
From the wikipedia article on the Fresnel Equations: "The Fresnel equations (or Fresnel coefficients) describe the reflection and transmission of light (or electromagnetic radiation in general) when incident on an interface between different optical media."

This function defines 8 functions that implement the equations found in the wikipedia article. An overview of the functions is given below.

Function Description Physical meaning
R_s and R_p Reflectance Fraction of energy reflected
T_s and T_p Transmittance Fraction of energy transmitted
r_s and r_p Reflection coefficient Change in amplitude of E-field upon reflection
t_s and t_p Transmission coefficient Change in amplitude of E-field upon transmission


Usage of this package is quite simple. Below is a demonstration of the usage of all 8 functions defined.

julia> using FresnelEquations

julia> let
           n1 = 1
           n2 = 2
           θ_i = deg2rad(10)
           [f(n1, n2, θ_i) for f in (R_s, R_p, T_s, T_p, r_s, r_p, t_s, t_p)]
8-element Vector{Float64}:

Note that the transmittance T could be defined as 1 - R, guaranteeing perfect energy conservation. This implementation can however suffer catastrophic cancellation as R approaches 1. Instead, the transmission coefficient t is used directly, meaning that conservation of energy is only accurate to numerical precision.

julia> let
           n1 = 1
           n2 = 2
           θ_i = deg2rad(10)
           @show R_s(n1, n2, θ_i) + T_s(n1, n2, θ_i)
           @show R_p(n1, n2, θ_i) + T_p(n1, n2, θ_i)
R_s(n1, n2, θ_i) + T_s(n1, n2, θ_i) = 0.9999999999999999
R_p(n1, n2, θ_i) + T_p(n1, n2, θ_i) = 1.0


Note that some assumptions are made in deriving these equations:

  1. The interface between the media is flat
  2. The media are homogeneous and isotropic
  3. The media are non-magnetic, i.e. with a permeability equal to that of vacuum.

You can read more about the assumptions and the sources referenced in the wikipedia article on the Fresnel Equations: