
Tensor decomposition type for the canonical polyadic decompositions (CPD) of a tensor (i.e., a multi-dimensional array) A. This is the return type of gcp(_), the corresponding tensor decomposition function.

If M::CPD is the decomposition object, the weights λ and the factor matrices U = (U[1],...,U[N]) can be obtained via M.λ and M.U, such that A = Σ_j λ[j] U[1][:,j] ∘ ⋯ ∘ U[N][:,j].

default_algorithm(X, r, loss, constraints)

Return a default algorithm for the data tensor X, rank r, loss function loss, and tuple of constraints constraints.

See also: gcp.

default_init([rng=default_rng()], X, r, loss, constraints, algorithm)

Return a default initialization for the data tensor X, rank r, loss function loss, tuple of constraints constraints, and algorithm algorithm, using the random number generator rng if needed.

See also: gcp.

gcp(X::Array, r;
    loss = GCPLosses.LeastSquares(),
    constraints = default_constraints(loss),
    algorithm = default_algorithm(X, r, loss, constraints),
    init = default_init(X, r, loss, constraints, algorithm))

Compute an approximate rank-r CP decomposition of the tensor X with respect to the loss function loss and return a CPD object.

Keyword arguments:

  • constraints : a Tuple of constraints on the factor matrices U = (U[1],...,U[N]).
  • algorithm : algorithm to use

Conventional CP corresponds to the default GCPLosses.LeastSquares() loss with the default of no constraints (i.e., constraints = ()).

If the LossFunctions.jl package is also loaded, loss can also be a loss function from that package. Check GCPDecompositions.LossFunctionsExt.SupportedLosses to see what losses are supported.

See also: CPD, GCPLosses, GCPConstraints, GCPAlgorithms.


Alternating Least Squares. Workhorse algorithm for LeastSquares loss with no constraints.

Algorithm parameters:

  • maxiters::Int : max number of iterations (default: 200)

Abstract type for GCP algorithms.

Concrete types ConcreteAlgorithm <: AbstractAlgorithm should implement _gcp(X, r, loss, constraints, algorithm::ConcreteAlgorithm) that returns a CPD.


Fast Alternating Least Squares.

Efficient ALS algorithm proposed in:

Fast Alternating LS Algorithms for High Order CANDECOMP/PARAFAC Tensor Factorizations. Anh-Huy Phan, Petr Tichavský, Andrzej Cichocki. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2013. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2013.2269903

Algorithm parameters:

  • maxiters::Int : max number of iterations (default: 200)

Limited-memory BFGS with Box constraints.

Brief description of algorithm parameters:

  • m::Int : max number of variable metric corrections (default: 10)
  • factr::Float64 : function tolerance in units of machine epsilon (default: 1e7)
  • pgtol::Float64 : (projected) gradient tolerance (default: 1e-5)
  • maxfun::Int : max number of function evaluations (default: 15000)
  • maxiter::Int : max number of iterations (default: 15000)
  • iprint::Int : verbosity (default: -1)
    • iprint < 0 means no output
    • iprint = 0 prints only one line at the last iteration
    • 0 < iprint < 99 prints f and |proj g| every iprint iterations
    • iprint = 99 prints details of every iteration except n-vectors
    • iprint = 100 also prints the changes of active set and final x
    • iprint > 100 prints details of every iteration including x and g

See documentation of LBFGSB.jl for more details.

FastALS_iter!(X, U, λ) 

Algorithm for computing MTTKRP sequences is from "Fast Alternating LS Algorithms
for High Order CANDECOMP/PARAFAC Tensor Factorizations" by Phan et al., specifically
section III-C.
_gcp(X, r, loss, constraints, algorithm)

Internal function to compute an approximate rank-r CP decomposition of the tensor X with respect to the loss function loss and the constraints constraints using the algorithm algorithm, returning a CPD object.


Abstract type for GCP loss functions $f(x,m)$, where $x$ is the data entry and $m$ is the model entry.

