
AbstractFunctionIndex interface

This package defines a type AbstractFunctionIndex (AFI for short) which can be converted to an array index by Base.to_indices. To define a new type of AbstractFunctionIndex, you need to implement the following methods:

to_function(I)requiredconvert the given AFI to a function;
indextypeAbstractArraydetermines the return index of to_index type converted from AFI;
to_indexmap function of AFI to axisconvert AFI to an index;

AbstractNotIndex interface

AbstractNotIndex is a subtype of AbstractFunctionIndex, which represents an inverted index. To define a new type of AbstractNotIndex, the only needed method is Base.parent, which returns the parent index which is inverted by this index. to_function for AbstractNotIndex is pre-defined as notin(parent(I)).

Define a new NotIndex

If you don't like the default behaviour of not, creating a new Notindex type is easy:

using FunctionIndices
struct YatAnotherNotIndex{T} <: FunctionIndices.AbstractNotIndex{T}
const YANI = YatAnotherNotIndex
Base.parent(I::YatAnotherNotIndex) = I.parent
reshape(1:10, 2, 5)[YANI(1), YANI(2)]
1×4 Matrix{Int64}:
 2  6  8  10

If a big array of linear indices I should be excluded, create a new index array by setdiff might faster than map(!in(I)). You can do this by defining indextype and to_index for YANI:

FunctionIndices.indextype(::Type{<:AbstractArray}, ::Type{<:YANI{<:Array{<:Integer}}}) = Vector{Int}
FunctionIndices.to_index(::Type{Vector{Int}}, A, ind, I::YANI{<:Array{<:Integer}}) = setdiff(ind, parent(I))::Vector{Int}
to_indices(0:10, (YANI([1, 2, 3]),))
([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],)