Library Reference




A binding associates some T-typed value to a name.

name is an optional distinguished name value is the element


A Context is anything which contains an ordered list of scopes.

Scopes within a context are referred to by level, which is their index within this list.

Contexts should overload:

  • getscope(c::Context, level::Int) -> Scope
  • nscopes(c::Context) -> Int
  • hastag(c::Context, tag::ScopeTag) -> Bool
  • hasname(c::Context, name::Symbol) -> Bool
  • getlevel(c::Context, tag::ScopeTag) -> Int
  • getlevel(c::Context, name::Symbol) -> Int
  • alltags(c::Context) -> Set{ScopeTag}

A type for things which contain a scope list.

Notably, GATs contain a scope list.

Must implement:

getscopelist(hsl::HasScopeList) -> ScopeList



An identifier.

tag refers to the scope that this Ident is bound in lid indexes the scope that Ident is bound in name is an optional field for the sake of printing. A variable in a scope might be associated with several names


A LID (Local ID) indexes a given scope.

Currently, scopes assign LIDs sequentially – this is not a stable guarantee however, and in theory scopes could have "sparse" LIDs.



In GATlab, we handle shadowing with a notion of scope. Names shadow between scopes. Anything which binds variables introduces a scope, for instance a @theory declaration or a context. For example, here is a scope with 3 elements:

x = 3
y = "hello"
z = x 

Here z is introduced as an alias for x. It is illegal to shadow within a scope. Overloading is not explicitly treated but can be managed by having values which refer to identifiers earlier / the present scope. See GATs.jl, for example.


hasident checks whether an identifier with specified data exists, by attempting to create it and returning whether or not that attempt failed.


ident creates an Ident from a context and some partial data supplied as keywords.

Keywords arguments:

  • tag::Union{ScopeTag, Nothing}. The tag of the scope that the Ident is in.
  • name::Union{Symbol, Nothing}. The name of the identifier.
  • lid::Union{LID, Nothing}. The lid of the identifier within its scope.
  • level::Union{Int, Nothing}. The level of the scope within the context.
  • strict::Bool. If strict is true, throw an error if not found, else return nothing.

rename(tag::ScopeTag, replacements::Dict{Symbol, Symbol}, x::T) where {T} -> T

Recurse through the structure of x, and change any name n in scope tag to get(replacements, n, n). Overload this function on structs that have names in them.


retag(replacements::Dict{ScopeTag, ScopeTag}, x::T) where {T} -> T

Recurse through the structure of x, swapping any instance of a ScopeTag t with get(replacements, t, t). Overload this function on structs that have ScopeTags within them.



The arguments to a term constructor serve a dual function as both arguments and also methods to extract the value of those arguments.

I.e., declaring Hom(dom::Ob, codom::Ob)::TYPE implicitly overloads a previous declaration for dom and codom, or creates declarations if none previously exist.



A declaration of a constructor; constructor methods in the form of AlgTermConstructors or the accessors for AlgTypeConstructors follow later in the theory.


A shorthand for a function, such as "square(x) := x * x". It is relevant for models but can be ignored by theory maps, as it is fully determined by other judgments in the theory.



A description of the argument sorts for a term constructor, used to disambiguate multiple term constructors of the same name.



A declaration which is sugar for an AlgTypeConstructor, an AlgTermConstructor which constructs an element of that type, and projection term constructors. E.g.

struct Cospan(dom, codom) ⊣ [dom:Ob, codom::Ob]

Is tantamount to (in a vanilla GAT):

Cospan(dom::Ob, codom::Ob)::TYPE 

cospan(apex, i1, i2)::Cospan(dom, codom) 
  ⊣ [(dom, codom, apex)::Ob, i1::dom->apex, i2::codom->apex]

apex(csp::Cospan(d::Ob, c::Ob))::Ob            
i1(csp::Cospan(d::Ob, c::Ob))::(d->apex(csp))
i2(csp::Cospan(d::Ob, c::Ob))::(c->apex(csp))

apex(cospan(a, i_1, i_2)) == a  
  ⊣ [(dom, codom, apex)::Ob, i_1::dom->apex, i_2::codom->apex]
i1(cospan(a, i_1, i_2)) == i_1 
  ⊣ [(dom, codom, apex)::Ob, i_1::dom->apex, i_2::codom->apex]
i2(cospan(a, i_1, i_2)) == i_2
  ⊣ [(dom, codom, apex)::Ob, i_1::dom->apex, i_2::codom->apex]

cospan(apex(csp), i1(csp), i2(csp)) == csp
  ⊣ [(dom, codom)::Ob, csp::Cospan(dom, codom)]


A generalized algebraic theory. Essentially, just consists of a name and a list of GATSegments, but there is also some caching to make access faster. Specifically, there is a dictionary to map ScopeTag to position in the list of segments, and there are lists of all of the identifiers for term constructors, type constructors, and axioms so that they can be iterated through faster.