Concrete types ConcreteLoss <: AbstractLoss should implement:

  • value(loss::ConcreteLoss, x, m) that computes the value of the loss function $f(x,m)$
  • deriv(loss::ConcreteLoss, x, m) that computes the value of the partial derivative $\partial_m f(x,m)$ with respect to $m$
  • domain(loss::ConcreteLoss) that returns an Interval from IntervalSets.jl defining the domain for $m$
BernoulliLogit(eps::Real = 1e-10)

Loss corresponding to the statistical assumption of Bernouli data X with log odds-success rate given by the low-rank model tensor M

  • Distribution: $x_i \sim \operatorname{Bernouli}(\rho_i)$
  • Link function: $m_i = \log(\frac{\rho_i}{1 - \rho_i})$
  • Loss function: $f(x, m) = \log(1 + e^m) - xm$
  • Domain: $m \in \mathbb{R}$
BernoulliOdds(eps::Real = 1e-10)

Loss corresponding to the statistical assumption of Bernouli data X with odds-sucess rate given by the low-rank model tensor M

  • Distribution: $x_i \sim \operatorname{Bernouli}(\rho_i)$
  • Link function: $m_i = \frac{\rho_i}{1 - \rho_i}$
  • Loss function: $f(x, m) = \log(m + 1) - x\log(m + \epsilon)$
  • Domain: $m \in [0, \infty)$
BetaDivergence(β::Real, eps::Real)

BetaDivergence Loss for given β
  • Loss function: $f(x, m; β) = \frac{1}{\beta}m^{\beta} - \frac{1}{\beta - 1}xm^{\beta - 1} if \beta \in \mathbb{R} \{0, 1\}, m - x\log(m) if \beta = 1, \frac{x}{m} + \log(m) if \beta = 0$
  • Domain: $m \in [0, \infty)$
Gamma(eps::Real = 1e-10)

Loss corresponding to a statistical assumption of Gamma-distributed data X with scale given by the low-rank model tensor M.

  • Distribution: $x_i \sim \operatorname{Gamma}(k, \sigma_i)$
  • Link function: $m_i = k \sigma_i$
  • Loss function: $f(x,m) = \frac{x}{m + \epsilon} + \log(m + \epsilon)$
  • Domain: $m \in [0, \infty)$

Huber Loss for given Δ

  • Loss function: $f(x, m) = (x - m)^2 if \abs(x - m)\leq\Delta, 2\Delta\abs(x - m) - \Delta^2 otherwise$
  • Domain: $m \in \mathbb{R}$

Loss corresponding to conventional CP decomposition. Corresponds to a statistical assumption of Gaussian data X with mean given by the low-rank model tensor M.

  • Distribution: $x_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, \sigma)$
  • Link function: $m_i = \mu_i$
  • Loss function: $f(x,m) = (x-m)^2$
  • Domain: $m \in \mathbb{R}$
NegativeBinomialOdds(r::Integer, eps::Real = 1e-10)

Loss corresponding to the statistical assumption of Negative Binomial data X with log odds failure rate given by the low-rank model tensor M

  • Distribution: $x_i \sim \operatorname{NegativeBinomial}(r, \rho_i)$
  • Link function: $m = \frac{\rho}{1 - \rho}$
  • Loss function: $f(x, m) = (r + x) \log(1 + m) - x\log(m + \epsilon)$
  • Domain: $m \in [0, \infty)$

Loss corresponding to nonnegative CP decomposition. Corresponds to a statistical assumption of Gaussian data X with nonnegative mean given by the low-rank model tensor M.

  • Distribution: $x_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, \sigma)$
  • Link function: $m_i = \mu_i$
  • Loss function: $f(x,m) = (x-m)^2$
  • Domain: $m \in [0, \infty)$
Poisson(eps::Real = 1e-10)

Loss corresponding to a statistical assumption of Poisson data X with rate given by the low-rank model tensor M.

  • Distribution: $x_i \sim \operatorname{Poisson}(\lambda_i)$
  • Link function: $m_i = \lambda_i$
  • Loss function: $f(x,m) = m - x \log(m + \epsilon)$
  • Domain: $m \in [0, \infty)$

Loss corresponding to a statistical assumption of Poisson data X with log-rate given by the low-rank model tensor M.

  • Distribution: $x_i \sim \operatorname{Poisson}(\lambda_i)$
  • Link function: $m_i = \log \lambda_i$
  • Loss function: $f(x,m) = e^m - x m$
  • Domain: $m \in \mathbb{R}$
Rayleigh(eps::Real = 1e-10)

Loss corresponding to the statistical assumption of Rayleigh data X with sacle given by the low-rank model tensor M

  • Distribution: $x_i \sim \operatorname{Rayleigh}(\theta_i)$
  • Link function: $m_i = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2}\theta_i}$
  • Loss function: $f(x, m) = 2\log(m + \epsilon) + \frac{\pi}{4}(\frac{x}{m + \epsilon})^2$
  • Domain: $m \in [0, \infty)$

Type for user-defined loss functions $f(x,m)$, where $x$ is the data entry and $m$ is the model entry.

Contains three fields:

  1. func::Function : function that evaluates the loss function $f(x,m)$
  2. deriv::Function : function that evaluates the partial derivative $\partial_m f(x,m)$ with respect to $m$
  3. domain::Interval : Interval from IntervalSets.jl defining the domain for $m$

The constructor is UserDefined(func; deriv, domain). If not provided,

  • deriv is automatically computed from func using forward-mode automatic differentiation
  • domain gets a default value of Interval(-Inf, +Inf)
deriv(loss, x, m)

Compute the derivative of the (entrywise) loss function loss at the model entry m for the data entry x.

grad_U!(GU, M::CPD, X::AbstractArray, loss)

Compute the GCP gradient with respect to the factor matrices U = (U[1],...,U[N]) for the model tensor M, data tensor X, and loss function loss, and store the result in GU = (GU[1],...,GU[N]).

objective(M::CPD, X::AbstractArray, loss)

Compute the GCP objective function for the model tensor M, data tensor X, and loss function loss.

_checked_khatrirao_dims(A1, A2, ...)

Check that A1, A2, etc. have compatible dimensions for the Khatri-Rao product. If so, return a tuple of the number of rows and the shared number of columns. If not, throw an error.

_checked_mttkrp_dims(X, (U1, U2, ..., UN), n)

Check that X and U have compatible dimensions for the mode-n MTTKRP. If so, return a tuple of the number of rows and the shared number of columns for the Khatri-Rao product. If not, throw an error.

_checked_mttkrps_dims(X, (U1, U2, ..., UN))

Check that X and U have compatible dimensions for the mode-n MTTKRP. If so, return a tuple of the number of rows and the shared number of columns for the Khatri-Rao product. If not, throw an error.

create_mttkrp_buffer(X, U, n)

Create buffer to hold intermediate calculations in mttkrp!.

Always use create_mttkrp_buffer to make a buffer for mttkrp!; the internal details of buffer may change in the future and should not be relied upon.

See also: mttkrp!

mttkrp!(G, X, (U1, U2, ..., UN), n, buffer=create_mttkrp_buffer(X, U, n))

Compute the Matricized Tensor Times Khatri-Rao Product (MTTKRP) of an N-way tensor X with the matrices U1, U2, ..., UN along mode n and store the result in G.

Optionally, provide a buffer for intermediate calculations. Always use create_mttkrp_buffer to make the buffer; the internal details of buffer may change in the future and should not be relied upon.

Algorithm is based on Section III-B of the paper:

Fast Alternating LS Algorithms for High Order CANDECOMP/PARAFAC Tensor Factorizations. Anh-Huy Phan, Petr Tichavský, Andrzej Cichocki. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2013. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2013.2269903

See also: mttkrp, create_mttkrp_buffer

mttkrp(X, (U1, U2, ..., UN), n)

Compute the Matricized Tensor Times Khatri-Rao Product (MTTKRP) of an N-way tensor X with the matrices U1, U2, ..., UN along mode n.

See also: mttkrp!

mttkrps!(G, X, (U1, U2, ..., UN))

Compute the Matricized Tensor Times Khatri-Rao Product Sequence (MTTKRPS) of an N-way tensor X with the matrices U1, U2, ..., UN and store the result in G.

See also: mttkrps

mttkrps(X, (U1, U2, ..., UN))

Compute the Matricized Tensor Times Khatri-Rao Product Sequence (MTTKRPS) of an N-way tensor X with the matrices U1, U2, ..., UN.

See also: mttkrps!