TTₘ,TLsl}
Struct containing constants/parameters common to some or all SFCCs.
— MethodSoilFreezeThawProperties(f::SFCC)
Retrieves the default SoilFreezeThawProperties
from f
; should be defined for all freeze curves.
— TypeSoilWaterVolume{Tρw,Tθres,Tθsat}
Struct containing basic physical constants and propeties related to soil pore water.
— MethodSoilWaterVolume(f::SFCC)
Retrieves the nested SoilWaterVolume
from the SoilFreezeThawProperties
of the freeze curve f
— MethodSoilWaterVolume(f::SWRC)
Get the SoilWaterVolume
defined for the given SWRC
. Must be implemented for all SWRC
types. Default implementation retrieves the field water
— TypeVanGenuchten{Tvol,Tα,Tn} <: SWRC
van Genuchten MT, 1980. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 44(5): 892–898. DOI: 10.2136/sssaj 1980.03615995004400050002x.
— TypeWestermann{TFT,Tvol,Tδ} <: SFCC
Westermann, S., Boike, J., Langer, M., Schuler, T. V., and Etzelmüller, B.: Modeling the impact of wintertime rain events on the thermal regime of permafrost, The Cryosphere, 5, 945–959,, 2011.
— MethodBase.inv(f::SWRC)
Returns a function (args...) -> f(inv, args...)
which, when implemented, evaluates the inverse of the soil water retention curve.
— MethodTabulated(f; kwargs...)
Alias for tabulate
intended for function types.
— MethodTabulated(f::SFCC, args...)
Produces an SFCCTable
function which is a tabulation of f
— Methodadstrip(x::Number) adstrip(x::ForwardDiff.Dual)
adstrip extracts the underlying numeric value from x
if x
is a ForwardDiff.Dual
number. If x
is a non-tracked numeric type, then adstrip
simply returns x
— Methodbuild_lut(f, coords::Pair{Symbol,<:Union{Number,AbstractVector}}...; f_kwargs...)
Builds an n-dimensional lookup table LUT
by invoking f
on the given coords
. f
should be a function which accepts keyword arguments matching coords
as well as any additional constant keyword arguments f_kwargs
f(; x=1.0, y=1.0) = x + y
lut = build_lut(f, :x => -10.0:10.0, :y=-10.0:10.0)
lut(; x=2.2, y=1.5)
# output
— Methoddual(x::Number, ::Type{tag}) where {tag}
dual(x::A, ::Type{tag}) where {N,T,A<:SVector{N,T},tag}
Constructs a ForwardDiff.Dual
number (or static array thereof) with tag
from x
— Methodenthalpy(T, C, L, θw)
Computes the volumetric enthalpy [J/m^3] given T, C, L, θw.
— Methodheatcapacity(c_frozen::Number, c_thawed::Number; θtot=1.0)
Piecewise constant heat capacity function:
\[f(θw,θtot,θsat) = \begin{cases} c_f & θw < θtot \\ c_t & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]
— Methodheatcapacity(c::Number)
Heat capacity function f(θw,θtot,θsat) = c
where c
is a pre-specified constant.
— Methodheaviside(x)
Differentiable implementation of heaviside step function, i.e:
$h(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & x ≥ 0 \\ 0 & x < 0 \end{cases}$
— Methodinflectionpoint(f::SFCC)
Returns the analytical inflection point (i.e. where ∂²θ/∂T^2 = 0), if available.
— Methodinflectionpoint(f::SWRC)
Returns the analytical solution for the inflection point (i.e. where ∂²θ/∂ψ² = 0) of the SWRC, if available.
— Methodinitialize!(solver::SFCCSolver, fc::SFCC, hc; fc_kwargs...)
Initializes solver
(if necessary) for the freeze curve function fc
with arguments fc_kwargs
and heat capacity function hc
. Default implementation does nothing.
— Methodinitialize!(solver::SFCCPreSolver{<:SFCCPreSolverCache1D}, fc::SFCC, hc::F; fc_kwargs...)
Initializes this SFCCPreSolver
by building interpolants for fc
and its derivatives. θtot
and θsat
are assumed fixed. hc
must be heat capacity as a function of liquid water content.
— Methodnormalize_temperature(x)
Converts temperature x
to Kelvin. If x
has units, uconvert
is used. Otherwise, if x
a general numeric type, does a heuristic check x <= 200
and assumes the given temperature is in celsius if the condition is satisfied.
— Methodsfccsolve(obj::AbstractSFCCObjective, solver::SFCCSolver, x₀, ::Val{return_all}=Val{true}()) where {return_all}
Solve the given objective obj
using solver
and initial guess x₀
. If return_all=true
, then sfccsolve
should return a named tuple with at least the temperature solution T
, the liquid water content θw
, the heat capacity C
, and the liquid water content deriviative ∂θw∂T
defined. Solver-specific additional values may also be included.
— Methodsfccsolve(obj::SFCCInverseEnthalpyObjective, solver::SFCCNewtonSolver, T₀::Number, ::Val{return_all}=Val{true}(); error_when_not_converged=true)
Solves obj
using the specialized Newton solver
and returns the result. If return_all
is true
, a named tuple (;T, Tres, θw, C, itercount)
is returned; otherwise (by default), only the temperature solution is returned.
— Methodswrc(::SFCC)
Retrieves the SWRC
embedded within this SFCC
, if defined. The default value for freeze curve functions without an associated soil-water retention curve is nothing
— Methodtabulate(f; kwargs...)
Tabulates the given function f
using a linear, multi-dimensional interpolant. Knots should be given as keyword arguments arg = A
where A
is a StepRange
or Vector
of input values (knots) at which to evaluate the function. A
may also be a Number
, in which case a pseudo-point interpolant will be used (i.e valid on [A,A+ϵ]
). Note that all arguments to f
must be accepted as keyword arguments.
— Methodtemperature_residual(f::F, hc, L, H, T, sat; θsat=SoilWaterVolume(f).θsat, f_kwargs...) where {F<:SFCC}
Helper function for updating θw, C, and the residual. hc
should be a function (θw,θtot,θsat) -> C
which computes the heat capacity from the unfrozen, total, and maximum (saturated) water contents respectively.
— Methodwaterpotential(f::SWRC, θ; θsat=f.vol.θsat, θres=f.vol.θres, kwargs...)
Returns the water potential at volumetric water content θ
by evaluating the inverse of f
— Methodplot(T, fc::SFCC)
Simple plotting recipe for SFCC
which takes care of stripping units.
— Methodplot(Ts, fc::SFCC)
Simple plotting recipe for SWRC
which takes care of stripping units.
— Methodustrip(x)
Reconstructs the type or function x
with all numerical quantities stripped of units. All units are first converted to preferred SI units before being stripped.