GATs allow overloading but not shadowing.



A context consisting of two parts: a GAT and a TypeCtx

Certain types (like AlgTerm) can only be parsed in a GATContext, because they require access to the method resolving in the GAT.



A piece of a GAT, consisting of a scope that binds judgments to names, possibly disambiguated by argument sorts.

This is a struct rather than just a type alias so that we can customize the show method.



An application of a method of a constructor to arguments. We need a type parameter T because AlgTerm hasn't been defined yet, but the only type used for T will in fact be AlgTerm.

method either points to an AlgTermConstructor, an AlgTypeConstructor or an AlgAccessor,



Right now, this just maps a sort signature to the resolved method.

When we eventually support varargs, this will have to do something slightly fancier.



A scope where variables are assigned to AlgTypes. We use a wrapper here so that it pretty prints as [a::B] instead of {a => AlgType(B)}


Implicit equations defined by a context.

This function allows a generalized algebraic theory (GAT) to be expressed as an essentially algebraic theory, i.e., as partial functions whose domains are defined by equations.


  • (Cartmell, 1986, Sec 6: "Essentially algebraic theories and categories with finite limits")
  • (Freyd, 1972, "Aspects of topoi")

This function gives expressions for computing the elements of c.context which can be inferred from applying accessor functions to elements of args.


equations({f::Hom(a,b), g::Hom(b,c)}, {a::Ob, b::Ob, c::Ob}, ThCategory)

waysofcomputing = Dict(a => [dom(f)], b => [codom(f), dom(g)], c => [codom(g)], f => [f], g => [g])


Common methods for AlgType and AlgTerm


This is necessary because the intuitive precedence rules for the symbols that we use do not match the Julia precedence rules. In theory, this could be written with some algorithm that recalculates precedence, but I am too lazy to write that, so instead I just special case everything.


f(pushbinding!, expr) should inspect expr and call pushbinding! 0 or more times with two arguments: the name and value of a new binding.


sortcheck(ctx::Context, t::AlgTerm)

Throw an error if a the head of an AlgTerm (which refers to a term constructor) has arguments of the wrong sort. Returns the sort of the term.


sortcheck(ctx::Context, t::AlgType)

Throw an error if a the head of an AlgType (which refers to a type constructor) has arguments of the wrong sort.


toexpr(c::Context, t) -> Any

Converts GATlab syntax into an Expr that can be read in via fromexpr to get the same thing. Crucially, the output of this will depend on the order of the scopes in c, and if read back in with a different c may end up with different results.



implements(m::Model, tag::ScopeTag) -> Union{ImplementationNotes, Nothing}

If m implements the GATSegment referred to by tag, then return the corresponding implementation notes.


Add WithModel param first, if this is not an old instance (it shouldn't have it already) Qualify method name to be in theory module Qualify args to struct types Add context kwargs if not already present


Given a Theory Morphism T->U and a model Mᵤ which implements U, obtain a model Mₜ which wraps Mᵤ and is a model of T.

Future work: There is some subtlety in how accessor functions should be handled. TODO: The new instance methods do not yet handle the context keyword argument.



struct TypedFinSetC <: Model{Tuple{Vector{Int}, Vector{Int}}}

@instance ThCategory{Vector{Int}, Vector{Int}} [model::TypedFinSetC] begin
  Ob(v::Vector{Int}) = all(1 <= j <= model.ntypes for j in v)
  Hom(f::Vector{Int}, v::Vector{Int}, w::Vector{Int}) =
     length(f) == length(v) && all(1 <= y <= length(w) for y in f)

  id(v::Vector{Int}) = collect(eachindex(v))
  compose(f::Vector{Int}, g::Vector{Int}) = g[f]

  dom(f::Vector{Int}; context) = context.dom
  codom(f::Vector{Int}; context) = context.codom

struct SliceCat{Ob, Hom, C <: Model{Tuple{Ob, Hom}}} <: Model{Tuple{Tuple{Ob, Hom}, Hom}}

@instance ThCategory{Tuple{Ob, Hom}, Hom} [model::SliceCat{Ob, Hom, C}] where {Ob, Hom, C<:Model{Tuple{Ob, Hom}}} begin

Base type for expressions in the syntax of a GAT. This is an alternative to AlgTerm used for backwards compatibility with Catlab.

We define Julia types for each type constructor in the theory, e.g., object, morphism, and 2-morphism in the theory of 2-categories. Of course, Julia's type system does not support dependent types, so the type parameters are incorporated in the Julia types. (They are stored as extra data in the expression instances.)

The concrete types are structurally similar to the core type Expr in Julia. However, the term constructor is represented as a type parameter, rather than as a head field. This makes dispatch using Julia's type system more convenient.


Get name of GAT generator expression as a Symbol.

If the generator has no name, returns nothing.


Functor from GAT expression to GAT instance.

Strictly speaking, we should call these "structure-preserving functors" or, better, "model homomorphisms of GATs". But this is a category theory library, so we'll go with the simpler "functor".

A functor is completely determined by its action on the generators. There are several ways to specify this mapping:

  1. Specify a Julia instance type for each GAT type, using the required types tuple. For this to work, the generator constructors must be defined for the instance types.

  2. Explicitly map each generator term to an instance value, using the generators dictionary.

  3. For each GAT type (e.g., object and morphism), specify a function mapping generator terms of that type to an instance value, using the terms dictionary.

The terms dictionary can also be used for special handling of non-generator expressions. One use case for this capability is defining forgetful functors, which map non-generators to generators.



@symbolic_model generates the free model of a theory, generated by symbols.

This is backwards compatible with the @syntax macro in Catlab.

One way of thinking about this is that for every type constructor, we add an additional term constructor that builds a "symbolic" element of that type from any Julia value. This term constructor is called "generator".

An invocation of @symbolic_model creates the following.

  1. A module with a struct for each type constructor, which has a single type

parameter T and two fields, args and type_args. Instances of this struct are thought of as elements of the type given by the type constructor applied to type_args. The type parameter refers to the term constructor that was used to generate the element, including the special term constructor :generator, which has as its single argument an Any.

For instance, in the theory of categories, we might have the following elements.

using .FreeCategory
x = Ob{:generator}([:x], [])
y = Ob{:generator}([:y], [])
f = Hom{:generator}([:f], [x, y])
g = Hom{:generator}([:g], [y, x])
h = Hom{:compose}([f, g], [x, x])
  1. Methods inside the module (not exported) for all of the term constructors and

field accessors (i.e. stuff like compose, id, dom, codom), which construct terms.

  1. A default instance (i.e., without a model parameter) of the theory using the

types in this generated model. Methods in this instance can be overridden by the body of @symbolic_model to perform rewriting for the sake of normalization, for instance flattening associative and unital operations.

  1. Coercion methods of the type constructors that allow one to introduce generators.
x = ThCategory.Ob(FreeCategory.Ob, :x)
y = ThCategory.Ob(FreeCategory.Ob, :y)
f = ThCategory.Hom(:f, x, y)

Note that in both the instance and in these coercion methods, we must give the expected type as the first argument when it cannot be infered by the other arguments. For instance, instead of

munit() = ...

we have

munit(::Type{FreeSMC.Ob}) = ...

and likewise instead of

ThCategory.Ob(x::Any) = ...

we have

ThCategory.Ob(::Type{FreeCategory.Ob}, x::Any) = ...


@symbolic_model FreeCategory{ObExr, HomExpr} ThCategory begin
  compose(f::Hom, g::Hom) = associate_unit(new(f,g; strict=true), id)

This generates:

module FreeCategory
export Ob, Hom
using ..__module__

module Meta
  const theory_module = ThCategory
  const theory = ThCategory.Meta.theory
  const theory_type = ThCategory.Meta.T

struct Ob{T} <: __module__.ObExpr{T} # T is :generator or a Symbol

struct Hom{T} <: __module__.HomExpr{T}

dom(x::Hom) = x.type_args[1]

codom(x::Hom) = x.type_args[2]

function compose(f::Hom, g::Hom; strict=true)
  if strict && !(codom(f) == dom(g))
    throw(SyntaxDomainError(:compose, [f, g]))
  Hom{:compose}([f, g], [dom(f), codom(g)])

function id(x::Ob)
  Ob{:id}([x], [x, x])

# default implementations 

function ThCategory.dom(x::FreeCategory.Hom)::FreeCategory.Ob

function ThCategory.Ob(::Type{FreeCategory.Ob}, __value__::Any)::FreeCategory.Ob
  FreeCategory.Ob{:generator}([__value__], [])


function ThCategory.compose(f::FreeCategory.Hom, g::FreeCategory.Hom; strict=true)
  associate_unit(FreeCategory.compose(f, g; strict), id)
